[APP][Pro] Ubiquiti UniFi Network

Please login local on your Protect system. Not on ui.com but on your local address from your cloudkey of dreammachine

Is it an local account and a password with 18 chars ?

My password has 16 chars. Does it changed something since yesterday? Before everything worked without problems. Yes its a local account, I connect with my IP address.

It looks like this:

Same issue for me. I can’t configure Unifi Network. I’m using the same user and settings as for the Unifi Protect app and that works perfectly fine. What do I do wrong?

Was this resolved? First time user and it is reporting incorrect credentials even though they are correct.

Config indicates

but Unifi only allows 30 char

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How many characters has your username and password?

Password must be 32 chars, username has an minimal from 1 char. Please use two accounts for Homey Unifi Network en Homey Unifi Protect. Since the last update in unifi the old sessions will be invalid when an new user logged in sometimes. (I don’t know why?)

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I wanted to follow up on the problem I’m still having. Running v2.4.5 (Test) and capturing all “Device just connected” and “Wifi connection lost” events to a Google Sheet for logging.

This has also been across Unifi versions but currently running Unifi OS 4.0.21 and Unifi Network 8.5.6.

I use the Unifi Protect app with no problems but it looks like it uses a different connection/login method to this Network app.

About 1 minute past each hour (sometimes I do see periods up to a few hours of no login) I see a login event and Wifi connections are logged to the Google Sheet. But this only seems to log for up to 5-10 minutes on average then no more entries are logged until the next hour and re-login.

If I look at the Settings tab for the app the “Last Update” field matches the last Google Sheet entry. For example, looking now last entry/setting timestamp is 20:05 but time is 20:55 and have had connection events during the whole time.


Does anyone have a solution for the update in Unifi OS with 2fa?


There are many replies about this, please create a local account and use this account.

Go to your internally address https://[ip-addresss] and create an user there with local access only

I created a local user, admin privileges to nework application, restricted to local access only. Provided my local IP Address, used port 443 and provided the correct site name. When testing credentials I get the error message “Credentials are invalid” - but at the top of the settings page it says “connected”.

I check the activity for the user and it shows it was connected. As a result, I don’t understand why it keeps showing the message “credentials invalid”.

When I try to add a device, be it wired or wireless, I get a 401 error.

Any advice?

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2FA is not supported and not necessary for local connection.

Exactly the same for me. Have more or less given up now

I’ve been able to connect and add all my camera. In Homey I can modify settings etc… but impossible to see any image (black screen). Anyone has an idea?

And also is it possible to add view in the new dashboards?

Same thing here… tried everything…

I keep trying but it keeps telling me that it cant connect. I made a local acount but no sucsess.


I got it to work.

Log in to UDM pro via local ip. Mine is
Switch to legacy UI
Then you get the option to create a user “the old way” and just give local access and “read only”

  • Sign in upper right corner

Press “Test credentials”

Great success!

Press “Apply”

You may or may not get green “connected” at the top. It’s random.
I got connected at first, but then not…

The happy times starts when you go to “new device” in homey app and connect all your wifi and wired devices :partying_face:

Best of luck!

Just to go into tspoon mode:

You have to add Ubiquity as a device.

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What does the “Enable application flows” checkbox do?
Not sure where to find the info, tried searching the forum but no luck…

thanks for your reply altho : :warning: Note: On the UniFi Dream Router (UDR) it is not possible to change between different interface versions.
i can’t change the login settings to old ui but it now seems to work.
Or unifi changed something or following your steps did the trick .
It works thank you