Weatherdata in variables (openweather and meteoserver) with Homeyscript

When making a api call for weather data I experienced that I had to make many flows to get the weatherdata for the upcoming 24 hours. 24 flows for a call every hour and 24 flows for processing the json data. And this is only for 1 forecast e.g rain.

Therefore I made a little script to get the weatherdata from openweather and meteoserver. Special thx to @robertklep for his great help. Just make 1 flow running this script with Homeyscript. Run it e.g every hour. Do not exceed your maximum of api calls. When running it every hour you will not exceed your maximum of api calls from Openweather and Meteoserver. Get your api key from or

The script includes temperature, feels like temperature, humidity, pressure, clouds, visibility, windspeed, rain, wind in Beaufort wind direction, cape. All for the next 24 hours. Uv for today and the next 7 days.

I added also 1 extra variable filled with rainfall for the next 3 hours.

Make your variables in Better Logic. If you want 24 hours forecast make 24 variables. If you only want 1 hour forecast make 1 variable.

As I am a non-programmer. This script is far from professional. So improving this script would be nice.

Enjoy this script @ your own risk and don’t shoot the messager if your forecast didn’t give you great pleasure.

//Api call for weatherforcast by Marcel
//Weatherforcast from openweather and meteoserver
//You can make a flow in Homey and call for an update every hour, because MeteoServer limits your total of api calls
//There will be automatically no update between 23:00 and 06:00.
//Make your variables in Better Logic
//e.g TemperatureOpenWeather = temperature open weather. Make a variable in better logic called
//temp01Hour for the temperature @ 01:00, temp02Hour for the temperature @ 02:00... temp24Hour for the temperature @ 0:00
//FeelsLikeOpenWeather = feels_like01Hour, HumidityOpenWeather = humidity01Hour... 
//pressure01Hour, clouds01Hour, visibility01Hour, wind_speed01Hour, rain01Hour(PrecipationOpenWeather),
//windb01Hour(WindInBeaufortMeteoServer), windltr01Hour(WindInLettersMeteoServer), UvToday(UvTodayOpenWeather),
//UvTomorrow and UvDay02, UvDay03...UvDay07(UvTomorrowOpenWeather). There is 1 extra variable called RainUpcoming3Hours. 
//This variable is filled with the total rainfall for the next 3 hours.
//All variables are capital sensitive
    const Latitude = 51.0469354;// Fill in latitude in decimal degrees e.g 51.0469354 not between ''
    const Longitude = 4.6675576;// Fill in longitude in decimal degrees e.g 4.6675576
    const ApiOpenWeatherServer = '1a260ce9403561t87232bddvf683a397047c'//Fill in your api for Openweather
    const ApiMeteoServer = 'b40a18e322'// Fill in your api for MeteoServer
    var TemperatureOpenWeather = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the temperature from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var FeelsLikeOpenWeather = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the feels like temperature from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var HumidityOpenWeather = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the humidity from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var PressureOpenWeather = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the pressure from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var CloudsOpenWeather = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the clouds percentage from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var VisibilityOpenWeather = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the visibility from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var WindSpeedOpenWeather = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the windspeed in kmh from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var PrecipationOpenWeather = true////Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the precipation from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var WindInBeaufortMeteoServer = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the wind in beauforts from meteoserver for the next 24 hours in variables
    var WindInLettersMeteoServer = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the wind direction e.g ZW or NO in beauforts from meteoserver for the next 24 hours in variables
    var CapeMeteoServer = false//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the change of cape from meteoserver for the next 24 hours in variables
    var UvTodayOpenWeather = true//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the UV for today from openweather for the next 24 hours in variables
    var UvTomorrowOpenWeather = true//Fill in true or false if you (don't) want the UV forecast from meteoserver for the next 7 days in variables
 //Until here you fill in the variables you want   

