Arduino Matter thread board adding to Homey

I recently bought a silicon dev20270 board which I hoped I could connect to my homey pro using Matter. After uploading the first code on the board and trying to connect the board I got a message the device cannot be added because it is not certified. Does someone know a way to add uncertified devices(which I made myself) so I can play around with it. I know there are apps which allow you adding your Arduino boards using wifi but would like to use Matter if possible. Also not sure if you could maybe add those devices if you would make a app?

So if someone has any idea if and how it’s possible let me know. Thanks

Hi @Trebbit,
Contact support to pressure them, I have the same problem now

I’ve done that

Read the response. They’re basically saying “no, we’re not going to support uncertified devices”.

You can tell Athom that Home Assistant and even Apple have no issues with uncertified Matter devices.

Let us know what they respond, would be interesting to see if their stance on this has changed in any way.

I am waiting for their response yet… I’ve said that homekit and Google home support uncertified devices
To be honest I bought homey to have more freedom than homekit so let’s see

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Ok they told me that this feature are not supported yet but perhaps could be available in the future, so progress I guess?

That’s the same answer they gave @staeff months ago :man_shrugging:t3: