Hi Ronny,
Yes, using the main conditions is exactly the idea, also to keep the number of flow conditions somewhat manageable
I am able to reproduce your issue, looks like a bug. I’ll have a look to see what’s going on.
Hi Ronny,
Yes, using the main conditions is exactly the idea, also to keep the number of flow conditions somewhat manageable
I am able to reproduce your issue, looks like a bug. I’ll have a look to see what’s going on.
is the 5 day 3 hour working ?
I used amsterdam 8 cycles (24) but gives way to low values. Tomorrow at 12 it say 18degrees but it actually will be 23+ .
I have this since i installed. Despite hot weather it gives to low values . Did a de and re install but does not give correct temps.
Tried also with several dutch cities … same result.
To check i did a notification with time stampyesterday. Checked at 6 am … 3 - 3 hours and the stamp showed 1500 at 16 degrees. Actually yesterday at that time it was 23.
Somehow i can not get it working and hope u can help
Hi @Dennis_H74,
It’s certainly working for me, in fact it works really well. See included screenshot from insights, I use the same setting for a device as you.
Note that I do use Homey’s GPS coordinates instead a city name. Although if I look in the API ‘manually’ (see below) I get very similar results.
All the app does is poll the API, which you can yourself by hand, I have included details from the README (from the app store) below. Append ‘&cnt=8’ to the URL to get the 24 hr prediction on the last line in the output.
Looking at the data for Amsterdam tomorrow, the data looks OK as well, with a max. temp of 23.36 around this time tomorrow, and a minimum temp of around 16 degrees (see json below).
Both methods can be tested by querying the OpenWeathMap site directly. For testing a location by location, enter the following (fill in your own combination as well as the API key): https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=<city,countrycode>&APPID=<API key>
For testing a zip code, enter the following in a browser (fill in your combination as well as the API key): https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip=<zipcode,country>&APPID=<API key>
{"cod":"200","message":0.0106,"cnt":10,"list":[{"dt":1560859200,"main":{"temp":23.36,"temp_min":16.23,"temp_max":23.36,"pressure":1014.66,"sea_level":1014.66,"grnd_level":1015.06,"humidity":76,"temp_kf":7.14},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"geheel bewolkt","icon":"04d"}],"clouds":{"all":89},"wind":{"speed":4.48,"deg":292.582},"sys":{"pod":"d"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-18 12:00:00"},{"dt":1560870000,"main":{"temp":21.56,"temp_min":16.21,"temp_max":21.56,"pressure":1013.52,"sea_level":1013.52,"grnd_level":1014.08,"humidity":77,"temp_kf":5.35},"weather":[{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"zwaar bewolkt","icon":"04d"}],"clouds":{"all":74},"wind":{"speed":4.98,"deg":335.201},"sys":{"pod":"d"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-18 15:00:00"},{"dt":1560880800,"main":{"temp":20.86,"temp_min":17.29,"temp_max":20.86,"pressure":1012.58,"sea_level":1012.58,"grnd_level":1012.6,"humidity":77,"temp_kf":3.57},"weather":[{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"zwaar bewolkt","icon":"04d"}],"clouds":{"all":72},"wind":{"speed":4.87,"deg":30.911},"sys":{"pod":"d"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-18 18:00:00"},{"dt":1560891600,"main":{"temp":18.16,"temp_min":16.37,"temp_max":18.16,"pressure":1012.28,"sea_level":1012.28,"grnd_level":1011.98,"humidity":78,"temp_kf":1.78},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"geheel bewolkt","icon":"04n"}],"clouds":{"all":93},"wind":{"speed":5.58,"deg":63.724},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-18 