I’m completely new to Homey and the Tesla App. Main reason for purchasing Homey is to be able to create flows for our Tesla and at the moment particularly for setting the loading capacity based on other devices running during the day. Currently all is done via iOS.
I do have a flow set and if I run this manually it works as intended, however it does not run automatically when I open the charging port, does anyone know what I would need to do, to have it triggered when opening the charging port?
The app can only poll the API to get the current car state.
Based on your polling interval (set in car device settings), it can take some minutes until the data is refreshed and Homey knows about the opened port.
So start/stop charging belongs to charging limits you can only use 5x/day.
Set charging ampere is a standard command (50/day).
And API request you can do only 300/day. So find a polling interval that fit’s your cars online time.
There are a lot posts about the limits if you search the thread.
Hello and thanks for a great app, I really enjoy it and it lets me dynamically adjust ampere to load balance my other high electricity devices. However I recently got some authentication issue;
It started with the app not working so I figured the token expired or something, the repair button just sent me to a page that said “no new devices has been found” so I tried to reinstall and remove/add the app again but the same error message still appears. I have also tried to remove the security grant in the tesla website.
So now, whenever I try to add a new device with Tesla it only says “no new devices has been found” despite me removed everything. Any tips on how to resolve this? I’m very technical if there’s something I can do to help.
I think you hit the rate limit for commands.
You flow card should return an error you can check in AdvancedFlows.
And you should see your command usage and errors in car device settings.
That might be true however I cannot view any devices or login anymore. All devices are removed (by me) and when I try to re-login it just says that “no new devices have been found” so Im stuck and cant use the app anymore. This happened a few days ago so the rate limit should have been reset a good while ago. I think this is an issue with the app not cleaning up the devices properly after being uninstalled
The app itself doesn’t delete devices. That’ up on Homey.
If you try to add a car device and it says ‘no new devices’, then perhaps there is still a device added.
Was it your diagnostics report? Sending a report makes only sense if I know it’s yours.
If it was yours… then you tried to add battery, location and media device. But no car device. Please try to add the car first, then all others.
Aah, then I get it. Yes it was my diagnostic report, I was hoping I could download it myself to investigate but apprently you got it, which I appreciate. Now I understand the flow, I was under the impression that I could just add the battery part and not the car, so my issue before was probably that I removed the car and kept the battery. I’ll try again thanks.
Now it works properly, sorry for the confusion and thanks for the rapid replies.
Yes, the car device is the main device and does all API stuff. The other devices are just child devices that are updated from the car - just to split up the data for different use cases and easier search for flow cards.
Hi Ronny,
i just tried to add the widget to my dashboard after succefully adding my car.
Though, the widget only shows the car silhouette, no details as shown in your last screenshot.
What could be the cause of this?
Yes, that’s right.
Perhaps there is an issue reading car data.
Can you please send me a diagnostics log after the widged is displayed? I think it’s caused by a missing device (climate, battery). I should add some check for such cases…
Just added the widgets for the dashboard. Brilliant addition and many thanks as its awesome! On my iPod Pro, just want to highlight as shows lower icons cutting off.