[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

Thanks for the reply and it is definitely sending data.
Here’s a screenshot from wunderground


This is what my followed by your station id returns from WU:

2020-06-18 13:00:26 [log] [WeatherApp] currentData = {
“stationID”: “IHORSH12”,
“obsTimeUtc”: “2020-06-18T11:58:31Z”,
“obsTimeLocal”: “2020-06-18 12:58:31”,
“neighborhood”: “Horsham”,
“softwareType”: null,
“country”: “GB”,
“solarRadiation”: null,
“lon”: -0.352594,
“realtimeFrequency”: null,
“epoch”: 1592481511,
“lat”: 51.023314,
“uv”: null,
“winddir”: 225,
“humidity”: 90,
“qcStatus”: 1,
“metric”: {
“temp”: 15.8,
“heatIndex”: 15.8,
“dewpt”: 14.2,
“windChill”: 15.8,
“windSpeed”: 0,
“windGust”: 0,
“pressure”: 993.91,
“precipRate”: 0.25,
“precipTotal”: 4.57,
“elev”: 47.9
2020-06-18 13:00:26 [log] [WeatherApp] currentData = {
“stationID”: “IWHANGAR43”,
“obsTimeUtc”: “2020-06-18T11:58:52Z”,
“obsTimeLocal”: “2020-06-18 23:58:52”,
“neighborhood”: “Whangarei Heads”,
“softwareType”: “EasyWeather V8.8.0”,
“country”: “NZ”,
“solarRadiation”: null,
“lon”: 174.546112,
“realtimeFrequency”: null,
“epoch”: 1592481532,
“lat”: -35.841682,
“uv”: null,
“winddir”: null,
“humidity”: null,
“qcStatus”: 1,
“metric”: {
“temp”: null,
“heatIndex”: null,
“dewpt”: null,
“windChill”: null,
“windSpeed”: null,
“windGust”: null,
“pressure”: 1012.53,
“precipRate”: null,
“precipTotal”: 16,
“elev”: 61.9

As you can see, most data is null, but I’m not getting an error message (using my API key).
The only thing I can suggest is to delete the station from WU and add it again or contact WU support to see if they can find out why they are not returning the data.
Sorry I can’t be more helpful.

I have just looked at the station in WU and it ties up with what the app is receiving:

So I guess there is an issue with your station not sending all the data. You could try rebooting the station maybe.


is there a possibility for a card that shows the weather-information for the whole day and not as currently an option for the day and one for the night?


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I have just looked at the API again and there is a subset of information that applies to the next 12 / 24 hour period. This would be rain / snow fall plus max and min temperatures. It also provides a text summary of the weather.
I could possibly add another device card (24hr Forecast) that gives this information.

The current data comes back as an array for 5 day / night entries.

Yeah, it would be fine with a 24-Forecast-Card. Thanks if you can do this. :-).

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I have just been looking over my code to get ready to add the new card and now I have a confession to make: The rain / snow total and the high / low temperatures are for the whole day. So selecting Today or Tonight does not change those values.
It’s confusing as I found the API documentation does not agree with the actual data.

So it seems it already does what you want :wink:

During the Day the Card Today Day shows values for Today but in the evening the card shows no more values. Now you have to change to Today Night to see the values for the rest of the Day.

For using Tags in Flows like e.g. for Rain you have to switch manuall from Day to Night and on the next morning back to Day to have the value during the whole day and night. Or you need two Cards (one for Day, one for Night) and some Flows more. Hmm.

So i asked for a Card for the whole Day. I hope you unserstand what i mean.





OK, I can see that after a certain time the day entries return null. How about if I detect null and then automatically switch to tonight values?
That way the today tags return the current information (either day or night) depending on what is available.

@Adrian_Rockall, do you know what temperature is meant (weather forecast)? No matter which forecast I choose, there’s always just a > - <.

I spotted this a few days ago when I was looking at another problem and it seems I missed the bit of code that updates that value. I have fixed this for the next updated.

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Even for the thunder (Gewitter, on the left site of Temperatur)?

Thunder is there but WU is returning null. According to the WU documentation it should return a string
0 = “No thunder”;
1 = “Thunder possible”;
2 = “Thunder expected”;
3 = “Severe thunderstorms possible”;
4 = “Severe thunderstorms likely”;
5 = “High risk of severe thunderstorms”

The WU thunderIndex is coming back as zero so the thunderCategory should be “No thunder”. I don’t know why that is not working but I will contact WU to see if I get an answer.

For now I could change null to ‘No Thunder’ but I don’t know if it will always be null because it is just broken. I will keep my eye on it as I feel we might have thunder forecast in the next week or two.

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Ok, it’s working now. I generated a new Key, tried using the API call in my browser which worked, loaded in Homey and it’s all good :slight_smile:

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I have the same problem as @CyberSponk.
In the morning I would like to have the forecast for the day, in the evening the forecast for the night, e.g. if it will freeze and I have to put my car into the garage.
Unfortunately it is currently not possible to install two “devices” for the weather forecast. If it were possible, I would set one device to “Today” and one device to “Tonight”. But if I want to add a second device with identical Station ID and API Key, I get the error message that the weather station already exists.

Could you add an option that the weather forecast switches from “Today” to “Tonight” at 6:00 pm for example? Ideally with the help of a flow.
It’s 6:00 pm
Change weather forecast from “Today” to “Tonight”

So you can control yourself, when which weather forecast is needed.

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I have pushed a new test version (1.3.0). I thought I had already done this but must of been sidetracked and missed the actual step of publishing it, so sorry for the delay.

@CyberSponk, @DirkG With this version the Forecast - Today values automatically switch to report Tonight values once WU stop sending them (around 3pm). This will hopefully allow flows that monitor Today values to keep working for 24 hours.

I have also changed the order of the capabilities. Some of the data from WU is common to the whole day and some is day/night dependent. So now all the whole day values appear first followed by the day/night values. Unfortunately to see the new order in existing devices the device has to be deleted and added again as Homey keeps the original order.

I have also added a couple of extra capabilities just because they are there :wink:

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@DirkG I have not heard back from WU and as far as I can see the value never comes back with anything but null, even when we have had thunder forecast in the area by other weather sites.
I have left it there for now but if it is never going to work then I will remove it in a future version.

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Have we wait for the final release or can we test it too? If it possible to test > What have i got to do to get the test-version?

Use this Link:

All what you have to do is to add “test” at the end of the URL. This works for every App in the official App Store.

Edit: I have it already installed.

@Adrian_Rockall thank you very much for the quick update! I have it already installed und will test it.

I think this is a good solution. Everything else is pretty confusing.

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