[APP]PRO] Tesla - Zero emissions. Zero compromises

The API only supports volume and next/prev track/favorite. That’s all :man_shrugging:

I the diagnostics report are only car requests and offline state responses.
I can’t see a command or an online state.

If a command is successful, the app should update the capability.
If the change is done outside (TeslaApp), it’s possible that it’s not synced to Homey if the offline interval is too long. It can happen that the car is going to sleep again before a call from Homey arrives.

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I changed it directly in the car. My offline interval is set to 15 minutes; is this too long? What would you recommend?

Perhaps you missed some discussions about the API rate limit.
To sove some side effects, the app first polls the Tesla API to get the current car state (online or offline) - that is not count as API call since the car is not requested.

That means: You can set the offline interval to the same interval like used for online interval.
I start with 1min. In daily usage it’s ok.
Then you can add flows to increase the interval during the day if API calls are hitting your limits. Like:
If API calls getting higher than 200, set interval to 2min.
If API calls getting higher than 250, set interval to 5min.

And reset:
If API calls getitng lower that 1, set interval to 1min.

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Thanks, I’ll try that.

I think that would be sufficient for me. I have a flow where I change radio stations on my Sonos so I can listen to my favorite radio shows. With theee options i could do the same thing in my car. I know: I’m lazy, but that is what home automation is for, right? :grinning:

You already added the media device? Then you can start following flow actions:

Ahum… No I did not. Thanks!

Yeah, many devices because of the amount of different functionality.
But controling media over API is a bit restricted. The media computer is only active if a door is opened or anyone is sitting in the car. So flows will only work if you are already at/in the car.

That’s fine! No need to play music when the car is parked

I thought about select a playlist when preheating so it’s already right music to start driving :slight_smile:

It’s not possible (like with the Sonos app) to pick a specific favorite from a list, right? That’s too bad

No, only prev/next.

Hi saw this being announced by tesla:

Tesla announces third party API pricing : r/teslamotors

Does this also impact this app and if so what is the plan? I use this app a lot in my complete automation so would love to see this continuing to work. Can we work with the personal account option or are you already doing this?

Hi, I also got this information… not from Tesla as developer (no active communication fr8m Tesla at all) but from a german forum.
I will write a post soon to inform the app users.

:warning::warning::warning: Upcoming API pricing :warning::warning::warning:

Tesla announced the pricing for API usage:


Currently, a Tesla user can use the API with a free tier (current amount of free calls). The calls are counted for the Tesla account or car. If the free tier was used, you just got a rate limit.

This has changed now to a pricing per app.
That means, an app developer is charged for API usage of all users for this app.

Under these conditions it makes no sense to continue the app with it’s easy and userfriendly handling.

In my developer dashboard I can see the current usage. I have only the amount from yesterday as example, but extrapolated this would cost between 1500 and 3000 € for a month.
I already pay for the command proxy as cloud server on my own, but you can imagine, the Tesla pricing is only useable for business.

The only way and workaround is a personal developer account for every user. This way, every user has to register his own app ID and has to use these credentials in the Homey app. Every developer has 10€ free credit every month, that could be enough for a car. If you need more data, you can add a subscription on your own.

We will see if Tesla will allow such an amount or developer registrations.

With a personal app ID, you should be able to use data readings.
I’m not sure if commands will still work when they are passed through my proxy server. The server uses a certificate for message signing (you had to register this in your car) that could be bound to current app ID. So I don’t think we will have working commands from 2025 because it’s not so much time until next year to test and implement an individual certificate handling.

That’s all I can say at the moment.
With a bit of luck I can get data readings to work. But don’t expect working commands at new years day.


I expected as much. A personal dev account would be the best route. You can request a personal account and then get two options Authorizationcode and Machine - Machine or Machine - Machine only. So i assume this can work with a command proxy as long as it will auth with the personal dev account info.

If i can help you with anything let me know

Yes, it will (or can) work. But it’s not the best user experience for average users.

And it’s again a lot of work to adapt the app.

Would it be possible to add a function for disable Intelligent Speed from the Homey Tesla app?
Thinking of a flow where you put the car in drive, and the speed limit warnings are deactivated.
Since you now have to manually disable it every time you drive, if you have a car from 2024.

That’s not possible with the API.

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