Any recommendations?
New to Homey, received it last night.
There appear to be a lot of ways to use Oregon Temp Sensors, ironically the Oregon App did not detect any of the 8 Oregon Temp Sensors in the house 
I have tried
Oregon App - no sensors detected overnight.
Weather Sensors App - found 4 of the Oregon Sensors overnight
Could not get the RFXCOM App to install at all - it just stated my Homey was not compatible with it.
Just installed the RFXCOM 2 App to see if it can see any of the Oregon Sensors could be found.
For the record ALL 8 of the Oregon sensors are being received by my existing HA using the RFXCOM hw, I am hoping Homey will be an upgrade for it.
Hi, did you receive an answer ? I would like also to know which app is best.
Furthermore, I would like to know if the support is good…
No answer.
Unfortunately I was unable to get the supported Secure/Horstmann zwave heating controller to connect to Homey due to a bug in the app.
I was unable to continue with Homey, I needed a HA that will control heating.
Hopefully one day it will be fixed and I can test Homey again.
Really liked Homey, I was very impressed by it.
So sad… Homey seems great but developpeurs ar not enough in number…
I dont knwo if Homey is successful
I use draadloze weersensoren app from Ramon Baas, you van choose 3 different Oregon types in the configuration page.
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Thanks a lot ! Thats works well ?
Worked for me, it took a while before homey discovered my weather station.
I remember that i used the reset button on the oregon station.