[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

No problem, I will take a look soon. Thank you for your help.

I have published a new test version.

It’s good for me

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Hi, I would like to add station and forecast as a devices, but I only managed to add station.

But when I try to add forecast with same station ID and API key I am getting this error:

and when click ok, nothing happens :frowning:

Any ideas?

That is very strange. Have you tried to restart the app or reboot Homey to see if that fixes it?

I ll try and let you know :slight_smile:

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Both didnt work… have this in log:


  • retrieve data


  • Done retrieval of data


  • HTTPS Error: 404

I just tried to add another station, I did get the same error.
I renewed my API on the website, the old one has expired.
Now it is working again.
Also my password has to be renewed.
App is working like before.

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I tried to add forecast for different station in neighborhood with same API key and worked fine :smiley:

That is really strange, but I’m glad it’s working.

Hi Adrian,

I have a gateway 1100 but cannot connect it with the Homey app, it seems that I have to make a set-up but I cannot enter the settings

What options are on the left side menu?

This is what I see in the ws view app

Thanks for the quick respons, after a re install it works perfect

Except the cold water :sweat_drops:

Can you “fix” that :laughing:

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I wish I could :slight_smile:

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Hi @Adrian_Rockall any news for adding icon code?

Hello, I’m having a bit of an issue with the app - I’ve managed to get my station working (no longer need to pull data from my neighbor’s :slight_smile: ), but in the last few days (maybe after updating Homey Pro 2023 to FW 10.3.0) I’ve started experiencing that the weather station drops out and stops providing data to Homey.

Restarting the app helps, but today after restarting, it shows data and then drops out again within a few seconds, appearing as unavailable. Sometimes it comes back after a while and sometimes I need to restart the app.
Any ideas?

Could you open the app settings page and select the Log tab and enable the log.
Then restart the app and when the device goes offline, go back to the log and look for errors…

Hi Adrian, i have been waiting for error to show up again… :slight_smile: This is in log:






  • retrieve data


  • Done retrieval of data

That error is a DNS timeout which normally indicates that Homey is having issues.
You could try rebooting Homey or check your DNS settings are OK in your router / DNCP server.

Hi Adrian!

Since June 29th I have had, from what I can see, 3-4 interruptions in downloading data to the app. The outages last for several hours and then it starts retrieving data again on its own.

If I look in the app’s log, it says, among other things;
2024-07-04T21:18:33.163Z * https://api.weather.com/v2/pws/observations/current?numericPrecision=decimal&stationId=IKUNGSBA40&format=json&units=m&apiKey=
2024-07-04T21:18:33.172Z * https://api.weather.com/v2/pws/observations/current?numericPrecision=decimal&stationId=IKUNGSBA40&format=json&units=m&apiKey=
2024-07-04T21:18:33.269Z * retrieve data
2024-07-04T21:18:33.271Z * Done retrieval of data 2024-07-04T21:18:33.272Z * HTTPS Error: 401 2024-07-04T21:18:33.274Z * Weather Refresh: GetURL Error: 401, Unauthorized
2024-07-04T21:18:33.279Z * retrieve data
2024-07-04T21:18:33.280Z * Done retrieval of data 2024-07-04T21:18:33.282Z * HTTPS Error: 401 2024-07-04T21:18:33.283Z * Weather Refresh: GetURL Error: 401, Unauthorized

I have changed the API key without it making a difference. Restarted app and Homey to no avail.

It doesn’t feel like anything I do affects the data deliveries starting again… - Is Weather Underground possibly having a problem…?