[APP]PRO] Tesla

New test version 1.1.5:

  • Optimized localization settings.
    When changing an URL in location device settings, existing coordinates are updates and don’t need to be cleared before.

I have the same issue and I do have premium connectivity.

I have also reached out to the leasing company. My main concern is that they will not understand the issue.

I also received an E-mail from Tesla on my account that the Homey Tesla App now has access to my car and can read from it and send commands to it.

This mail confirms, that you authorized the app to access your account.
This includes REST API acces to read data or send commands via REST API.
This authorization gives you access to all cars in your account.

The car key is needed for the new TeslaVehicleCommandProtocol. And this will be mandatory in the next weeks to send commands to your car.
This key registratipn is specific for one car.

Thank you for this great app! For your inspiration I share the flow I build for charging the car with the lowest utility prices. This flow also uses the Shell Recharge app (of my charging station), Better Logic Library for some calculations and Power by the Hour to determine the hours to charge the car.

This flow sends a push notification to the Homey users to ask if the car should be charged before 7.00 in the morning, after connecting the charging cable or changing the charging limit of the car. Secondly, this flow checks every hour (when utility prices change) whether the charging charging should be started or stopped.

Hopefully this is of some use to you: happy programming :smiley:


Hello! Thank you for great app :+1:
Can you please advise me how to upgrade to 1.1.5.
I’m still on version 1.1.1 and no higher version is offered. :disappointed_relieved:

Version 1.1.1 is the current live version.
Newer versions are test versions (until I release id to review and it’s approved by Athom).

If you want to try test versions, you can use the URL with /test at the end:

Or open the change log in app store and click the “test”:


My update information is about new test versions for users using the beta to know what’s new or what has changed.
If you are on the live version, you get auto update if a new version is approved as live version.
If you are on a test version, you get auto update for every new test version.

So if you have no issues with reported bugs that are perhaps corrected in a test version, you can sty on the live version, too.

Hi Ronny!

Found the problem, it was on my side of the keyboard! :crazy_face: Sorry

In my flows, after the ‘when cards’, I was updating a variable called ‘Tesla is home’ in logic. But the variable is only located in BLL :cry:

These flows, when triggered, stopped and I never got any entry in the log or on the timeline.

All is well, thanks for all your help!


hehe, I was already testing and debugging and could not find an issue :smile:
Happy to hear that all is ok now.

You can perhaps remove your coordinates from your old post.

Btw: If you would like to have a live (interval based) tracker, take this :sunglasses:

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Thank you RonnyW.
I just installed the latest version. :+1:


Thanks for the tip!

(I’ve already removed my old post with the coordinates.)



First of all, great app. I have migrated over my old flows from the deprecated app, and it all seems to work.

Now I am trying some new flows, e.g. to set departure time, so that the car preconditions when I am leaving for work in the morning. But this card only disabled the scheduled departure, and sets the time to 00:00. I have tried some different times, all with the same result.

When reading the Tesla Fleet API docs, I see in the set_scheduled_departure this:

Sets a time at which departure should be completed. The time parameter is minutes after midnight (e.g: time=120 schedules departure for 2:00am vehicle local time).

Have you taken this into account when doing this request?


I have a virtual device as a “cable” for not having double power consumption displayed

  • When Tesla: Charging power has changed
  • AND Logic: Device status is charging (Wallbox)
  • THEN Virtual Device: virtual sensor value “measure_power -charging power”

don’t have english flow cards btw

Yes, it’s converted to minutes.
But it seems Tesla changed this endpoint again and introduced new mandatory parameters. I’ll check thsi issue later.

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The new optional measure_power capability you can activate now in battery device settings (location based if needed do avoid power consumtion for “home” in Homey energy dashbard when you are charging outwards.
Does it solve your needs?

Do you have a screenshots/example for missing english descriptions?

We may don’t talk about the same post
YOu asked how we handle double power consumption somewhere and I have

  • 11kw Tesla
  • -11kw from Tesla via virtual device (already had this for old Tesla app)
  • 11,x kw from my Wallbox

EDIT: this also works for outside as it gets negative kw without counting for the house if you leave AND flow

Ah, I see.
So now you more choices if and how this is handled directly in battery device.
Just ask if there is still something missing.

The lease company did respond asking me if this issue has been solved in the meantime. I told them: “As I have not purchased the car myself, I cannot allow third party apps access and I need that”

If they do get back to me, what should I ask them? I terms that a customer support representative would understand please :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if it’s a scope issue on Teslas side…But as long as Tesla doesn’t respond on the Github Issue we have no details how the driver/owner rights are defined and checked.

from Owners of leased cars without owner credentials cannot add third-party apps · Issue #45 · teslamotors/vehicle-command · GitHub :
We received this statement from Tesla (fleetapisupport@tesla.com) which suggests that a fix is coming for this:

> The ability for lessees/drivers to grant permissions to third party applications and services will be available with an upcoming Tesla App update. Once released the driver will be able to confirm permission sharing using their Tesla vehicle touchscreen and keycard.


I have the same issue here. I am with ALD Automotive. Please let me know what they come up with.