[App][Pro]Weather Underground PWS app (Release 3.0.13, Test 3.0.15)

A cool. The repo is here:

yes, I’ve started…wahou 5000 lines :slight_smile:

I haven’t counted :grin:
Thanks for your help.

I’ve finished app.jsn, I’ll continue tomorrow.

Sorry but the app.json file is compiled from all the other json files when the app is built. The bulk of which are in subfolders of the homeycompose folder.

Ah cool. This is the 5th translation that someone told me. OK, it doesn’t matter, it was a warm-up lap.

The app.json was the old way until Athom made homeycompose available. That allows the entries to be broken down in to more manageable chunks, although it does sometimes add a challenge.

Good morning @Adrian_Rockall ,

I think you have all the files in pull on git.

Great, I will process them after work today and publish an update this evening.

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Do you have anything else to translate?

Do you mean other apps or parts of weather underground?
If you want to have a crack at the other apps in my repo then feel free :wink:

Ok, I’ll see what I can do in between.

Are the files suitable for you?

I haven’t been able to look yet.

I have published the new version to /test.
I had to fix a few issue where the text in [[…]] had been translated, but they contain parameter names.

Thank you for doing that for me, it’s much appreciated.

There are obviously some files that have been missed.

I’ll look on Git.

Well there are other files to translate, I will take care of them immediately

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the files in the “drivers” folder were missing.
I also created the fr.json file in “local”.

It’s all on Git… :grinning: :smile: :grin:

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Hi @Adrian_Rockall ,

I no longer see the files on Git, have you integrated them?

Yes. I had to fix some issue as you seemed to had deleted a lot of the entries from the forecast driver, so I have put them all back.
The new test version is in the store .

@Adrian_Rockall I’am sorry.

I installed this new version and the translations on homey are still not present.

ah ok, The two files in weather are not up to date…I guess it’s that or I’ve done something stupid.

I’ll make them again for you.

It’s okay, I redid the two files…I was careful this time.
My apologies again