    var MeteoServer = ''+Latitude +'&long=' +Longitude +'&key=' + ApiMeteoServer
    var OpenWeatherServer = '' +Latitude +'&lon=' + Longitude +'&units=metric&lang=nl&exclude=daily,minutely,current&appid='+ ApiOpenWeatherServer
    var UvTodayServer = '' +Latitude +'&lon=' +Longitude +'&appid=' +ApiOpenWeatherServer
    var UvTomorrowServer = '' +Latitude +'&lon=' +Longitude +'&appid=' +ApiOpenWeatherServer  
    var WeatherServer = OpenWeatherServer
    var HourlyOrData = 'hourly'
    var StandardProcessing = true
    var PrecipationBLApp = false
    var MeteoserverApiCallFetched = false
//These variables must not be changed

let BLApp = await Homey.apps.getApp({id:"net.i-dev.betterlogic" });//Activating better logic

  function wait(ms){//Declaring function wait
   var start = new Date().getTime();
   var end = start;
  while(end < start + ms) {
  end = new Date().getTime();}}

var Today = new Date();//Actual Date
    var Year = Today.getFullYear();// Actual Year in numbers
    var Month = Today.getMonth()+1;//Actual Month in numbers
    var Day = Today.getDate();//Actual day in a Month in numbers
      console.log('What day is it today: '+Day);//Just logging for control purposes
    var Hours = Today.getHours();//Actual hours in numbers
      console.log('What hour is it now: '+Hours);
    var GetDaysInMonth = function(month,year){//Calculates amount of days in this month
  return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();};

if(24 - Hours == 24){var OneHour = 0}else{var OneHour = 24 - Hours}//json hours updating
if(OneHour + 1 == 24){var TwoHour = 0}else{var TwoHour = OneHour +1}
if(TwoHour + 1 == 24){var ThreeHour = 0}else{var ThreeHour = TwoHour +1}
if(ThreeHour + 1 == 24){var FourHour = 0}else{var FourHour = ThreeHour +1}
if(FourHour + 1 == 24){var FiveHour = 0}else{var FiveHour = FourHour +1}
if(FiveHour + 1 == 24){var SixHour = 0}else{var SixHour = FiveHour +1}
if(SixHour + 1 == 24){var SevenHour = 0}else{var SevenHour = SixHour +1}
if(SevenHour + 1 == 24){var EightHour = 0}else{var EightHour = SevenHour +1}
if(EightHour + 1 == 24){var NineHour = 0}else{var NineHour = EightHour +1}
if(NineHour + 1 == 24){var TenHour = 0}else{var TenHour = NineHour +1}
if(TenHour + 1 == 24){var ElevenHour = 0}else{var ElevenHour = TenHour +1}
if(ElevenHour + 1 == 24){var TwelfHour = 0}else{var TwelfHour = ElevenHour +1}
if(TwelfHour + 1 == 24){var ThirteenHour = 0}else{var ThirteenHour = TwelfHour +1}
if(ThirteenHour + 1 == 24){var FourteenHour = 0}else{var FourteenHour = ThirteenHour +1}
if(FourteenHour + 1 == 24){var FifteenHour = 0}else{var FifteenHour = FourteenHour +1}
if(FifteenHour + 1 == 24){var SixteenHour = 0}else{var SixteenHour = FifteenHour +1}
if(SixteenHour + 1 == 24){var SeventeenHour = 0}else{var SeventeenHour = SixteenHour +1}
if(SeventeenHour + 1 == 24){var EighteenHour = 0}else{var EighteenHour = SeventeenHour +1}
if(EighteenHour + 1 == 24){var NineteenHour = 0}else{var NineteenHour = EighteenHour +1}
if(NineteenHour + 1 == 24){var TwentyHour = 0}else{var TwentyHour = NineteenHour +1}
if(TwentyHour + 1 == 24){var TwentyoneHour = 0}else{var TwentyoneHour = TwentyHour +1}
if(TwentyoneHour + 1 == 24){var TwentytwoHour = 0}else{var TwentytwoHour = TwentyoneHour +1}
if(TwentytwoHour + 1 == 24){var TwentythreeHour = 0}else{var TwentythreeHour = TwentytwoHour +1}
if(TwentythreeHour + 1 == 24){var TwentyfourHour = 0}else{var TwentyfourHour = TwentythreeHour +1}

