[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

I have just heard on slack that this should be fixed in v5.0.0rc22. It would appear there is currently an issue in the firmware.
Let me know if it’s still a problem when rc22 arrives.

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Will keep you informed.

Btw, how does Slack work? Do I need an invitation?

Slack has many channels, some are private and need an invitation while others are open.
The Athom channel is athomcommunity.slack.com.
So first create a slack account and then join the channel.
There are phone apps as well as the browser to access slack.

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After the update to rc.22 all except one point are correct again.

Strange that it is just one that is still not correct as they all come back in one JSON block.

Hi! I like the app and the “cockpit” chart. But is it possible to make a advanced settings change and enable a settings option for other units? E.g. change km/h to m/s for wind speed.

At the moment the app uses a lot of built in capabilities, so their units are defined by Athom and I’m not sure if they can be changed.
It is possible to replace them with custom capabilities and replicate the various flow cards, etc but I’m not sure how Athom would feel about that. Also, I am not sure if the units text can be changed on the fly on custom capabilities either. Plus this approach would break all the existing flows. On the subject of flows, do they then have to support multiple units, etc.

With the equipment I work with in my day job I have to cope with multiple units and it is a surprisingly big task as you start to realise the knock on effects.

I can appreciate your request as, being old British, I would prefer miles/hour :slight_smile:

So I will look into it, but I just wanted to make you aware that it might not be practical or even possible.

I appreciate you looking into this. I also understand the problem with the flow compability. I’m not a programmer so I should just accept your word for it, but I do not understand how Athome can have anything to do with different units? I have a homey weather app describing weather forecast from the Swedish hydrological Institute SMHI. And it do not use the same units as the Weather Underground.

You might have noticed that the icons are different as well. It looks like the other app is using custom capabilities and therefore had to supply their own icons as well. When using a custom capability it can be setup however you want. I’m just not sure if it can be changed on the fly.

Because I use the built in capabilities provided by Athom, I get their units.

Ok, that’s explained it! Thanks for the enlightening. :slight_smile: :+1:

@Adrian_Rockall any chance to get your not-yet-officially-supported-but-excellent-homey-app added here to make install - and update - so much user friendly? :slight_smile:

Thanks for the support.
The Weather Underground app is in both stores:

Installed the app. The forecast works perfect. The weather station gives an error: HTTPS Error 204, no data found. Anyone a solution?

As far as I know that error code means the weather station hasn’t sent any data for a while (possibly an hour).

Check to make sure the weather station has a connection as is working correctly.

I think you should be able to see when the data was last updated in your station information on the weather underground site.

Thx, the station was indeed offline for a short time.
The app works per-fect!!

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I’m having problems adding my weather station to the weather underground app.
I get the error (translated from dutch) Could not find Station-ID of invalid API key.
I’ve added them correctly as is shown in the wundergound.com website under my devices.
The WS-View app on my phone i used to set up my Alecto station does get data from the weather undergound site.
When i check the log of the app i see a url to api.weather.com with my device id and key in it.
Followed by HTTPS error 401
Anyone any ideas ?

Never mind.
Recreated the API and then it did work.

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I have fixed an issue where polling stops after a network error. This version (2.1.7) is available for testing here https://homey.app/a/com.weatherunderground/test/

I have just uploaded a new test version that ensures the device warning message is cleared when new data arrives.
It also delays the initial update to ensure the rate limit is not exceeded when the app is updated.

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Maybe these questions weer already asked, I didn’t read the whole thread, sorry.

@Adrian_Rockall, two questions:

  • Is there an overview/table what is the time-based definition of “Today”, Tonight", “Tomorrow”, etc.?
    Today = 06:00 - 20:00
    Tonight = 20:00 - 06:00
    Tomorrow = 06:00 - 20:00 the next day

  • Is there a technical way to change the weather forecast from “Today” to “Tonight” or “Tomorrow”? E.g. with a time based flow?
    The reason of this question is that I want to have the weather forecast for the day in the morning and a forecast for the night in the evening, e.g. if it is freezing or snowing and I should better drive the car into the garage.

Thx, in advance.