Athom Roadmap for Homey services and Homey Pro (Early 2023)

All info about web app, HP2023 and bridgen are all beta beta beta.

Is there any timeline when stuff is going out of beta and into GA???


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Thank you for being part of the Homey & Homey Bridge beta! The Homey service is now live, and Homey Premium is available for purchase.

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So the bridge is in ga

But hp2023 and the new app is not, right?

Athom doesn’t call it that,

The Homey service is now live, and Homey Premium is available for purchase.

Homey Pro (Early 2023) is on Pre-order and delivered as Early Access
You need the Beta Mobile App for that and the roadmap for new features in the new Homey Pro is here also: Homey Pro - the world's most advanced smart home hub.
The Beta Mobile App is only necessary for (setup of) Homey Pro (Early 2023).

All info is just public available on their Website.

The WebApp is partial functional (everything Else use the Mobile app)
Only Devices has a Beta-Label. But no one knows what is Beta on that as almost everything works and is possible there.

BTW Athom almost never communicates dates, the Q1 - Q4 on the #pre-order page is already an exception.

Just wait (but that is publicly known by the community) The famous: Soon™

Everything else is not Beta (3x)…

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Yeah I know the are not calling it GA but you know what I mean GenerallAvailability, production what ever.

On the public site ”Early access” is targeted for Q4 2022 and Q1 is releasing satellite mode.

However thanks for clarification in this thread.
Still the same status from Homey, ”it’s beta and we dont communicate roadmap”
The new HP2023 can be in beta mode for the next 4 years, we do not have any information saying otherwise :slight_smile:

Well I tried all automationen devices more or less and all has it flaws. Homey has its vendor I guess :wink:

Btw way I have my HP (early 2018) and waiting eagerly for the 2023 beta x3 or not :grinning:

Hello, I am interested in the development roadmap of the Homey Pro, both software and hardware.
I don’t have a Homey yet, but I am willing to purchase it next year for our new penthouse (currently) being built :slight_smile:
Could someone share a timeline for (for example) the next 1-2 years?

Welcome, This is a Community forum,
Only Athom can share that and usually don’t announce much unless it is ready,
Only exception: Homey Pro - the world's most advanced smart home hub.
So Guess you have to do it with that.