[APP]PRO] Tesla - Zero emissions. Zero compromises

Thank you Ronny, Firefox didn’t show the option opening in app in the browser window but it did in the options menu and it worked for me.

Thank you very much for your quick reply, for your help and for the great app!

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Hi @RonnyW. Version 1.11.7 solved the issue on both my phone and tablet. Many thanks for your help!


@RonnyW I installed the test version again. The car remained available this time! So no clue what happened earlier and why it wouldn’t reconnect to the car. But the flow is still broken, it reports null values for time and distance to the destination.

New test version 1.11.9:

  • Route trigger sequence changed.
  • NL translation changed for API count flow cards.

The app changes capabilities one after another. And each capability throws a trigger if the value has changed.
For route data, the “route” capability was changed first and then all others. If you use this trigger in your flow and if you read other tags like time to destination, this time capability is not set yet.
The sequence is changed, so all details are set first (like time, distance, energy) and route data later (address, destination name). So you can use the “route changed” trigger to react on a new route using the device tags.

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Hey, I´m new here
How can I add different locations ??

In location device settings (up to 5). Then you can use them in flow cards.

And you can add other locations directly to flow cards like ‘location vhanged/reached)’.

Do you have a screenshot? I don´t find this

Add the location device first (if not already done).

Then go to device settings.
There you can set a location. Paste a GoogleMaps URL or insert coordinates. If you use the URL, the app addes the coordinates automatically if you save settings.

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Route destination, time to destination and distance to destination work great now! The difference between the “Route changed” and “Destination changed” triggers seems to be that the “Route changed” trigger exposes the favourite route name as set in the car (when navigating to a favourite destination such as Work or Home or some of your own favourites) while “Destination changed” exposes the actual destination address.

It seems that distance is in miles which is expected because that’s what the Tesla API uses. That means that you have to calculate kilometers from that.

It seems I mixed the calculation. I will check it tomorrow. Based on the code it seems the km conversion is done for miles now :laughing:

Ok, check the code again and made 2 changes for “distance to home” and “distance to route destination”. km value should be correct now (hopefully).
I made this change without tests, so it would be nice if you can check it tomorrow on the way to bakery :slight_smile:

I can confirm distance is now in km! I just tried it :slight_smile:

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Hi. got your question via mail. If this happens again. please send me a diagnostics report with a comment in this thread.

It took sometime before the connection was working.

Sorry a while to respond, all good.

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The Vehicledata contains the state of sentrymode: fleet-telemetry/protos/vehicle_data.proto at main · teslamotors/fleet-telemetry · GitHub
SentryModeStateUnknown = 0;
SentryModeStateOff = 1;
SentryModeStateIdle = 2;
SentryModeStateArmed = 3;
SentryModeStateAware = 4;
SentryModeStatePanic = 5;
SentryModeStateQuiet = 6;

So would this not allow to see if something is getting recorded?
I guess this app uses that kind of info: https://sentrypro.app/

That’s the Telemetry API, not the FleetAPI.
FleetAPI only supports an on/off state for Sentry.

New test version 1.11.12:

  • Fixed authentication popup in repair mode.

Any idea why I rarely get any update for the charging limit? I changed it yesterday afternoon from 70% to 80% (and verified it now in the car) and right now it still shows 70% in the app. It does update from time to time in my experience, but it is completely unpredictable and usually very slow.

I created a diagnostic report: 9cc12f04-6dc0-488d-b7cc-71b0ba496b8a

And here are my settings:

The car is parked in the garage and has WIFI and mobile connection. I use the Homey app solely for the current battery level and the charging limit.

Is it possible to add control of media playing in the car to the app?