21:00:00"},{"dt":1560902400,"main":{"temp":16.15,"temp_min":16.15,"temp_max":16.15,"pressure":1010.99,"sea_level":1010.99,"grnd_level":1010.72,"humidity":91,"temp_kf":0},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"lichte regen","icon":"10n"}],"clouds":{"all":83},"wind":{"speed":3.98,"deg":92.1},"rain":{"3h":1.688},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-19 00:00:00"},{"dt":1560913200,"main":{"temp":16.06,"temp_min":16.06,"temp_max":16.06,"pressure":1008.56,"sea_level":1008.56,"grnd_level":1008.34,"humidity":91,"temp_kf":0},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"lichte regen","icon":"10n"}],"clouds":{"all":48},"wind":{"speed":4.27,"deg":99.089},"rain":{"3h":0.125},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-19 03:00:00"},{"dt":1560924000,"main":{"temp":17.08,"temp_min":17.08,"temp_max":17.08,"pressure":1007.14,"sea_level":1007.14,"grnd_level":1006.96,"humidity":88,"temp_kf":0},"weather":[{"id":802,"main":"Clouds","description":"half bewolkt","icon":"03d"}],"clouds":{"all":34},"wind":{"speed":3.8,"deg":105.115},"rain":{},"sys":{"pod":"d"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-19 06:00:00"},{"dt":1560934800,"main":{"temp":19.38,"temp_min":19.38,"temp_max":19.38,"pressure":1005.86,"sea_level":1005.86,"grnd_level":1005.56,"humidity":77,"temp_kf":0},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"geheel bewolkt","icon":"04d"}],"clouds":{"all":100},"wind":{"speed":5.9,"deg":169.743},"sys":{"pod":"d"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-19 09:00:00"},{"dt":1560945600,"main":{"temp":18.01,"temp_min":18.01,"temp_max":18.01,"pressure":1005.35,"sea_level":1005.35,"grnd_level":1006.18,"humidity":84,"temp_kf":0},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"lichte regen","icon":"10d"}],"clouds":{"all":100},"wind":{"speed":6.7,"deg":223.59},"rain":{"3h":0.188},"sys":{"pod":"d"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-19 12:00:00"},{"dt":1560956400,"main":{"temp":16.48,"temp_min":16.48,"temp_max":16.48,"pressure":1005.01,"sea_level":1005.01,"grnd_level":1005.52,"humidity":91,"temp_kf":0},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"lichte regen","icon":"10d"}],"clouds":{"all":99},"wind":{"speed":8.27,"deg":229.754},"rain":{"3h":0.312},"sys":{"pod":"d"},"dt_txt":"2019-06-19 15:00:00"}],"city":{"id":2759794,"name":"Amsterdam","coord":{"lat":52.3728,"lon":4.8936},"country":"NL","population":2122311,"timezone":7200}}
Hi anne
Thanks for the fast response. See my screenshots below. Not working ( 3 intervalls = 9 hours )
Temp is way to low. I now removed the stad land code and see what happens.
Thanks again.
Turns out its openweathermap itself. Checked on website
Sunday it will be 29c in real world but open weather says 17.5 for amsterdam
Hillegom it will be 24 today at 1500
Openweather says 17
Haarlem same story
The app is correct showing to low values
Hi Anne a call from your own town seeing your weather location.
I use 16 3-hour slots to predict the rain in the coming 2 days. If it overshoots a certain amount I shut down my garden watering control.
Sometimes one of the rain predictions is filled with “-”. I add the 16 predictions to one amount, but if one of the 16 is “-” this obviously doesn’t work. It is pretty random in one of them. You would expect all “0” to show as “-” but “0” does appear most of the times.
Is it possible to force a numerical digit, so “0” instead of “-”?
Hi Toon,
Mmm, strange. The ‘rain’ parameter is not always present in the data, which is why I always set the value 0 if the parameter is undefined (although I noticed I don’t do that in the 16 day forecast, I’ll fix that).
The app does not set ‘-‘, which would suggest it comes from the API itself. I can add a check setting the value to 0 if the value is ‘-‘, I guess that might work.
If you could capture the OWM output through the web interface when you get ‘-‘, we would know for sure.
