Redefining Home Audio: Affordable, Innovative, Hi-Res Sound
This app is a frontend for controlling the WiiM Player with Homey smart home
WiiM unveils a new era of home audio – an ultimate wireless sound system that paints your home with stunning sound, room by room, through a whole-house WiFi network.
WiiM Mini > supported - untested
WiiM Pro > supported
WiiM Pro Plus > supported
WiiM Amp > supported - untested
WiiM Ultra > (Announced for Q2)
WiiM Wake-up Light > not supported
Each player must have a fixed/static IP address.
Self-signed certificates are not supported
Community first: Diagnostic-Reports which are not requested by me will be deleted automatically
Forum-Topic: Since I don’t have a crystal ball, please give me the following information so that I can analyze the problem more precisely.
App version:
Homey model:
Homey version:
WiiM Player:
WiiM Player Version:
Special thanks to all for the help in testing the new version.
Use at your own risk. I accept no responsibility for any damages caused by using this app.
Copyright 2024, 2024 , Chris Gross
Did you know: let your Homey speak…
If you activate the Chromecast buildIn receiver via the WiiM Home app on the individual WiiM players, your Homey can speak to you via the Soundboard app and the Cast a text to Google (TTS) app.
Important for all those who use AirPlay Cast: (Audio Output > AirPlay)
So please don’t kill the person who delivered it…
June 10, 2024, 3:14pm
WiiM had an insight and offers a workaround.
Yes, please send us a feedback ticket or let us have your MAC address so we can whitelist your device. Thanks!
Afterwards you will receive a new FW, in which the AirPlay Cast function is available again . .
1 Like
Very interested as I can no longer stream to my Sonos. How do we get the FW workaround?
Thanks @ChrisG this Thread was the most helpful. Airplay restored after white listing.
1 Like
September 10, 2024, 10:00am
I would love to be able to control the subwoofer volume and/or EQ preset on my Wiim Amp. I am a developer and have a Wiim Amp. Any way I can help?
EDIT: Found the Github, I will have a look when I got time.
September 10, 2024, 11:32am
Not possible, because the UI layout is determined by the ‘Speaker’ device class .
You have to make the settings via the WiiM Home app.
September 10, 2024, 11:47am
Thanks for the clarification, I’m new to Homey App development. I will just do it with HomeyScript because the WiiM Amp API does support it.
September 10, 2024, 11:54am
You cannot select any music, for example.
But maybe you can develop a widget with the new dashboard, we’ll see. I have this and a few other ideas on my to-do list.
September 10, 2024, 12:26pm
I’m using this custom script and it works fine for my use case
const WIIM_IP = '192.168.x.x'; // your WiiM IP
function command(command) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
https.get(`https://${WIIM_IP}/httpapi.asp?command=${command}`, { rejectUnauthorized: false }, res => {
res.on('data', data => {
res.on('error', e => {
log(`Calling WiiM command ${args[0]}`);
await command(args[0]).catch(log);
See commands:
Stupid question from a newbie.
I use Homey Pro -23.
Id like to continue use Spotify.
Im about to buy a WiiM mini to be able to cast music to my NAD receiver. I also would like to cast the same music simoultanesly to my Sonos equipment.
Is this doable by using this app, or do I need to sober up and rethink?
December 8, 2024, 9:44pm
Hello, Chris
It turned out that Arylic ( ) very popular DIY and standalone Amps share the very same API. Arylic Devices are discoverable by WIIM App and vice versa. But for some reason your app cannot control Arylic devices, despite they injest to Homey just fine. Please, update the App so it could control Arylic - here the API Arylic Audio HTTP API