[App][Pro] Widgey - Widgets for your Dashboards

Just to be clear. Not important at all :wink:

This is likely the final test version focused on the sticky notes feature. If no issues arise, I will submit this build for certification.

Version 1.1.2

  • Set sticky note content via flow card
  • Add app settings to manage notes
  • Debounce the setting of note content for improved performance

Just too much info. Can you make it configurable what info to present?

Henk was just sharing that other nice widget.
That widget has itā€™s own topic, where you can contact the ā€˜Enhanced Device Widgetā€™ creator Adrian, and share you ideas.

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Its perfect thank you :heart:


Awesome widget. Create some more :rofl:

1 if I made some notes on the sticky note and I close and re-open the dashboard all the info on the sticky note is lost.

2 I use the android app ā€˜Keepā€™ a lot. I can easily add items and tick items. After ticked they disappear form the list. What do you think?

Keep up the good work.


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Thatā€™s odd, that shouldnā€™t happen.
The note is designed to save automatically in the background every time you type something. I debounce the saving process to prevent it from triggering after every keystroke, but I may have set it a bit too strictly.

Let me check and see if I can figure out whatā€™s going on.

Thanks, it is working now. I already see you changed something.

How about the second item I wrote?


Due to the way the current sticky note widget is set up I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to work.
However, I could look into it and create it as a separate widget, it should be doable.

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Still the same issue. I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab 9+

@Rogier_Verheugen I found an issue with saving and loading notes that contain more than one line of text, which might have caused the problem you experienced. Iā€™ve uploaded a new test version, please let me know if this solves your issue.

Version 1.1.3

  • Fix saving/loading of multiline notes

I had a few minutes to tinker around, and I think I can make it work :eyes:

Proof of Concept


Thatā€™s amazing :grin:

Alright, time for another test build!
Iā€™ve gone ahead and fully implemented the proof-of-concept I made for handwritten sticky notes :partying_face:

Version 1.2.0

  • Added handwritten sticky notes widget
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Just tested this. Kind of works. But I can only draw straight lines up and down.

Odd, should work.
And it does seem to register the x-axis since the lines arenā€™t completely straight.

It works on both my iPhone and iPad, what device and input method are you using?

Android tablet (finger and pen) and phone. Same problem on both.
Iā€™m guessing this is the same issue that android devices have with the sliders on the widget from the enhanced widgets app. That page scrolling takes over.

(post deleted by author)

Thanks for the input! Iā€™ll keep an eye on that thread for any potential solutions, and Iā€™ll also let them know if I find one.

Just out of curiosity, does this issue also occur on an Android phone when thereā€™s only one column in the dashboard with the note widget, making it impossible to swipe left or right? Or on the homepage

Yes, problem remains even if there is no scrolling possibilities.