console.log(OneHour + ' ' + TwoHour + ' ' + ThreeHour + ' ' + FourHour + ' ' + FiveHour + ' ' + SixHour + ' ' + SevenHour + ' ' + EightHour + ' ' + NineHour + ' ' + TenHour + ' ' + ElevenHour + ' ' + TwelfHour + ' ' + ThirteenHour + ' ' + FourteenHour + ' ' + FifteenHour + ' ' + SixteenHour + ' ' + SeventeenHour + ' ' + EighteenHour + ' ' + NineteenHour + ' ' + TwentyHour + ' ' + TwentyoneHour + ' ' + TwentytwoHour + ' ' + TwentythreeHour + ' ' + TwentyfourHour)

WeatherServer = OpenWeatherServer//setting openweather for api call
response = await fetch(WeatherServer);//api call openweather
Server = await response.json();//Read response body and parse as JSON

for (let i = 0; i <= 12; i++){//determing wich api call has to be made

  case 0:{
  if(TemperatureOpenWeather === true)
    {TemperatureOpenWeather = false
    Variable = 'temp'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 1:{
if (FeelsLikeOpenWeather === true)
    {FeelsLikeOpenWeather = false
    Variable = 'feels_like'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}
case 2:{
if (HumidityOpenWeather === true)
    {HumidityOpenWeather = false
    Variable = 'humidity'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 3:{
if (PressureOpenWeather === true)
    {PressureOpenWeather = false
    Variable = 'pressure'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 4:{
if (CloudsOpenWeather === true)
    {CloudsOpenWeather = false
    Variable = 'clouds'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 5:{
if (VisibilityOpenWeather === true)
    {VisibilityOpenWeather = false
    Variable = 'visibility'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 6:{
if (WindSpeedOpenWeather === true)
    {WindSpeedOpenWeather = false
    Variable = 'wind_speed'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 7:{
if (PrecipationOpenWeather === true)
    {PrecipationOpenWeather = false
    PrecipationBLApp = true
    Variable = 'rain'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 8:{
if (WindInBeaufortMeteoServer === true && Hours !== 23 && Hours !== 0 && Hours !== 1 && Hours !== 2 && Hours !== 3 && Hours !== 4 && Hours !== 5 && Hours !== 6)
    {WeatherServer = MeteoServer//setting meteoserver for api call
    response = await fetch(WeatherServer);//api call meteoserver
    Server = await response.json();//Read response body and parse as JSON
    WindInBeaufortMeteoServer = false
    MeteoserverApiCallFetched = true
    HourlyOrData = 'data'
    Variable = 'windb'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 9:{
if (WindInLettersMeteoServer === true && Hours !== 23 && Hours !== 0 && Hours !== 1 && Hours !== 2 && Hours !== 3 && Hours !== 4 && Hours !== 5 && Hours !== 6)
    {if(MeteoserverApiCallFetched = false)
    {WeatherServer = MeteoServer//setting meteoserver for api call
    response = await fetch(WeatherServer);//api call meteo server
    Server = await response.json();}//Read response body and parse as JSON
    MeteoserverApiCallFetched = true
    WindInLettersMeteoServer = false
    HourlyOrData = 'data'
    Variable = 'windrltr'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)

  else continue;}

case 10:{
if (CapeMeteoServer === true && Hours !== 23 && Hours !== 0 && Hours !== 1 && Hours !== 2 && Hours !== 3 && Hours !== 4 && Hours !== 5 && Hours !== 6)
  {if(MeteoserverApiCallFetched = false){  
    WeatherServer = MeteoServer//setting meteoserver for api call
    response = await fetch(WeatherServer);//api call meteoserver
    Server = await response.json();}//Read response body and parse as JSON
    CapeMeteoServer  = false
    MeteoserverApiCallFetched = true
    HourlyOrData = 'data'
    Variable = 'cape'
    console.log('i is: ' +i)
  else continue;}

case 11:{
if (UvTodayOpenWeather === true)
    UvTodayOpenWeather = false
    WeatherServer = UvTodayServer//setting openweather for api call
    response = await fetch(WeatherServer);//api call openweather
    Server = await response.json();//Read response body and parse as JSON
    StandardProcessing = false
    var UvToday = Server.value;//Processing  UVToday  
    BLApp.apiPut('UvToday/'+UvToday);//Updating better logic variable UVToday
    console.log('UvToday is: '+UvToday);
    console.log('i is: ' +i)
  else continue;}
case 12:{
if (UvTomorrowOpenWeather === true)
    UvTomorrowOpenWeather = false
    Variable = 'value'
    WeatherServer = UvTomorrowServer//setting openweather for api call
    response = await fetch(WeatherServer);//api call openweather
    Server = await response.json();//Read response body and parse as JSON
    StandardProcessing = false;
    var UvTomorrow = Server[0][Variable];//Processing  UvTomorrow 
    var UvDay02 = Server[1][Variable];//Processing  UvDay02
    var UvDay03 = Server[2][Variable];//Processing  UvDay03
    var UvDay04 = Server[3][Variable];//Processing  UvDay04 
    var UvDay05 = Server[4][Variable];//Processing  UvDay05 
    var UvDay06 = Server[5][Variable];//Processing  UvDay06 
    var UvDay07 = Server[6][Variable];//Processing  UvDay07 
    console.log('UvTomorrow is: '+UvTomorrow);
    console.log('UvDay02 is: '+UvDay02);
    console.log('UvDay03 is: '+UvDay03);
    console.log('UvDay04 is: '+UvDay04);
    console.log('UvDay05 is: '+UvDay05);
    console.log('UvDay06 is: '+UvDay06);
    console.log('UvDay07 is: '+UvDay07);
    console.log('i is: ' +i);

    BLApp.apiPut('UvTomorrow/'+UvTomorrow);//Updating better logic variable UvTomorrow
    BLApp.apiPut('UvDay02/'+UvDay02);//Updating better logic variable UvDay02
    BLApp.apiPut('UvDay03/'+UvDay03);//Updating better logic variable UvDay03
    BLApp.apiPut('UvDay04/'+UvDay04);//Updating better logic variable UvDay04
    BLApp.apiPut('UvDay05/'+UvDay05);//Updating better logic variable UvDay05
    BLApp.apiPut('UvDay06/'+UvDay06);//Updating better logic variable UvDay06
    BLApp.apiPut('UvDay07/'+UvDay07);//Updating better logic variable UvDay07

  else continue;}

if(StandardProcessing === true){//processing api call, but not for precipation
if(PrecipationBLApp === false){
    var Weather01Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][OneHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][OneHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 01:00 Hour 
    var Weather02Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwoHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwoHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 02:00 Hour 
    var Weather03Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][ThreeHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][ThreeHour][Variable] :0;//Processing Weather 03:00 Hour 
    var Weather04Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][FourHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][FourHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 04:00 Hour 
    var Weather05Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][FiveHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][FiveHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 05:00 Hour 
    var Weather06Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][SixHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][SixHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 06:00 Hour 
    var Weather07Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][SevenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][SevenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 07:00 Hour 
    var Weather08Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][EightHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][EightHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 08:00 Hour 
    var Weather09Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][NineHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][NineHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 09:00 Hour  
    var Weather10Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 10:00 Hour 
    var Weather11Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][ElevenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][ElevenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 11:00 Hour 
    var Weather12Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwelfHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwelfHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 12:00 Hour 
    var Weather13Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][ThirteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][ThirteenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 13:00 Hour 
    var Weather14Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][FourteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][FourteenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 14:00 Hour 
    var Weather15Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][FifteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][FifteenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 15:00 Hour 
    var Weather16Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][SixteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][SixteenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 16:00 Hour 
    var Weather17Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][SeventeenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][SeventeenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 17:00 Hour  
    var Weather18Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][EighteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][EighteenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 18:00 Hour 
    var Weather19Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][NineteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][NineteenHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 19:00 Hour 
    var Weather20Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 20:00 Hour 
    var Weather21Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyoneHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyoneHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 21:00 Hour 
    var Weather22Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentytwoHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentytwoHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 22:00 Hour 
    var Weather23Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentythreeHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentythreeHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 23:00 Hour 
    var Weather24Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyfourHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyfourHour][Variable] : 0;//Processing Weather 24:00 Hour 

