[APP]PRO] Tesla - Zero emissions. Zero compromises

This would be awesome! :slight_smile:

I created an issue on GitHub as well, also with a link to TeslaMate that currently has this information available. Couldn’t find any information in the Tesla Documentation though… but it probably is somewhere.

For details please check the API docs which command count to which rate limit.

See API docs:


Even really simple commands like open charge port is a charge command now…

But set charge amps ist still a standard command.

Current charge commands are:

  • open/close charge port
  • start/stop charge
  • schedule charging
  • set charge limit

New test version 1.9.6:

  • added counter for charge commands to car device (capability and flow trigger)
  • added charge command rate limit details in car device settings

This update splits the commands into standard commands and charge commands.
There is now a counter and flow trigger for both.
And in car device settings the rate limit is shown for both, too.
Reason: You can hit a rate limti for charge commands while other commands are still possible.
If you get rate limit errors, you can now check in device settings what limit is affected and how many commands were sent.

I couln’t test finally. So if you get a rate limit, please check if the device settings is showing the details and report not. Thanks.

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I’m a bit confused, what are the APIs for now. The firs are the 5 charging commands
Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-10-08 21-21-19

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-10-08 21-21-02

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-10-08 21-20-48

For others I add the english screenshots, too.

  1. Tesla API = reading car data. The limit is 300 requests/day:

  2. Command API = sending commands to the car. Limit is 50 commands/day

  3. Charge commands API = sending charge commands top the car. Limit is 5 commands/day

There is also a new wake command limit (15 request/day), but this is not added yet.
It is becoming a bit confusing…

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What means this?

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-10-09 08-34-25

Ups, it’s a syntax error in the app. I think it prevents sending commands now. I can check it this afternoon. Can you revert to live version in the meantime?

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Hi Ronny!

I suppose my problem I encountered is of the same type…:crazy_face:


New test version 1.9.7:

  • fixed command error (hopefully :slight_smile: )

@Johan_Persson1 @copiis FYI


New test version 1.9.8:

  • added command counter for wake commands
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New test version 1.10.0:

  • Added active route data to location device (destination, address, time, distance, energy).
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hi all,
I’d like to have a flow that opens the frunk when I am near my Tesla / opening the door while the car has been charging and it’s fully charged. (so I can store away the charging cable in my frunk more quickly).
However, when I test this flow, see attached, it’s giving me a orange error symbol. Anyone who knows why, perhaps @RonnyW ?
Oh, and ideally I would also like to unlock the charging cable so I can easily pull it out of the car… Is this also doable in the same flow?

Are you sure the charging is completed (charging limit reached and charging stopped)?
If this condition is false, tha charging state is different. You can check the battery device for the current state.

The battery device has a switch to open/close the port.
And there is a button to unlock if it’s open (technically it’s an open command while port is already open - same like the unlock button in Tesla app).

Yellow=open/close, Red=unlock

There are flows for both. For unlock use the first one in the list.

Sorry, have currently only german screenshots :slight_smile:

New test version 1.11.1:

  • A first widget is ready :slight_smile:

You need Homey FW >=12.1.0 and the beta version of Homeys mobile app.


Ah thank you @RonnyW ! This is more clear now.
One additional question: what exactly is the ‘User Detected As Present’ IF-card in your Tesla-app? How is this user presence detected? Is this when your phone is close enough to your car? Or is it when you open your car door? Or even when the inside camera detects a human?

How exactly do you install the widget? Long-pressing the Homey app-icon on my phone only allows me to install one of my ‘Favorite’ flows but doesn’t show the option to install your Tesla widget. Am I overlooking something?

This will only work if the car is awake and the app is polling car state.
That means, you have to wake up the car (open door) and the. the car detects your phone as car key. In this case, “you are present” as valid user. Technically it means, your car key is present.

But the flow trigger will just start with the next polling. So it depends on your polling interval. You shouldn’t expect an instand flow start directly after open the door.

When leaving the car it’s the same. Your car key is gone and after next polling the app knows that no user is present (as long as the car is awake).

So then I should decrease the ‘offline polling interval’ to e.g. 1 minute instead of the default 10 minutes?
Of will I drain the car battery like crazy, then?

:arrow_right: Homey Dashboards — Public Beta Megathread

The offline interval can be set to same interval like online interval.
After adding the rate limit handling, the app checks first the ‘last known state’ and requests the car only is it’s online.