Anyway, I’ll have a look (when I get around to it… ).
Thank you Anne.
If it occurs I will post an example. Yesterday it was the case according to my log, but of course not right now.
Your solution will probably solve the issues.
I also starter to use owm to warn about weather change. I have roof windows with open-close sensors. Currently I’m using 3h forecast for rain reading. If 3h forecast rain is more then 0 and window is open I get warning.
For now I I’m satisfied. It’s not like rain-alarm (real time reading) rather it’s forecast but ok for warning if I left windows open while forecast is changing.
P. S. Buienradar is completely useless for anything aside few countries like already posted here.
P. P. S. It would be Gr8 to have either 0 or the value like you suggested above.
Thnx for the app, works gr8.
@RonnyW FYI, I think I have addressed this issue. I am waiting for some weather changes to trigger the condition to be sure
@Toon_Vos @David_K I have changed the ‘rain’ logic to also catch the ‘-’ case, testing that too.
I have made the update available for testing in the alpha channel. If you DM me the email address of your Homey account, I can add your account to the alpha release. The alpha version then becomes available to you in the app store.
Finally, I thought I’d add the new hourly forecast (96 1 hour intervals, so up to four days), however I didn’t realize it requires a paid subscription (only $3,000 USD per month ). Never mind.
Unfortunately, although the data is still available for existing (free) API keys, it seems it is only a matter of time for the 16 day forecast to become limited to paid subscribers only, just like the 4 hour forecast. We’ll see (‘cheapest’ option $40,- USD/month).
Hi Anne love your app. Just have an extra request. Since openweather allows us to also get uv indexes i like to propose to add them to flow options. In that case people can make shutters go up and down automatically or sunscreens. In these warm days now it has a big advantage to take action early in order to keep the house cool. For example temp is 22 c outside and up index is 4. It can get easily much higher in house due to the sunlight heating via the windows. Uv index can also warn for example to wear sunscreen when leaving the house. Or maybe I’m just a vampire trying to figure out if I can leave the house . I would really appreciate the effort gr. Leroy
There is another app though OpenUV App for Homey | Homey
According to the site of open weather it is free.
https://openweathermap.org/price and I prefer one good app instead of multiple and multiple subscriptions. If it isn’t possible then sorry for the inconvenience
I just had a look, and indeed the UV index can be polled with a free API key, both the current as well as the forecast (up to 8 days).
It’s a bit confusing, on https://openweathermap.org/api it says ‘Available for Professional and Enterprise accounts’. Possibly free access will be revoked later on.
Note that only the UV value for 12:00 p.m. is returned, so the data is limited compared to OpenUv which apparently returns hourly UV values.
Anyway, I plan to add it to the app
Thanks Anne great feedback. Thanks a lot
Hello Anne,
thanks for your response. Please let me know when a app update is online so I can test, too. Thanks
I have published an alpha version with the fix for the rain is ‘0’ issue. The issue with the conditioncard based on the condition code is not yet fixed in this release. Note that if you want to test you need to DM your Athom login (email address), so I can add you to the list of users eligible for the alpha release.
Great app!
I’m trying to use it for automating a window which should open when more than 20C (own sensor) but close if it is wind or rain.
I’m starting with rain, because wind isn’t a big issue. I didn’t quite get how to make it stay up as long as there isn’t any rain, but I tried this:
When the weather changes
And the window is open
And the weather isn’t cloudy
And the weather isn’t clear
Close the window
Send message; Weather is (description), closing window.
Unfortunately it seems like these weather names doesn’t correspond with with what I can choose in the app. F.eks I got a message this morning; “The weather is clear sky, closing window”. And another “the weather is broken clouds, closing window”. And now another again “weather is scattered clouds, closing window. “
So “not cloudy” still ignores all of these?
Sorry if I’m missing something obvious here.
You could try something like:
AND Logic Weather CONTAINS rain
Ok, so not use the OpenWeatherMap cards for that check?