[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

Thanks @DirkG. Will test it. Looks good. :grinning:. Thanks @Adrian_Rockall.

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There is a big update coming for the forecast flow triggers. This will allow you to specify which day (Today, Tonight, Today + 1, etc) the flow checks.
Unfortunately this requires the forecast device to be removed and added again and any existing flows (which are probably not working) to be fixed. I am so sorry for the inconvenience but I think the added benefit is worth it.
I have also removed the Thunder capability as WU don’t seem to provide any data in that field. I have tried to contact them about it but I have not had any response. If they fix it I will add it back in.

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Absolutely fantastic! :partying_face:

Hi Adrian,
I was just checking my flows and discovered that one of the cards had an error. In place of the UV-Index there was a question mark. So I wanted to add it again but it wasn’t in the list anymore. So I checked the device for my waetherstation in the Homey app and there the UV Index was gone too. Restarting the app didn’t help.
Then I read in the App info under ‘What’s new in v2.0.1’ the following: ‘UV-Index and Solar Radiation only shown if the data is received.’
It’s evening now so UV Index is ‘0’. So I think no data is send now. But that also means my flow is getting corrupted. Can you please change this behaviour so the logic variables stay present.

This is fixed in 2.0 2 which is available in test.
Just add test to the normal app store url for the app. It will be published to the normal channel as soon as Athom approve it.

Thank you! :+1:
It would also be nice to have a logic variable to use in flows that shows how long ago the data has been updated. Last week I checked the device I and saw that it was 16 hours ago since the data was updated. I discovered there was a wifi problem with my weather station. It would be nice to be able to create a flow that sends me an alert when the data is not up-to-date.

You only need to create 2 flows and one numerical variable:

Flow 1
Time = 00:00 o’clock (or other time)
Set variable x (self created numeric variable) to current temperature

Flow 2
Time = 12:00 o’clock (or other time)
Value of variable x (value was set at 00:00 o’clock) is equal to the current temperature

There is a “No data has been received” trigger card for the app. Hopefully that will fire if there is a network problem.

OK, thanx! I’ll try that.

There is another big update in Test. This one has ‘equal’ / ‘not equal’ and ‘greater than’ / ‘less than or equal to’ condition cards, for the forecast capabilities, that have a day argument.

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Hey Adrian,
today I installed a Netatmo wind sensor and added it to my PWS. On the WU website the data is also displayed.
Are the wind data automatically added to the WU PWS app? Or do I have to uninstall and reinstall the device? I only use the forecasting device.

Many thanks in advance.

By the way, the following information are not (any longer) translated into German:

I guess the data should appear automatically as it all comes in one block and is just extract to fill in the capabilities. If they don’t then let me know your station id and I will check.

The parts that are not translated in the image come directly from WU. I send the language code with the request so WU should return it in that language. I will check to make sure the request is still good.

Adrian, PM.

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I have checked and the German language file does have “de-DE” for the language code. If I replace the “en-GB” in the English language file with “de-DE” then I do see all those message in German so the link is working. I’m not sure why you are not seeing the correct language there.
If you enable the log in the configure app section you should see the URL that is being used.

I actually have the “en-GB” setting, but I did not make any changes (except adding the wind sensor).
Neither on wunderground.com nor on the website of my Netatmo PWS I found nothing where I could change the language setting. But the position of the PWS is correct.

That’s strange as it is one of the translation strings located in de.json. That file also holds the translations for the pairing wizard such as “Informationen Ihrer Weather Underground Station.” and “Wetterstation hinzufügen”. Homey should automatically fetch the text from that file when the language is set to German but it looks like yours is fetching from en.json. I also have a nl.json for the Dutch language.
To test that WU was returning the correct language I changed the text in my en.json file and it was picked up from there OK. However, I can see that it is picking up all the other “de”: translations from the app.json file so you obviously have Homey set to German.

I presume it was working at some point?
What version of the WU app are you using?
What firmware version do you have on Homey?
Have you updated Homey at some point?

Can you try the new test version just in case there was an issue with the publishing of the current release. The new test version should only fix a bug with the forecast trigger cards when the selected day is not Today.


20.07.2020 Update 5.0.0-rc.17
27.07.2020 Update 5.0.0-rc.19

With the new test version v2.1.4 nothing changed.

Do you think it worked before updating to 5.0.0-rc19?
If you go to the add device wizard to add the PWS do you see all those texts in German or English?

Could you try with the new 5.0.0rc.21 that has just been released to see if that fixes the problem?

rc19: I cannot verify that

Add: all in German

rc21: the same Denglish (German/English)