[App][Pro] Viessmann App for Homey Pro

Make sure , before installing the Homey App, your Vicare Smartphone app has the boiler in Comfort mode. I had the same problem when the external demand input was activated upon install. This deactivates Comfort or Eco mode and forces the boiler into an “unknown” state.

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Hi Jan,
works fine, that’‘s the solution. After switching to comfort mode the device could be initialized.
Thank you for the hint.
@KennyMoens My Vitodens 222 has two heater circuits (see the feature.json I’ve sent to you) but only the first is recognized. It would be great to manage the second heater too. Perhaps you‘ll finde a solution in a later version.
Thank‘s for the excellent support!

Hello guys,

A new version is available for test (v0.3.0).

The following changes are present:

  • @AKRAMO, your heating is currently in standby mode, this caused the error. I fixed this bug now.
  • @PeterHa, your heating device is currently supported now. Please not that only circuit 0 is supported at this moment.
  • @PeterHa, @AKRAMO, you both have a system with multiple circuits, this should now be supported.
  • @Blooddrunk, I have added initial support for your VItocal device. It is currently only the heating stats and controls. Probably we have to expand this more. Input on which values are interesting to you, let me know.

Some additional notes for everyone:

  • Due to the support for multiple circuits, if you search for new devices you’ll find your existing device again. This might lead to confusion, I would recommend removing / readding the device with proper circuits support.
  • People with multiple devices might get quicker to the API limit, I’m thinking of doing some more caching to reduce the API calls for these use cases (longer term).

Upcoming changes:

  • I want to revampt the authentication logic, so that it will get easier to onboard on the application. This will take a bit time, but I want to move forward with this.


  • Anyone willing to help to contribute, also with translations is welcome!

Currently only available as a test build using Viessmann | Homey, once these changes are good, I’ll resubmit it for publication.


Since 0.3.0 my Vitodens 222-W is recognized and device readouts seems ok. But when I try to change the boiler temperature I get this:

However this works for me:

I removed the “old” device and carried out the installation. No problems occurred. Both heating circuits were correctly recognized. I will do more detailed tests later and give feedback

Hey guys,

@Takie , thanks for reporting! That was an oversight during the refactoring for the heatpumps. This should be resolved now with v0.3.1 which is published to test.

Kind regards,

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Thx for taking a look! The original error seems resolved, but now it’s this:

Bah… Using TypeScript should have avoided me that errors, but in that code I bypass some of the typescript logic which didn’t lead to me detecting those errors during a refactoring.

v0.3.2 (published to test) should resolve that one too.

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And now it works! Thank you!

Hello Kenny,
this is what I get when trying to add a device.

Edit: it shows no device found.

Hey @Blooddrunk,

I see it already, I have still a filter with “type:boiler” active, that will cause the issue. Fix underway.

I’ve pushed v0.3.3 to test, this should fix the filter for the heatpumps.

Quick updates!
I still get “Error: fetch is not defined” though. Its like its not even test to connect because I get this whatever I type in.

Same here tested the test build

Hey guys,

For the fetch I am rewriting the authentication. Probably finishen after the weekend. That should tackle Your issues i think.


Hey Kenny,
freaking awesome! I managed to add my Vitocal.
Everything seems to be fine. Only two things that would be awesome to add is current temperature of Hot water, I am not sure why Boiler does not show anything. And also power consumption would be awesome to have there.

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Let me know about translations and how-to. I could take care of German and french.
Not sure if there are a lot of french users though…

Also heat pump circulation status do not change properly probably as it shows that it runs nonstop for 20 hours already.

Hi Kenny,
thanks for developing this app, great work!

Hii Kenny,
thanks for adding also Vidodens 333-F, the first look is great. Both circuits are visible, and infos are shows.

I would also like to see the current temperature of hot water and power consumtion. It would also be great to add gas consumtion of heating and hot water if possible. I would like to compare these values in insights.

I saw in insights that the values of room, night, day and comfort are duplicate. One of the values is empty, the other one shows the target temperature. I think the empty values can be removed?