[APP][PRO] Zigbee2MQTT

Probably a bit ambitious adding them all in one go … :slight_smile:
It is working through them but getting errors
Will return once them finish

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Best restart the app when things settle. It will probably try to migrate the remainder of devices that gave errors on the first run.

They are all coming up

Will play with them over the weekend see what works what does not :slight_smile:

Really like this idea :slight_smile:

A better view with all in now

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Late reply; sorry

Arh i thought it could run like it does in HA, where i everything is in HA. My Mqtt broker and Zigbee2MQTT… But i’s not possible with Homey?
There’s no option to it like that?
In HA we just install the broker and then the zigbee2mqtt app and then it works.
And i can add my devices in HA paring with the Z2M

I hoped that i should not have any other hardware or service running.

new version 2.0.5 was just released

  • Fixed infinite migrating devices with duplicate capabilities.
  • Added support for GreenPower devices.

Many thanks to @Vitaliy_Yakovchuk for finding and resolving these issues!


Yes, it works exactly the same for Homey! Homey can be used alongside HA, or as a full alternative without HA.

So install a broker and zigbee2mqtt with a zigbee adapter (e.g. on a rpi). You already have that as I understand, so nothing you need to do. Just start adding devices to Homey. But to be able to add devices on Homey, you first need to install the Zigbee2MQTT homey app.

New version 2.1.0 is ready for testing: Zigbee2MQTT | Homey

  • Added Zigbee Group support (BETA).
  • Fixed color mode for the lights.
  • Added more class mappings.
  • Added support for HUE wall switch.

Many thanks to @Vitaliy_Yakovchuk and @Sre for their contribution!

I have not been able to test the Zigbee Group support myself (since I don’t use Zigbee Groups). If you have questions or remarks please direct them to @Sre


So far, getting such an error, while trying to add a group:

I will try to look more closed tomorrow.

I managed to get it working with a group of 2 sockets. I used the z2m frontend to setup the group before I could add it to Homey.

Thanks for beta testing!
I can reproduce your error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'definition') by not adding devices to a group in Z2M, make sure you add devices to a group and I will make sure groups without devices do not appear in Homey

Resolved this and more in the following PR:


Arh… I thought i could use the builtin zigbee in HP Pro. But I have to buy the adapter as well? That’s why it’s not working for me… Thanks! :clap:

I want to see how HP works without HA, because i’m helping some friends out, and HA is my favorite, but it also requires way more maintenance.

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@KeviinCosmos so I understand you were hoping to install zigbee2mqtt bridge on homey pro to use the homey pro hardware for zigbee2mqtt? What is your use case for that configuration?
Why not connect the zigbee devices to homey directly? Or do you want to broadcast the actions of the connected devices to other devices in your network? There is an other app for that…. MQTT Hub App voor Homey | Homey

Because Homey’s Zigbee sucks is limited.

Yep, somehow I expected this answer…… :wink: :joy:

But is that because of homey Zigbee hardware or Zigbee implementation in software? And if it is the software, then hypothetically (if possible….) a zigbee2mqtt bridge implementation, directly on homey hardware would improve this… :upside_down_face:

It appears that not everybody understands how to use an ACTION, such as a button pressed. You need to create a flow for this:

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Guilty… :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:
And Thanks!

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Mostly software.

Well yes, hypothetically speaking that could work.

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New version 2.1.1 is published as stable: Zigbee2MQTT App for Homey | Homey

  • Zigbee Group support
  • Fixed color mode for lights.
  • Added more class mappings.
  • Added support for HUE wall switch and smart button
  • Added support for Aqara temperature, humidity and pressure sensor

Many thanks to @Vitaliy_Yakovchuk and @Sre for their contributions!


I did not do sanity check for coloured lamps on test version. There’s a typo in the source code (a small PR is created on GitHub).


fixed and published in v2.1.2