Official thread for Zaptec app for Homey
Paste your issues or feature requests and we will try to implement them.
Support for Homey Cloud is in the works.
Official thread for Zaptec app for Homey
Paste your issues or feature requests and we will try to implement them.
Support for Homey Cloud is in the works.
The temperature reading for ZqptecGo should be multiplied with 10. It is showing 2.6degrees, it should bed 26degrees.
Hi. I see the problem and its an easy fix. However, this is showing in the test-version of the app right? We added one of the internal temperatures for testing, and there is two of them in the Pro charger. How do you use them, and are they necessary? Values are typically 26, 38 and 54 degrees. Not usable for tracking weather outside the charger.
Running version 1.4.3 . I am talking about the Go charger. No, I do not track the weather outside, I track the internal temperatur of the charger wen charging. It is of great value to see if the charger is still “healthy” and have the normal temperature increase (based on the enviromental temperatur from other measurements).
Alright. Will correct the value. Will add the other sensor to the Pro charger. Looks like Go has only one.
Any plans on including the Zaptec Sense in the app?
I’m currently in the research of buying an EV - Charger and Zaptec is one of the contenders. Including the Zaptec Sense would be great.
I have a Zaptec Go charging station. I now control this with the PBTH app at the lowest price. That works well. But I want to prevent strangers from using my charging station and have activated the authorization function in the Zaptec App itself. But now he won’t charge the car. I don’t see a flow card that also allows you to authorize. I have now disabled this function so that the car will at least charge. How can I best set this up or am I overlooking something?
Hi Roelof.
I use the Zaptec Pro with authorization turned on and I can stop and start charging from Homey. I think you first need to authorize the charger first. From the API documentation I read that you need to use either the RFID tag or the official Zaptec app. No other way of authorizing im affraid.
But since you already need to plug in the cable first before you can charge, I suggest to include a step no 2 before leaving the car. And that is to authorize. Then Homey should be able to pick up that charging starts and turn it off if the price is not what you want, or the hours are not in one of the lowest priced. This is what I do today with Pro, and I think Zaptec Go should work the same way. Would you mind testing this?
Alternative way:
If it doesn’t, one can always turn authorization off and check if car is at home or not or add a virtual device or a variable in homey that you turn on when you want the charger to give power. You then add flows to check if it is toggeled on. Then no one can use the charger. And remember to turn the switch automatically off when cable is released. Easy to forget doing it manually.
I created an issue and will request Zaptec to send a device over so we can add it. Hopefully they will support us.
Question; What is the “Charge mode updates” that I find in the log?
Is it the charger (Zaptec Go) who are changing the modes, and what is the meaning of modes? .
[2025-01-06T00:02:01.286Z] Charge mode update: 2 to 3
[2025-01-06T02:07:31.114Z] Charge mode update: 3 to 2
[2025-01-06T02:08:31.329Z] Charge mode update: 2 to 3
[2025-01-06T02:54:31.074Z] Charge mode update: 3 to 5
[2025-01-06T02:55:01.162Z] Charge mode update: 5 to 2
[2025-01-06T02:55:31.305Z] Charge mode update: 2 to 3
[2025-01-06T04:07:01.268Z] Charge mode update: 3 to 1
Hi. These are the operation modes the charger can have. When it changes mode it also triggers an update to the second panel in the app, where you can see the charger state/charge mode. We should really use “Charger Operation Mode” for consistency. I will look at that.
Please have a look at the api documentation if you are curious.
• 1: no vehicle connected to charging station
• 2: vehicle connected; requesting to charge
• 3: vehicle connected; charging
• 5: vehicle connected; finished
Hi, Understand, thanks a lot for clarifications!
Thank you for this app!
Is there any plan to change the device class to support the new Energy tab? If so, is there any ETA?
Thank you!
I just finished building an advanced flow with the goal of charging my EV using only excessive solar power.
At first sight it seemed to work well. It used just enough power for my house to be +/- 0, and changed the current just how I wanted it to do. But then it just stopped charging.
It seems like, within a few minutes of charging, when a change of available current (based on excessive power) is pushed, the charging is paused in Zaptec. It then refuses to resume the charging, either by the next run of the flow or by using the native app. The only way I’ve found to get the box to allow charging again is by changing the charging mode from Standard to Scheduled charging and then change back, which obviously isn’t feasible.
I’ve done the following troubleshooting:
Worth mentioning is that the box is also connected to Tibber, but smart charging is turned off since I now try to only use Homey flows to control charging… Flows that doesn’t touch available current seems to have no issues.
Anyone have an idea why this is happening, or suggestions?
Hi Alfred!
This looks like a clever way of using the app. Good thinking.
Your flow encounters a special case that I have not tested before. So what your flow is doing is it changes the available current, while the car is charging. Fair enough. What happens internally is it will stop charging to start over again with a different effect. I find from the documentations that doing this too often might lead to a internal error:
Available current update will instantly trigger a phase and load balancing of the installation. Resulting adjustments of charging stations phase and current settings will be effectuated by vehicles within 5 seconds. It is recommended that this setting is not updated more often than once
every 15 minutes
, as continuous changes of charge current and phase may lead to the vehicle aborting the charge session…
Can you please try to change the interval to perhaps 10 minutes or even 15 if it still fails to restart charging?
Would appreciate your feedback on this so we can improve the user experience in the app.
Hello Philip!
Thank so much for the reply and your input.
Seeing that 15 minute recommendation I must have really brought my Zaptec to its knees with my two minute trigger + some testing in between
With this knowledge, I changed my flow so that whenever current is changed, it will write the ampere number to a variable. That number will then be checked before pushing the command, so commands will only ever be pushed if there’s a change to be made.
I’ve increased the trigger to every ten minutes as well.
I will let you know the result, but the sun is rarely out this time of the year in Sweden, so it might take a while…
Again, thank you for your help!
Mine works with 1 minute trigger.
My Zaptec Go cant charge with less than 3x230v 10A current.
Any idea why I cant go as low as 6A?
This is how I have my solar setup:
Forgot to add the part that changes the Zaptec current.
Om trying to start charging via my Homey.
But i allways need to Verify to my Zaptec device first Sins i don’t want peoople to use my charger when im nor at Home.
Is there ännu way that my Homey can fix this so i can start charge with my Homey
Is it intended for Zaptec Go to be visible in Energy now?
Hi! Is it really possible to set current as low as 4A? I’ve started to play with Zaptec Go and PV charging, but when I set lower than 6A, no charging takes place.