[APP]PRO] Tesla

Yes, this solved it.
Thanks for a nice app m8.
A beer is on its way to you via PayPal.

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New test version 1.1.9:
A lot of internal changes, e.g.

  • Changed/optimized polling and interval handling.
  • Updated location reached/left trigger.
  • Changed door button to appear dark if locked and highlighted if unlocked to match look/feel of other buttons and TeslaApp.
  • Added schedule software update flow action.

New test version 1.1.10:

  • changed/extended the “navigate to” flow cards:


  1. Navigate to a location that is set in location device settings.
  2. Navigate to coordinates. Or use a GoogleMaps URL as destination.
  3. Navigate to an address. You can insert street, house number, city or just a name/POI.

When you send the destination to your car, it calculates the route and you can start to drive.


Thanks @RonnyW !
This Worked for me, as I had the same issue @Jacco_van_Eck had.
@Jacco_van_Eck not sure if you got this to work too? But as your name seems to be dutch, you will need to use “NL” and “Netherlands” as the code (assuming your Tesla account is set up as dutch)
Was a easy thing to do (I have no understanding of coding or dev tools, but made it work)

@RonnyW Thanks for making this great app. Will make a donation to your PP account


With the correct abbreviations it was indeed very easy to adjust! Thank you @B4ZZY and @RonnyW !

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New test version 1.1.11:

  • Added support for different units (temperature, distance, prressure).
    The app is using the car display settings to convert/show the values in correct units.

@ernholm FYI and thanks for the hint.

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New test version 1.1.12

  • Fixed device update error
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I work at a leasing company and had contact with Tesla. This reaction is from yesterday so I expect a newer app version soon which solve the problem.

***Fleet API Update:***

*Some of you may have been receive questions from customers / drivers / third parties speaking about third party applications not working, and needing owner approvals to allow API to work.*

*There is a Mobile Firmware update release end of this week, which should help solve this issue, drivers will be able to add fleet keys using a key card once 4.29.5 is released.*

When you stop charging from a flow (so not disconnect), does “Minutes to full charge” get set to 0? Or will it remember this until you disconnect the cable?

Just try :smile:

kW added hould stay until next charging start.
Minutes should stay at 0 until next charging.

My charging from yesterday

I’m not home so I can’t plug in the car. :blush: Trying to get the flow done.

So then to know how much more I need to charge at home to get to full charge I need to save this when I start charging so when I check on an hourly basis if I should charge or not (based on the electricity prices) I have it stored from earlier.

Do you need to know the already charged amount?
Or only the gap from current SoC to the limit?

What’s your goal?

I need to know “at the current location with the charger I’m connected to now, how long will it take to reach my limit”? Which minutes till full charge gives me once I’ve started charging.

But if I then stop charging because, for instance, this hour is very expensive, but there are much cheaper hours before I need to get moving again tomorrow morning, then apparently minutes till full charge gets set to 0, so I need to store that value in a variable of my own so I know how many hours left of charging I have left to reach my limit. :blush:

Stored it in my own variable here now after doing a ceil(minutes till full charge / 60)

So you need to know the remaining time to the limit. But you know the estmated kW charge rate (11kW at the wallbox)?

Then you can also use ( limit %- SoC %) / 100% * 58kWh * 11kW * 60
58kWh = battery capacity
11kW = charge rate
result should be minutes if I didn’t make a mistake.
You could calculate this on every SoC changed trigger and you know the minutes (and kWh if you remove the 11kW*60) to the limit.

If the API provides the battery capacity (don’t know) the app could calculate this, too. I can check if this would be possible.

PS: The minutes till full will be cleared without active charging becaus in this case the charte rate is unknown. You have to assume a standard value (11kW)

That can vary a little bit based on the current, battery temperature, etc, so I’d prefer to get the actual value from a fairly recent charge at home. But I’m good with what I ended up doing. :blush:

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I have access to the Tesla Business account of the fleet I manage. Can I manually add the app as a driver there?

To add a car to Homey, you login with your account (I would say as driver).

If the car is assigned to an owner account, too, it’s also possible to add it using this account. But if it’s a central business account, you will get all cars in the Homey pair view. But I can’t say how the business accounts are defined. If you try, I’m interested how it works.

I tested it with my owner account (1 car) and the additional driver account and the car is shown for both in pair views.

The Tesla Business portal is not very extensive. It allows linking a person to the vehicle. For linking a driver, only the name and email address are required. Is this something I could do manually instead of using the QR code?

Sorry, what does your question have to do with the app?

To link Homey, the app needs to be paired as a driver in the car. This is done using the QR code, but since it’s a leased car, this functionality is not available in the Tesla app. My question is whether I can manually link the app via the Tesla Business account of the fleet I manage. I assume the QR code refers to a username and password. I hope this explanation clarifies the application