[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

Hi Adrian,

Same issue, i ll sent you a log aswell:

Thank you for looking into it.

It looks like that latest update is either changing the store API key or causing it to become invalid.
I have had a few users reporting error 401 since installing the update and it seems to be caused by the key, but I don’t know why.

One user has created a new API key and replaced that in Homey and it has fixed it for him.
I have also just published a new test version as I am wondering if the units change logic was exceeding the usage of the key for the forecast data. The new version now updates the displayed values using the cached forecast instead of fetching it again. It is just a theory though as the issue would only occur if the units were changed a few times.

Hi Adrian, everything is working again without installing the test app. Don’t ask me why, but I’m happy :smile:


After creating a new API-key it worked for a day. Now I get the error 401 again …


I wonder if the problem will resolve itself at some point.
Are you using the new test version or still on the release version?

@Adrian_Rockall I’m on 3.0.13,
But sadly, it stopped working again around 18.00

I ll try the test version and will let you know.

Edit: experimental doesn’t solve the issue.

Edit 2: on another forum, somebody said there might be a rate limit to the api if you don’t pay a membership or so. Could that be it?

Edit 3: after generating a new api key, it works again. If edit 2 is right, it should stop after a while again

I didn’t expect it solve the problem straight away, but hopefully it will stop it occurring again.

There is indeed a rate limit and the app should stay within that. There is even an option to set the number of connections that reduces the accesses, so you have more than one ‘thing’ using your account (provide the other ‘thing’ can also reduce it’s calls as well.
It just seems strange that the app has been in use for years by well over 2000 users and this issue has only occurred after the last update, when all that was changed was to add the option to change the wind speed units.

FYI: the limits are 1500 calls per day and 30 calls per minute.
The app refreshes the current weather once every minute and the forecast once per hour. So that is 1464 calls per day.

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I have found the cause of the problem and the new test version should fix it.


Works like a charm, thanks!

Hi Adrian,

I am running the official version.

Will try the test one.


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Version 3.0.15 also solved my problem ([App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15) - #267 by Krisstenswe) which occurred on 29 June. The number of API key usage then hit the ceiling and I couldn’t find a solution to the problem. Now I have reset the Number of Accounts Connected from 2 to 1 and now it works just like before.
Thanks for finding the bug!

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