if (PrecipationBLApp === true){//processing api call for precipation
    var Weather01Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][OneHour][Variable] ?  Server[HourlyOrData][OneHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 01:00 Hour   
    var Weather02Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwoHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwoHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 02:00 Hour
    var Weather03Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][ThreeHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][ThreeHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 03:00 Hour  
    var Weather04Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][FourHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][FourHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 04:00 Hour  
    var Weather05Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][FiveHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][FiveHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 05:00 Hour  
    var Weather06Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][SixHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][SixHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 06:00 Hour  
    var Weather07Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][SevenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][SevenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 07:00 Hour  
    var Weather08Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][EightHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][EightHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 08:00 Hour  
    var Weather09Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][NineHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][NineHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 09:00 Hour  
    var Weather10Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 10:00 Hour  
    var Weather11Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][ElevenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][ElevenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 11:00 Hour
    var Weather12Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwelfHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwelfHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 12:00 Hour  
    var Weather13Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][ThirteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][ThirteenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 13:00 Hour  
    var Weather14Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][FourteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][FourteenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 14:00 Hour  
    var Weather15Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][FifteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][FifteenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 15:00 Hour  
    var Weather16Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][SixteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][SixteenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 16:00 Hour  
    var Weather17Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][SeventeenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][SeventeenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 17:00 Hour  
    var Weather18Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][EighteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][EighteenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 18:00 Hour   
    var Weather19Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][NineteenHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][NineteenHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 19:00 Hour  
    var Weather20Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 20:00 Hour
    var Weather21Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyoneHour][Variable] ?  Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyoneHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 21:00 Hour  
    var Weather22Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentytwoHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentytwoHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 22:00 Hour  
    var Weather23Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentythreeHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentythreeHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 23:00 Hour  
    var Weather24Hour = Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyfourHour][Variable] ? Server[HourlyOrData][TwentyfourHour].rain['1h'] : 0;//Processing rain 24:00 Hour  
switch(Hours){//determing precipation for the upcoming 3 hours 
  case 0: {
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather01Hour + Weather02Hour + Weather03Hour;

  case 1:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather02Hour + Weather03Hour + Weather04Hour

  case 2:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather03Hour + Weather04Hour + Weather05Hour

  case 3:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather04Hour + Weather05Hour + Weather06Hour 

  case 4:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather05Hour + Weather06Hour + Weather07Hour

  case 5:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather06Hour + Weather07Hour + Weather08Hour  

  case 6:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather07Hour + Weather08Hour + Weather09Hour   

  case 7:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather08Hour + Weather09Hour + Weather10Hour   

  case 8:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather09Hour + Weather10Hour + Weather11Hour        

  case 9:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather10Hour + Weather11Hour + Weather12Hour       

  case 10:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather11Hour + Weather12Hour + Weather13Hour           

  case 11:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather12Hour + Weather13Hour + Weather14Hour           

  case 12:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather13Hour + Weather14Hour + Weather15Hour         

  case 13:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather14Hour + Weather15Hour + Weather16Hour       

  case 14:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather15Hour + Weather16Hour + Weather17Hour         

  case 15:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather16Hour + Weather17Hour + Weather18Hour        

  case 16:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather17Hour + Weather18Hour + Weather19Hour        

  case 17:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather18Hour + Weather19Hour + Weather20Hour        

  case 18:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather19Hour + Weather20Hour + Weather21Hour         

  case 19:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather20Hour + Weather21Hour + Weather22Hour        

  case 20:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather21Hour + Weather22Hour + Weather23Hour        

  case 21:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather22Hour + Weather23Hour + Weather24Hour         

  case 22:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather23Hour + Weather24Hour + Weather01Hour          

  case 23:{
    var RainUpcoming3Hours = Weather24Hour + Weather01Hour + Weather02Hour         
  BLApp.apiPut('RainUpcoming3Hours/'+RainUpcoming3Hours);//Updating better logic variable RainUpcoming3Hours
  console.log('RainUpcoming3Hours is : '+RainUpcoming3Hours);
    PrecipationBLApp = false;}   

