[APP][Pro] TuyAPI / Neo Coolcam wall plug WIFI app

Great! Enjoy, Yann.

I’ve got the same issue, but can add a smart plug (blitswolf) through the zigbee of homey itself.

Hi - curious if these devices work without the Tuya bridge? Can I add them straight to my homey pro? Cheers :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: [App][Pro] Tuya Cloud

A post was merged into an existing topic: [APP] Tuya - Connect any Tuya device with Homey (by Tuya Inc. / Athom)

Hi all,

I’m trying to connect the Calex Halo thru homey local without succes.
This light is 2 in 1, halo RGBW ring and a spot with white/warm.

Underneath the jason response.

  "result": {
    "properties": [
        "code": "switch_led",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 20,
        "time": 1738600596664,
        "type": "bool",
        "value": true
        "code": "work_mode",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 21,
        "time": 1738600608808,
        "type": "enum",
        "value": "colour"
        "code": "bright_value",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 22,
        "time": 1738600354258,
        "type": "value",
        "value": 817
        "code": "temp_value",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 23,
        "time": 1738600453092,
        "type": "value",
        "value": 588
        "code": "colour_data",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 24,
        "time": 1738600608831,
        "type": "string",
        "value": "000703c20330"
        "code": "countdown",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 26,
        "time": 1738590214767,
        "type": "value",
        "value": 0
        "code": "music_data",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 27,
        "time": 1738590212049,
        "type": "string",
        "value": ""
        "code": "control_data",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 28,
        "time": 1738590212049,
        "type": "string",
        "value": ""
        "code": "rhythm_mode",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 30,
        "time": 1738590214806,
        "type": "raw",
        "value": "AAAAAAA="
        "code": "sleep_mode",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 31,
        "time": 1738590214963,
        "type": "raw",
        "value": "AAA="
        "code": "wakeup_mode",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 32,
        "time": 1738590215044,
        "type": "raw",
        "value": "AAA="
        "code": "switch_gradient",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 35,
        "time": 1738590214788,
        "type": "raw",
        "value": "AAAAAAAAAA=="
        "code": "mix_light_scene",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 36,
        "time": 1738600203225,
        "type": "raw",
        "code": "mix_rgbcw",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 51,
        "time": 1738600608712,
        "type": "raw",
        "value": "AAYABwPCAzADMQJM"
        "code": "switch_night_light",
        "custom_name": "",
        "dp_id": 53,
        "time": 1738600445590,
        "type": "bool",
        "value": false
  "success": true,
  "t": 1738600611210,
  "tid": "11db232de24d11ef9e609e9247cde4aa"

I @Rens_Brandwijk can add this nice light so i can use it local :slight_smile:

You’ll need to use the Tuya Cloud community app.

Which REGION do i have to use? it’s not described, i tried different things like “us”, “Western America Data Center”, “eu”, “cn” and “1” idk what the homey app want’s from me… everything else is done

tuyacli works

im always getting: