[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

I can only guess it’s an issue at WU as they would be the cause of that error, assuming Homey / the app is not intermittently providing the wrong key.

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That was the most logical assumption for me too.
I’ll wait and see if they get it right eventually.
Thanks for, as usual, your quick response!

Is the app working properly? I am considering purchasing a weather station that is compatible with Weather Underground, but I am uncertain if it functions consistently. Additionally, does anyone have recommendations for the best weather station in terms of value?

Apart from the fact that I’m currently having problems (probably WU’s cause?) with downloading data in this app, it’s been working without problems for years. Adrian makes great apps and has excellent support.
I have a Eurochron EFWS 2900 that I bought at Conrad, but it is also available on Amazon. Good functionality for the money.
Good luck!

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I have seen a few errors from the server recently, but I think that’s because I added another weather station and set it up on a different Homey but forgot to change the number of stations in both instances and therefore made too many api calls.
Generally, it works well.

OK, so I have looked further into this with data downloads stopping for me in the afternoons (Sweden time) around 14:45.
Downloading data resumes automatically at approximately 02:10 at night.

Since it’s so consistent, I started thinking about limitations in the number of downloads and WU seems to have a maximum of 10 per minute and a total of 1500 per day. This means that you can have about 60 calls per hour, i.e. 1 per minute. When I look at my API Key usage on my Members settings page on WU, I have just over 1500 successes per day and just over 2700 failures. First day (it’s about 12, lunchtime) and I already have 1200 successes. At this rate, I will reach the ceiling of 1500 calls around 14:45. So that matches my problem.

Unfortunately, I renewed the API key before I could look at how my API key usage was before the problems started. Renewing means that the statistics for the “old” API key disappear…

I started testing with different values ​​for “Number of Accounts Connected”. I set it to 3 under Settings in the WU app and waited a day. It gave 979 successes - clearly under 1500 - and 0 failures.
I then changed to 2 and waited a day and it gave 1460 successes and 0 failures.
So, I now need to use the value 2 for “Number of Accounts Connected” in order not to exceed the number of calls limit.

What is strange though is that I always used 1 as the value and this changed, as I can see, on June 29th. I only have one device and I even changed the API key and the new API key is only used in the app.

I can’t find an explanation…

/ Kristofer

When I add my weather station (Vevor 7-in-1 WiFi/YT60234) I do get an error claiming that the Station ID or API is invalid. Both are correct, and I have even tried re-generate the API key. Same result. I tried installing the 3.1.13 test version, same issue. The log in this version misses newline so it appears as “one liner”. The device is added and pulling data correct.
When trying to add the forecast, same error but device is not added.

App Started 2024 - 08 - 13T10: 33: 03.260Z
https: //api.weather.com/v2/pws/observations/current?numericPrecision=decimal&stationId=ISTAVE43&format=json&units=m&apiKey= 2024-08-13T10:33:03.502Z
https://api.weather.com/v2/pws/observations/current?numericPrecision=decimal&stationId=ISTAVE43&format=json&units=m&apiKey= 2024-08-13T10:33:03.913Z
retrieve data 2024-08-13T10:33:03.916Z
Done retrieval of data 2024-08-13T10:33:03.921Z
PWS Data = { “stationID”: “ISTAVE43”, “obsTimeUtc”: “2024-08-13T10:32:34Z”, “obsTimeLocal”: “2024-08-13 12:32:34”, “neighborhood”: “Stavern”, “softwareType”: null, “country”: “NO”, “solarRadiation”: 57.5, “lon”: 10.031, “realtimeFrequency”: null, “epoch”: 1723545154, “lat”: 58.986, “uv”: 1, “winddir”: 118, “humidity”: 55, “qcStatus”: 1, “metric”: { “temp”: 19.4, “heatIndex”: 19.4, “dewpt”: 10, “windChill”: 19.4, “windSpeed”: 0, “windGust”: 1.4, “pressure”: 1013.55, “precipRate”: 0, “precipTotal”: 0, “elev”: 4.9 } } 2024-08-13T10:33:03.934Z
SR Old = 57.5 SR New = 57.5 2024-08-13T10:33:03.935Z
refreshCapabilities complete 2024-08-13T10:33:04.093Z

Normally when creating keys they become active within a few minutes, but it can take up to 24 hours. So all I can suggest is to wait for a while to see if that helps.

I did wait 24H before I wrote this message. Had the same issue yesterday when I first configured and tested the weather station. Since I still had the samme issue, trying to add a forecast device today, I tried delete yesterdays API key and renew with a new one today. If possible, try to create a forecast device and see if the same happens at your end?

It’s working fine for me. I just added a weather forecast to one of my other Homeys.

It might be some lag on wunderground side, I’m not able to search for my Station ID (ISTAVE43). It was created yesterday. So that might be the reason of the error message.

You can use my station Id with you key if you want to check the key works. The station ids are public, so you can use any of them with your key.

hi all,

i tried to search this forum but i could not find an answer…

to me it looks like that the app always puts the cumulative rain value of the day to 0 at 04:00 in the morning…

am i correct?
if yes, i want to store the value of 03:59 to use it elsewere…

It’s possible that is what Weather Underground does, but the app just reports what is passed back from the API.

All I can suggest is to store the value in a Flow variable and use that. Basically, trigger the Flow at 3:59 and use the logic cards to store the tag value into a variable (at least I think that can be done)

Hmm, so i actually need to find out what the API does… but otherwise i will keep monitoring if it always goes back to 0 at 04:00

Today received the new version and it doesn’t connect anymore. Not on the 2019 and also the 2023 version with both a seperated wheaterstation.
Yesterday everything worked fine.
Bug in the update or do I need to reinstall?
Regards, Ebo.

Could you open the app settings page and select the Log tab. Then enable the Diagnostics Log and wait for a few minutes for some activity to show in the bottom section.
Then copy the content of that list and send it to me via a PM.


I do have the same Problem as @Ebo_Biginski with error 401 since today.


That is strange, because the only change was to add the option to change wind speed units.
I have check the changes via GitHub and that is all there is.

A diagnostics log would help see where the problem is.
Also, could you try restarting Homey as I have been having network issue with the latest firmware, which I have reported today.

Reboot didnt solve the problem , i ve sent you the log
