[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

Ok, application installed. Flow configured… Les wait for some disconnection now.

By the way I saw in the debug logs that there is nother interesting information available which is the last time the data was updated in WU by the weather station. It would be good to expose it also to be able to detect if the weather station is still uploading data isn’t it ?


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I want to buy a weather station and connect it to Homey… The main purpose is for wind changes… Are there any people out here with experience with the next stations (can’t find a list what works with WU). And how is the reaction time. I want to use it when it’s going to storm and retract my screens.

Any help would be appreciated! Other options for wind meters are also welcome!

It doesn’t look like any of those will work with WU as they have no WiFi / network option.
The key specs to look for are WiFi and they normally state if they are compatible with WU.


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These weather stations may be compatible with the Wireless Weather Sensors app. But I can’t say anything about update times.
In the case of the Wireless Weather App, the update interval probably depends on the weather station itself.

2017 I bought this: Eurochron EFWS 2900 Wireless digital weather station Forecasts for 12 to 24 hours | Conrad.com

I use wind speed, wind direction, solar strength (UV index) and temperature in different flows to control skylights, blinds and awnings.

With Adrian’s excellent WU app, I get the values I need in to Homey. And with Adrian’s excellent Tahoma / Connexoon app, I control the devices - works great!

The reaction time varies slightly between seconds up to just over a minute, which is more than enough for my needs.
If, on the other hand, you want to catch a high gust of wind and immediately pull in an awning to protect it, you need something that reacts faster. Somfy has wind sensors that control directly on the motors and thus react directly.


Thanks! That looks like an interesting option pricewise!

Thanks for your (extensive) reaction! You’re right about the gusts and the Somfy wind sensors… Maybe I want the Connexoon to much that I asked for a weather station to work with Homey… In my case the Somfy would be a better option because of the reaction time!

I’m gonna think about it! Or maybe use a Somfy wind sensor for high wind gusts and a Connexoon for automation and light sensor…

Yes, they can be combined. I use Homey/Connexoon to automate and let Somfy wind sensor handle gusts directly.

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I think that will be the best option in my case as well… I want the screen to retract the moment there are gusts… Yesterday there were som gusts and my screen came loose…

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WU is rate limited, so the update interval is 1 minute. I agree that is too slow to protect anything from gusts of wind.

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After about 3 weeks I get an answer from Netatmo regarding the partnership with WU, just for information:

Thanks for the update. Stange how it ended two years ago but only just stopped working. Did your station recently get a firmware update?
As far as I know the station sends the data to WU, so that would be programmed into the station to do that. It could have stopped either because the station updated which removed the code to send the data or maybe WU have started blocking it, but I don’t see why they would as they would benefit from it.

Still good to know for sure why it has stopped.

Don’t know if the firmware was updated automatically.

I guess WU doesn’t block anything, because the Netatmo Weatherstation is still listed when I want to add a new ws.
Because of the problems I deleted my ws in WU. Now I wanted to add it again and I get this information from Netatmo:

So it’s definitely not possible to add a Netatmo Weatherstation anymore. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Installed WU v2.1.16 yesterday 01-06-2021. It is impossible to add my weather station (it is shown as online) or weather forecast. Error: cannot find Station ID-location or invalid API-key. Regenerated API key at WU site and tried other station ID’s without any success. Also tried with blank station ID first.

Does someone have a solution/workaround?

If you let me know your station ID I will try with my key. The station ID is public information so no security risk.

Hi Adrian,

IROTTE133 it is. Thanks for your quick response!

André van den Haak

Verzonden vanaf mijn Galaxy

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That ID is not showing up in their website. IROTTE130 is coming up but not IROTTE133 so has your weather station published any data yet?

Hi Adrian,

How strange! Yes it it has published data, in fact you can see that I placed it outside just before six.

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Hi Adrian,

I did some more testing. Deleted the PWS @ WU site and added it again, it is now named IROTTE135. Still no luck, I cannot add it to Homey. Like you, I am able to add IROTTE133 in Homey. It looked like the app does not accept all station ID’s. I can add a station wit a shorter (fake) ID, which then, of course, can not be found. When I edit this station ID to my own station ID, Homey says that it cannot find my PWS (error 404). When I change the station ID to the one that I could add without problems, that one runs OK again. Changing back to my own station ID gives me the 404 not found error again.

Kind regards,


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The app does a search for the station ID on WU to get the required information for the weather forecast. The problem is your ID is not found in the search. This is also the case if you go to the WU web site and enter the ID into the search box, it can’t find the station. I don’t know why WU is not indexing your station and I can’t see any settings in my account that allow me to make it private, etc.
Maybe you could try contacting WU support to ask them why it is not being found?
I will have a look at my app to see if I can work around it not being found.