[APP]PRO] Tesla - Zero emissions. Zero compromises

Hi, there was a wrong capability assinged to the trigger. Can you please check the new test version?

Hi @RonnyW, I’m very happy that you added the destination address and arrival time. I immediately built a flow with the trigger “destination address changed” which gets triggered as expected and the address property is populated. I also have the “time to destination” property in my flow and that worked initially but now it’s always “null”. Am I doing something wrong?

I added a fix to reset navigation data if navigation is not active.
Priviously, the last destination kept visible even after arrival.
I’ll check if there is an issue with the time.

Edit: I can’t see an error in the code. The time should be visible while navigation and be hidden (=null) if navigation is stopped. Can you please check for an active navigation and send me a disgnistics report after a data poll if not?

First I want to say that I love the Tesla app. It’s great!
I also like the Tesla widget. But I am missing the icons on the bottom row.

I am now on app-version 1.11.4 (but same thing on the 1.11.3 and previous versions).

Am I missing something?

@GRat @Bram_C
It seems you are using big fonts? If I’m right, Athom made some changes in the widget API (CSS styles) so widgets are using system font size. And that seems to increase the font and thats causing line breaks.
I need to check possible workarounds…

Thanks for your reply and that makes sense. As far as I know, I haven’t changed my font size and it looks like it is set to standard. I have the same issue on both my phone (Galaxy S22+) and tablet (Tab A). Actually, it is even worse on my tablet:

Anyway, I will try to play with the font size settings. But for now, it not that bad and I can live with it :wink:

@RonnyW aa39026b-67f8-446a-934c-19b65fce1ebe is the diagnostic report after a few polls. Time is null each time even though the destination is reported correctly and the car is travelling.

Hi, there are no error in the log.
I checked everything in the degugger with my car and the app works as expected.
That means: if the car (or Tesla API) sends an arrival time, it’s stored in the location device.

But I saw some wrong data in the API data.
After stopping the route, sometimes some fields are still filled with old route data (lan/lot/energy). For such additional fields I will add additional checks if a route destination (the destination name) is present and if not, all is cleared.

For your case it seems, your car doesn’t provide the time on data request. Did you install a FW update in the meantime?

New test version 1.11.5:

  • Resets all active route fields if destination is not provided. Sometimes the API/car sent some route fields (lan/lot etc.) even if no route is active.

I added the destination logic on Oct 17th and according to my logs, the last update was on Oct 8th. So no, no car update since I first tried it. Only updates to the Tesla app on Homey.

New test version 1.11.6:

  • added raw car data to car device repair view.

@Paul_Nas I added a new repair view to car device where the raw car data is visible.
Can you please open this view if the car is online and a route is active? Please check the JSON for the element “drive_state” and it subelements with name “active_route*”.
You can send me teh JSON also as PM.

Thanks for all your effort! I installed the test version but now the car device is not available. I tried repairing by logging in again but it just times out without ever showing the login screen…

I only added the device details view to repair view.
This should not affect other functionality.

Idk. I restarted the app without result, I rebooted Homey without result. I can login at Tesla without a problem. But within the app, no login screen. I also checked 3rd party app permissions and they all look good. I’m not saying it’s anything you did, I haven’t had to login since March so it could have been broken for a long time… Just not sure how to fix it.
After a while I get the error “Not Found: PairSession with ID xxx” (redacted actual ID)

Update: I reverted to the standard app version and the car device is available again. Could this be related to premium connectivity? The trial month ran out and I haven’t gotten round to getting the subscription. Also, in the regular version of the app, when I choose repair, I do get the login screen. But when I switch to the test version (tried twice just to make sure) I don’t get the login screen. Weird huh?

Perhaps it’s a kind of caching issue. Can you try the WebApp with another browser (and private mode)?

Hi, I am trying to register homey in my model y.

I’ve installed this homey tesla app and have successfully added my vehicle to homey. I opened the repair screen and selected Register app in car.

In the next screen it says I have to select ‘Registration as car key’ and select ‘open in tesla app’ in the next screen.

Unfortunately that option is not available. The next screen looks like this:

When I open the regular Tesla app and return to the screen above, pressing the ‘Finish setup’ button reloads the same screen but the app is not registered as a car key. I tried in Android and Ios. Latest homey app, latest regular tesla app, homey tesla app 1.11.3.

What am I doing wrong? How can I register the app as a car key?

New test version 1.11.7:

  • Widget: adjusted layout (responsive).
    The widget is now more responsive with dynamic height and responsive positioning.

@Bram_C @GRat FYI and test. Please report with screenshots if there are still layout issues based on font size.

Your screenshot looks like a browser window.
Can you plaese scroll up if threre is the common “open in app” button to open the page in Tesla app. If not, it’s perhaps available in the options menu (three dots). Depends on the used browser.

And If you proceed in Tesla app, you should be in yoru car.If I remember right, it needs a key card to add this additional key. But I don’t know if this has changed in the meantime.

Thank you for reaching out to me.

Unfortunately, i can’t scroll up and there are no other options available in the browser menu as you can see in the screenshot below. Browser is an embedded version of Chrome.

Opening the link in stand alone Chrome doesn’t give me the right option either as you can see in the screenshot below.

Device is a samsung s23 ultra. Url of the webpage is:


If i try to share the link with the alread opened Tesla app, i get an error:

Perhaps recently something changed at tesla causing another webpage to show when adding the key from the repair screen?

Any other ideas how to register the app to the car?

I just opened the link in Firefox. Firefox asked if I want to open the link in the (Tesla)app.
Then the Tesla app is started and it shows this screen where you can confirm to add the domain as car key.

(only german - sorry :slight_smile: )