      console.log('Weather01Hour is : '+Weather01Hour);//logging only for control purposes
      console.log('Weather02Hour is : '+Weather02Hour);
      console.log('Weather03Hour is : '+Weather03Hour);
      console.log('Weather04Hour is : '+Weather04Hour);
      console.log('Weather05Hour is : '+Weather05Hour);
      console.log('Weather06Hour is : '+Weather06Hour);
      console.log('Weather07Hour is : '+Weather07Hour);
      console.log('Weather08Hour is : '+Weather08Hour);
      console.log('Weather09Hour is : '+Weather09Hour);
      console.log('Weather10Hour is : '+Weather10Hour);
      console.log('Weather11Hour is : '+Weather11Hour);
      console.log('Weather12Hour is : '+Weather12Hour);
      console.log('Weather13Hour is : '+Weather13Hour);
      console.log('Weather14Hour is : '+Weather14Hour);
      console.log('Weather15Hour is : '+Weather15Hour);
      console.log('Weather16Hour is : '+Weather16Hour);
      console.log('Weather17Hour is : '+Weather17Hour);
      console.log('Weather18Hour is : '+Weather18Hour);
      console.log('Weather19Hour is : '+Weather19Hour);
      console.log('Weather20Hour is : '+Weather20Hour);
      console.log('Weather21Hour is : '+Weather21Hour);
      console.log('Weather22Hour is : '+Weather22Hour);
      console.log('Weather23Hour is : '+Weather23Hour);
      console.log('Weather24Hour is : '+Weather24Hour);

BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'01Hour/'+Weather01Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather01Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'02Hour/'+Weather02Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather02Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'03Hour/'+Weather03Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather03Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'04Hour/'+Weather04Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather04Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'05Hour/'+Weather05Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather05Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'06Hour/'+Weather06Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather06Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'07Hour/'+Weather07Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather07Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'08Hour/'+Weather08Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather08Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'09Hour/'+Weather09Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather09Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'10Hour/'+Weather10Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather10Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'11Hour/'+Weather11Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather11Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'12Hour/'+Weather12Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather12Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'13Hour/'+Weather13Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather13Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'14Hour/'+Weather14Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather14Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'15Hour/'+Weather15Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather15Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'16Hour/'+Weather16Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather16Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'17Hour/'+Weather17Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather17Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'18Hour/'+Weather18Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather18Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'19Hour/'+Weather19Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather19Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'20Hour/'+Weather20Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather20Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'21Hour/'+Weather21Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather21Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'22Hour/'+Weather22Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather22Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'23Hour/'+Weather23Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather23Hour
BLApp.apiPut(Variable +'24Hour/'+Weather24Hour);//Updating better logic variable Weather24Hour

Hi Marcel!
Yesterday I came across your neat script again, while reading RonnyW wants to take over the Openweather app.

It works like a charm, I’ve been fiddling with it, letting it create HomeyScript tags on the fly, and I created all the needed/wanted BL vars.
That was quite a task, so I’ll share the BL export with y’all.

Just go to BetterLogic app configuration, export your BL vars, add the contents of my file to that export file, and then import (copy/paste) the file contents to BetterLogic using the same app configuration.
For all the needed vars as code, click here !

Oh, and sorry, I found one typo, yup only one, in the description how we should name our variables. My variable didn’t get filled with data, a missing letter r in its name was the culprit :upside_down_face:

windltr01Hour should be windrltr01Hour


I don’t know where in the script I have to put the API key obtained on
Could someone explain to me how to get to the stage of using my variables please?
For now I have saved the script in homey script under the name “Global Weather”. to which line should my api be added. Then, if that’s all there is to it at this level. how do I add all the variables via a .txt file?

Thank you in advance.

This is the place for your api key

This is the way to make the variables. So download Better Logic and make your variables.

OK thank you very much

thank you for your speed answer.

I have to put my variables one by one in “better logic”, right?


is it also necessary to have an api key for meteoserveur?
should I apply the script somehow?

Not nescessary, you pick the server you want

No. I’ve done that alr (110 vars :stuck_out_tongue:), and shared a BetterLogic export file here :wink:

1 Like

Thank you .
Now after a lot of effort. I’m install the new Application’s Openweather OpenWeather app