[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

This is from WU:
daypart NOTE: For the purposes of this product day(D) = 7am to 7pm and night(N) = 7pm to 7am

After 3pm, the day part from WU is null for each field. I detect this and automatically switch the day values to the night values. So if you use the day values, it will automatically switch to the night values after 3pm. The WU documentation doesn’t specify when the day fields start to be populated again so it could be after midnight or 7am.

I hope that answers your questions OK.

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Hi @Adrian_Rockall,

since 02 March around 2:00 a.m. the connection to the weather station was interrupted (see screenshots). However, the weather forecast is still working.

The weather station is accessible with other programs (Netatmo, Netmo for Mac, myatmo for iOS, WeatherPro for iOS) and there is/was no interruption.

I intentionally haven’t deleted the device/weather station yet and tried to add it again because you may need a diagnostic report.

Do you know of any problems or changes on the site of WU?

Homey FW: v5.0.0
Weather Underground: v2.1.11

Hmm, it seems mine has a similar issue. I don’t have the warning, but the data is not updating.
I will investigate.

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Made a PTP and deleted/added the weather station again.
The same issue.

It seems that mine had just stopped polling for some reason. I restarted the app and it is pulling the data in again.
Could you enable the log and allow it to capture for a few minutes then send me the contents so I can see what your is doing?

To restart the app didn’t solve the problem.
I will send you the log (enabled yesterday already) via PM, because it’s quite a lot.

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I have a flow with the flow-card “No data has been received”.
Yesterday this flow sent me a push to tell me that no data has been received.
But everything seems to work just fine…!?

On my dashboard on WU (https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/IKUNGSBA40), under “Station Summary”, there is information saying for example "Online(updated 6 minutes ago).
For every update my PWS sends to WU, the timer updates.

Now I see a strange behavior on this update - for every update my PWS does, this timer-update is all over the place and as it seems, randomly switches between for example, 4 minutes, 59 minutes, Offline, 27 minutes, 1 hour and so on.

Adrian; maybe WU is sending wrong time-data regarding PWS-updates and you in your app is dependent on correct info?

I am getting a lot of message that the weather station is offline as well. It looks like the WU server might be having issue accepting data from the stations.

The same problem here. Today suddenly at random moments my flows says “No data has been received”. The app can not connect to the Weatherstation.
After restarting the app sometimes the connection is restored. I added a flow-card to restart the app.
But it doesn’t always help.

I’m still on Homey Firmware 4.2.0 and App version 2.1.11

In my account on Weather Underground i can see my Weather Station is Online.

In WU my weather station is going on and off and the reported times are all over the place as @Krisstenswe mentioned.

Also in the WU support there is this message:

So not sure if that is related.

Last night, the problems with “out-of-sync” data that WU had disappeared. During the night it has been stable and hopefully this is now resolved.

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Same for me. It’s all looking good today.
I did send a support request to WU about it yesterday afternoon, but the resolution is probably just coincidence :slight_smile:

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I just wanted to say that everything seems to be OK now.
But now the problem is back again.

Yes, it was apparently too early to hope that WU solved it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
But it seems that the problem is internal at WU and we can do nothing but wait. Or start a support case at WU …

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If they ever reply to my support request I will post it up here.

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I just sent a support case to WU about it.
We will see if / when they answer. (they have not been so good at answering over the years …)

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Hi all,

Is there a way to catch the fact that we receive data again from a flow ?.. The same way we know that we do not recieve data anymore ?


Tomorrow there will be :+1:

I have published a test version that has a new trigger which is activated when the data comes back online and received new data.


Waouh, thanks a lot :slight_smile: !

I will now be able to send notifications only if the alarme stay for more than X minutes :grinning:

I will test it tomorrow.


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