[APP][Pro] TuyAPI / Neo Coolcam wall plug WIFI app

Is there anybody that has this plug flashed to tasmota ? and if so can share his/her experience.

For me sometimes Tuya has delay and Tuya Cloud seems to be needing a reconnect from time to time so therefore thinking about a more direct connection which is explained here and Tasmota or ESPurna seems to be supported on Homey

I have a couple flashed to Tasmota using Tuya-convert.

Work just fine with MQTT, also the power monitoring variants…

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ok, good to hear that it works fine. then i will try it as well, thanks!

update from my side, since ESP seems to have advantages i flashed ESPURNA which works fine regarding controls but only the plug is not giving power. i can see Homey is sending commands and the plug with the Esp firmware is receiving but can get no power through the plug anymore.

I will ask the people from Espurna so again curious if someone has this setup running already with Homey ?

I haven’t used ESPURNA myself actually, so no input there.

More general thinking: have you configured the right GPIO for the switch/light/button etc…?

Well, that i am looking into. i thought the firmware file was all inclusive for this device but apparently it needs extra configuration. Web interface does not contain anything.

Software is running quite well by the way with Homey but only lacking the proper GPIO then. Will see if i can configure it or try an older firmware otherwise.

Or use Tasmota instead :grimacing:. That has a built in template for the Neo Cool am plugs to configure the GPIO…

Ok, i will do that if i cannot get Espurna to work. perhaps i know the issue now but will ask the developer.
GPIO12 is in use on the firmware where i think my plug needs GPIO14.

Reason for Espurna is the more settings that are available and i prefer to use no MQTT and brokers if possible. I don’t know Tasmota yet, can i use that one with Homey as well and without MQTT ?

NEO device is connected as (NAS-OGCZ-WIFI-T 20180125 v3)

  • LED = GPIO4 (D2 NodeMCU)
  • RELAIS = GPIO12 (D6 ModeMCU)
  • BUTTON = GPIO13 (D7 NodeMCU)

NEO device is connected as (NAS-OGCZ-16A-T 20190428 v5)

  • LED = GPIO13

Ok, Espurna now working with the 16A plug of Neo Coolcam. that one has different GPIO settings.

Working fine now but needed another firmware with the correct settings. Good to know that sometimes only a name is not enough to know for sure if something works.

Now only a question for the Espurna why it is not showing power usage but the plug power on/off is working quite fast

ok, my mistake. it is showing power after removing and adding the device again :slight_smile:

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Is it correct to assume that once we’ve found the key and ID’s (and all other necesarry information) - we can block the tuya devices from calling home? - say blocking the tuya domain trough Pi-hole? So we also don’t need the cloud and therefore the devices run locally completly?

Hi Rens,

I got a newer tuya curtain switch and I can add to homey but I can not control it correctly.
I have the newer tuya based model with WiFi and RF.
The ID and Key is correct.
Have any idea?

What does the log say.

Hoe kan ik dat controleren?

Yes i have flashed 2 of my devices to Tasmota and bricked one in the proces.

Tasmota is great. You take your Tuya / Sonoff device out of the cloud and you have full local control over it. No more data to china.

Downside of this is that there is no semi decent implementation of MQTT on homey for tasmota devices. When you want a homey only solution you need to run 3 apps MQTT Broker, MQTT Client and the Tasmota app. The end solution… at least for me is unstable. New devices can’t be discovered, existing devices quit working for no apparent reason.

Not to say that if it worked stable it would be a better solution then ‘my’ app.
Also, i’m not saying the guy that made those 3 apps did a poor job. Like every app builder hé spends his free time to make homey better for us all. Its just sad that you need 3 apps to add some basiq mqtt support the broker / cliënt should have been native functionality.

There are 3 apps that you can use to control the tuya plugs.

  1. Flash to Tasmota but beside the problems mentioned above flashing those things sucks and nobody knows how long it will be possible.

  2. The Tuya cloud app. That app uses the ‘official’ route to control the devices via the tuya cloud, is easy to setup and quite stable. Downside is because everything goes true the tuya cloud there are delays, not all devices are supported with all features and you are leaking data to china.

  3. The app this tread belongs to. Upside of this app is that it uses local control so there is little or no delays and in theory it should still work when your internet goes down. Als you don’t need to flash your device so no need for a pi or soldering with the risk of bricking your device.
    But its a pain to get the keys and just like flashing to tasmota its a cat and mouse game how long we are able to use this app because if tuya pushes an update this app might break while flashed plugs with tasmota will once flashed will keep working.
    And no, not all devices are supported because i don’t own all of them (but until now we get most of them working by analysing the data that comes out of them) except battery powered devices because those can’t be locally controlled. And yes you still leak data to Tuya.

So yes there is no ideal solution as off yet. I find these wifi devices great they are cheap, stable enough for non essential devices (i wouldn’t put a fridge behind them). But if you want a better homey experience just use KaKu or even better, Zigbee or Zwave devices. They are more expensive but integrate far better with homey…


FYI i have one NeoCoolcam 16A plug which is flashed with ESPurna and seems to work fine. I will receive two 10A plugs which i will also flash with ESPurna.

You only need one app to use the plug in Homey and just set an API key in the plug’s firmware. very easy and no MQTT several apps needed.
If i have the plugs running (if they are working since some NeoCoolcam devices are not working when they arive from supplier) i will report how those work as well.

ESPurna also support Domoticz as well as other domotica software and it always runs its own SSID if it can’t connect to the 5 configured SSID’s.

This is the LOG Data:

“\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”,“2”:“forward”,“3”:60}}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“on”},“t”:1601813447}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“on”},“t”:1601815678}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1601815738}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“off”},“t”:1601825712}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1601825725}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“off”},“t”:1601827360}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1601827368}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“on”},“t”:1601829643}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1601829702}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“on”},“t”:1601834372}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1601834432}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“on”},“t”:1601842316}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1601842379}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“off”},“t”:1601993266}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1601993282}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“on”},“t”:1601995699}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1601995759}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”,“2”:“forward”,“3”:60}}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“on”},“t”:1602005481}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”},“t”:1602005541}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”,“2”:“forward”,“3”:60}}\n NEW DATA ATRIBUTE: {“dps”:{“1”:“stop”,“2”:“forward”,“3”:60}}”

Do you have the model and make of the device.

I assume on = open, stop = stop and off is close?

I Will try to find moment to add this device in a bèta version.

The device is added to the beta version called generic shutter device. Can you test it and send me the make and model. then i will add the device to the 5.0.0 version build to.