[APP][Pro][DEPRECATED] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@martijnpoppen Still working very good on my side (Audi A3 hybrid). I have a bunch of flows that start/stop charging based on my solarpanels.
They also cancel charging as soon as I plug my car in (it starts charging by default) and there is not enough power during daytime (between sunrise and sunset), and check for solarexpectations the next day to charge the car during night(rates), with the option to cancel this if I don’t need to drive the next day. And I can force charging (starting/stopping) whenever I want to.

The only thing I cannot get to work is to set a certain time at which I want the car to be full based on the remaining charging time, so that I can have the car charge on solar, but automatically force it to be full on the set time.
But that’s a Homey flow challenge, not a problem with this app.

All works great with update setting on 2 mins.

One thing: If I choose batterystatus as the deviceicon, I get a battery that is hardly readable. Is it possible for you to change that to a digital percentage readout? (like fuellevel)

And I think it would be better if - like mentioned earlier - you can force the “chargeplug state” to always update after the “charging state”

edit: managed to create a working ‘force car to charge to be full at configurable “time to leave” set of flows’ using Better Logic