[APP] Tuya - Connect any Tuya device with Homey (by Tuya Inc. / Athom)

Hi Paulo,

You can ask someone who can write app code to add a driver per github PR.
Or, buy a €15,- Tuya/Tuya whitelabel zigbee gateway, like the one sold by Lidl.

I know about the test version of the app and as instructed if you want to request support for a new device or have an issue, you can log bugs here:

So, I opened this one: Action Battletron light capabilities missing · Issue #13 · athombv/com.tuya · GitHub
And then after some guidance: Request Device: Action Battletron light · Issue #15 · athombv/com.tuya · GitHub (that’s where I needed the CLI)
And while I was at it I thought of requesting support for my Infrared panel: Request Device: Action Infrared panel heater · Issue #16 · athombv/com.tuya · GitHub
And I thought of the bug that I had with some other Tuya light bulbs:
Lights change white temperature without touching · Issue #17 · athombv/com.tuya · GitHub

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It’s really great to see everyone doing their best to help us with this! I’ve also requested samples from every Tuya brand I know. Together we’ll make this work! :raised_hands:


Thanx Rudi.
Which brought me to the idea of in-app log info, so CLI install isn’t needed → requested @ github

Abe, is it possible to publish some kind of howto, for adding device types as PR by users who’d like to (and think they’re able to)?

  1. howto PR
  2. howto add which info to which files



We are planning to publish a knowledge base article that includes all this information :wink:


How to insert data into the code bank?

Moes have some very popular products here in the UK.
The Star Ring grey switches especially, as not everyone wants plain white switches.

Mycket socket added successfully. Thanks for the work on this.


Why can’t we use the ‘Other’ driver as a ‘When’ card?

I want to send Tuya codes using scene switches, but it’s not possible if the card can’t be a when card, as switches are always the first command.

The only thing when I do it with this that the app is not updating the real state when manually up or down the blinds

This is because there’s no WHEN cards for receiving values and status updates by Tuya devices (yet).
Meaning, the curtain publishes its state, but Homey can’t receive it (yet).

This functionality has been requested @ github # 20
(Also FYI @deejayreissue )


So I’ll have to wait and wait that curtains officially supported

As previously mentioned, this app is still in development. We are continuously iterating and adding support for more device types.

To ensure we can include support for these blinds in a future update, please provide us with the necessary information by following these instructions. :pray:

Hi there,
For all Tuya devices do we still need to have a separate Tuya gateway and network, or will be possible to make use of the Homey Pro Zigbee on the long run? Having 2 separate network might be an hassle. Cheers

This specific App aims to create an integration with the Tuya Cloud. For Zigbee devices this means that you need a Tuya Zigbee gateway to connect your devices.

For now you can use the community Tuya Zigbee App to connect directly with Homey over Zigbee.

Understood, will the community app somehow take the advantage of all these Zigbee connections to make support for more devices? To be honest here, I kind of lost faith on that development from the community app.

Are there any gateways in particular that you would recommend for use with Homey to achieve a strong mesh network?

Are there already more instructions available by any chance, @Doekse?

After I put in:
git clone git@github.com:athombv/com.tuya.git
I get the following error:
git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Can someone help me out; what am I doing wrong?

What also works is just downloading the source folder from GitHub and starting the terminal window from within the “com.tuya” folder. The first command basically just downloads the files from GitHub.

We are working on the knowledge base article! :pray: