[APP][Pro] Wireless Weather Sensors - Reads data from several brands of wireless weather sensors

I see that there are 47 users now using the test install and the only error I get is in the Homey code (Athom: if you are reading this, you should catch the situation that users have disabled notifications in the timeline:

Note: this e-mail is sent because an unhandledRejection occurred in your app. Make sure to catch all errors, this might crash your app in the future. Stack trace attached below:

  Error: uri_disabled
    at Remote Process
    at HomeyClient.emit (/opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/AppProcess/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/lib/HomeyClient.js:1:312)
    at ManagerNotifications.createNotification (/opt/homey-client/system/manager/ManagerApps/AppProcess/node_modules/homey-apps-sdk-v3/manager/notifications.js:19:25)

So I will submit this version for certification.

I have v2.5.2 innstalled on my old HP19, and get thos result:

On my HP23 with v3.1.1 however, the app can’t seem to find any sensors.

I’ve tried both aktivating all protocols, and only the Alecto V3. And waited, restarted the app - and restarted the Homey - but still can’t find any.

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Unfortunately, even after activating cresta, i still cant see my pool TFA Dostmann pool temperature sensor
Any suggestion?

Tried to place Homey and the transmitter near each other?

yes, about 3 meters

And if you install the new version on your HP19? Is it only an issue with the HP23?

Hey there! I‘ve got the same with Auriol v1. My new Homey doesn’t find any Sensor. Version 3.1.1 on the old Homey works as usual.

I still have the HP19!
Tried absoltely everything to detect my TFA Dostmann pool temperature sensor
nothing works!
Activated TFA, cresta
reboted the device a few time,
kept it for days close to the homey,

just nothing, i’m missing a point here

I have HP19 and my Telldus sensors is not updating, except one sensor that is showing a minus value that is wrong. Do I need to delete and add all sensors again? I find some sensors that is not shown with name as before.

@Tobias_Antonsson Yes, see the release notes. Unfortunately FineOffset (i.e. Teldus) sensors need to be deleted and paired again. This is only once - after that you can use the repair function after e.g. switching batteries.

Sorry, just read the release notes now. Thank you for the quick answer.

Added the Telldus sensors again and it works perfect as before. But see now that there is like a copy of each sensor found as well but with battery status and an offset of -40 degrees? The same offset on every sensor. Can you explain this? If I can use this sensors instead then I can just fix the offset and then I can also use the battery status…

In the past the app tried to be smart and distinguish between Alecto and FineOffset signals. Teldus sensors use the FineOffset protocol. However, sometimes the app was wrong and then your sensor would not get updated values (as it wrongly assumed the incoming data to be Alecto protocol or vice versa).

What I’ve changed in v3 is that you always will see 2 sensors: one decoded as Alecto and one as FineOffset. The user then has to decide which sensor to use.

Alecto has a battery status bit, as far as I know FineOffset does not.

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Greetings i also can confirm that my dual telldus sensor F007TPH behaves like this. The indoor sensor with hygrometer pop up as WH2 and ws-1100 the later has ofset 40 degree. The Outdoor part only pop up as WH2. Seeing this shows there is differences how the address and channel is presented between this versions and as pointed out the ws- show battery WH not. It is possible to ofset sensor so the 40 degree is no biggi but can any one explain why my sensors come and go. Last night the ws indoor part of this sensor was gone for 6 hours but the outdoor WH continued to report. Strange they sit in same case so absolutely in same spot with respect of homey placement. I have seen this before with 433 mHz sensors. At the moment this dual sensor is the only in use.


I have a temperaturesensor in my pool.

The signal is 433mhz.

TFA Dostmann 30.3240.10

Is it possible to get this thing connected to your app?
Iff you need meer information, please let me know.

I have the same problem as Goran. Many of my 433 MHz sensors updates the value far to seldom in Homey. I still have my old Tellstick and there the sensors updates much more frequent.

Thank you for explaining this dual sensor “bug”. I have been scratching my head over why so many sensors that shows a temperature that is normal for freezers turns up when I do a new device add. :joy:

Is there no way to remedy this other than manually deleting the duplicates?

Are some of the duplicates from sensors that are already added to the system?

If you check the sensor in the Homey app, a sensor is considered to have updated when the value changes, so there may have been many reports from the sensor with the same value in the meantime. In contrast, if there are no reports at all from a sensor in a period of time it will be flagged with a warning.
Could it be that Tellstick and Homey just have a different definition of what constitutes an update.

If you add a sensor, its “evil twin” will still be listed among the available sensors when you try to add new ones to Homey. So if you have three sensors of the kind that is affected by this, you will start out with a list of six sensors. Consequently, when you’re done adding your three sensors there will be three left.

Yes, this I know…and dislike. In Telldus version of “Insights” you can see each data point that the controller has registered from sensors, no matter what that value is. With Homeys way there is no way of knowing if the sensor has gone offline or the value just haven’t changed. Since 433 MHz is not that reliable it’s important to know if a sensor is in contact with the controller or if it for example has run out of battery or is faulty for any other reason. I do know that one can set the period with no reports to trigger a warning, but to not get warnings all the time one have to set that period fairly long.

How about if I delete those three “evil twins” after moving the three “good twins” to their place in the devices tree and want to add another real sensor. Will the three evil pop up again in the list of available devices along with the new sensor and its evil twin?

You can give this script a go.
It searches for the last update time of (filtered) devices from X hours ago
When X is set to, say, 24, all devices without any update for the last 24hrs get reported.


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Can’t see the practical implication of this difference. Regardless of how data is represented in the GUI you need some discrimination to avoid false warnings with these sensors. If it’s important you just don’t use cheap 433 MHz stuff.

They will still be there, in your case I expect it’s the ones labeled WS-1100 that are useless so it’s easiest to never even add those.