[APP]PRO] Tesla

Good evening. The app’s status does not update when, for instance, I open the original Tesla app and wake up the car. Is there a better setup I can use or make a flow, or is the new API not supporting this functionality? I have enabled polling in the settings and adjusted offline polling to 360 minutes to avoid wake the car unnecessarily.

You can set two poll intervals in car device settings. One for “asleep” state (e.g. check every 10 min) and one for online state (e.g. 1min). So it needs up to 10min to get the new “online” state, then the app check every 1min.

The API doesn’t support streaming/live data yet.

Thanks! But does the polling wake the car?

First check is a buffered car state from the API. If it’s online, car data is read. Both doesn’t wake up the car.

In car settings you can activate/deactivate the automatoc wake up to send commands. It this is not set, commands won’t wake up the car, too. The flow action will error in this case.


Thank you so much for the very clear and excellent responses

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Damn, we have a lease-car and now I have to ask the lease-company to allow third party access.
Will that work?

Don’t know. I think it depends on the company and how they add/restrict drivers. I would like to know what the company is answering you.

Without app registration in the car, you can try REST API (car device settings). Perhaps your car still supports this access until you get an response.

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I’m in exactly the same situation as you Peter: lease car, which means I’m not the primary user of the car & need to ask the lease company to install the digital key. You probably have this error message?

Despite this warning, the app is listed in my tesla account though:

But I don’t have the virtual key listed in my car itself.

For me, the Tesla app receives all data from the car, but I have the impression that I cannot send commands (eg to open charging port), except for sending the wake up & refresh commands which do work.
I’m in contact with my leasing company (Alphabet Belgium) in order to try to have this digital key installed. They never had such question before, but they seem open to find a solution to this. They happen to have a meeting with Tesla next week, where they might bring up this topic. So it gives me some hope :slight_smile:

Like Ronny indicated, the REST API can be an intermediate solution


shift state issue is solved with test version 1.1.4. Thanks!

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I’m not getting “Start charging”, “ac on” etc under the Then card. What am I doing wrong? :blush:

Battery and charging functionality is provided by the additional device. Just add this ‘Battery device’ in addition.

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I also have a lease car. When switching to Rest API it seems to work.


A reminder for all users still using version 1.0.4:
Please install the new version from app store, to update to newest version including new permission (access to Homeys location). This needs a manual install. Furter updates are possible via auto update.

Hi Ronny!

Using version 1.1.1

Edit: later tested version 1.1.4 with Home (homey location), no joy
Edit 2: The problem was not with the Tesla app, but with variables in my flow :crazy_face:

I’ve got an MS P100D -2019

Nicely done, the new app is much better than the old.
But I’ve found a bug, the location reached / left does not fire!


Can you please check the location in device settings?
Google is using different URLs behind the short link. Saving settings with a link (and empty coordinates) should update the coordinates. If they are blank or invalid, then it won’t work. I saw Google long URLs with house number and postcode used as lan/lot :slight_smile:
This should be fixed in version 1.1.4.

Just update, remove coordinates and store settings again. The
coordinates should be set now.

Edit: I saw now that the vondition works. I’ll check later…

Apparently, Tesla Belgium indicated to my leasing company that I need premium connectivity in order for the virtual key to be installed.
For non-leased cars: do you need premium connectivity for installation of the virtual key?

That cant be true. The leasing company confuses 3th party app access with multimedia (apps).

Premium connectivity is only for multimedia streaming(Spotify, Movies, GoogleMaps).

It’s an owner rights issue and not about Tesla subscription.

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Thanks, that’s what I would think as well. Back to the leasing company. To be continued…

Just as explaination…

  • The app registration in you account is the oAuth authorization (access token). This allows the app to access you account - and the API itself.
  • This API access grants access to car data (reading) via REST API. The wake up is a part of this API, so it’s working without the car key.
  • The commands can be sent vie REST-API, too (as long as the car allows this access).
  • The commands are also sent via REST-API, but they are signed/encrypted and have to be decrypted from the car. Therefore the key registration is needed.

You can revert both individually (in the car for commands or in the account for general access).

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Could you already check the location settings if the coordinates are set correctly?
I checked the location trigger today and it worked for me.