[APP]PRO] Tesla - Zero emissions. Zero compromises

I understand. Too bad, it would have been a nice feature :slight_smile:

You’re the best if you make this work!

Seem that tesla has changed there info billing will now start 01-02-2025 instead of 01-01-2025 aswell.

Billing and Limits | Tesla Fleet API

Hopefully we will see more good changes towards small application like this one.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed in the conditions.
I think not so many apps can cover the costs in a short time. And I think a lot of apps will stop Tesla support under these conditions. And even the big ones will loose a lot of users with costs between 10 and 20$ a month.

Hi any news in the future of this app do you see options to make it work with the new api info or are you going to discontinu it?

Hope there is a future like the connection with Homey and our car.

Unfortunately there are no news yet.
@Doekse tries to get in touch with Tesla, but there is no result yet.
We have full support from Emile and Abe. But it depends on Tesla.

The current API pricing is a no-go.
Only if Tesla supports Homey or Tesla offers a user based pricing, this app has a future.
I will post an update if we have news…

I have a meeting scheduled with the Tesla team next Tuesday! So fingers crossed :wink:


And? anything promising came out of this meeting?

think about the time difference

Unfortunately they had to postpone the meeting to next Thursday. I’ll keep you updated!

Besides using this app, I am also using EVCC. EVCC has just implemented the new API access.
It works as described here: v0.133 - Tesla Developer Account required | evcc - Sonne tanken ☀️🚘 and they use the method implemented by https://app.myteslamate.com/

Is this usefull info for you?

This is not new. Main difference is, that Homey is working on client side. EVCC is working on server side with own infrastructure.

Some details…

  • You need an own Tesla developer account, register your app to get clientID+clientSecret
    That’s same for both apps
  • Then you need a unique domain to host your own certificate.
    EVCC is using subdomains where they store your personal certificate.
    Homey can’t do this because it’s just a client in your LAN.
  • This certificate (better: the public key) is used to register the app as virtual key.
    For Homey, you did it with the app specific key stored on my domain. For EVCC you will do it with “your” key stored on the subdomain at EVCC.
  • To send command, you need the private key to authenticate the sender app.
    For Homey it’s done in the used proxy server. For EVCC this will be done in their API/server using the private key stored for the subdomain.

Long story short:
You need a personal domain/subdomain to host the public key for your app registered in your Tesla developer account. And that’s something, Homey can’t be used for.

Thanks for the clear explanation. Really helps!
Than we indeed need to wait until more allignment has been done.

Hi all,

Just wanted to hop back in here with a quick update after chatting with the Tesla team last week.

Unfortunately, it looks like we won’t be able to sort out API access before the February 1st, 2025 deadline. That means this app will stop working after that date.

Tesla has decided to start charging for API usage, and their fees are substantial—around $100k per month based on the current number of users. As you can imagine, this is not a sustainable cost for us.

Here are a few takeaways from the meeting:

  • It feels like Tesla is pretty nervous about giving control of their devices to third parties. These high fees seem like their way of discouraging hobbyist projects without outright banning them. Of course, the costs of keeping everything running everything probably play a role too.

  • Tesla expressed interest in working with Homey, though they’re still determining what that collaboration might look like. Last year, they announced a partnership with SmartThings, but not much has come from it yet. It seems they may be cautious about handing over energy management responsibilities to third parties.

I’ve sent over some Homeys for Tesla to play around with, and we’ve got some follow-up meetings lined up to figure out how we can shape this partnership. For now, though, we’ll need to practice a bit of patience.

I’m also checking in with partners like Tibber to see how they’re planning to handle this situation—hoping to pick up some useful insights there.

I’ll keep y’all posted!


Thank you for the update. Really appreciate it!
Can imagine a double feeling here, after all the effort put into this app. Hope a sustainable solution pops up somewhere soon!

Tesla…won’t be buying another


That’s really sad. I just finished my flows (which took several evenings…) for charging our Tesla’s using dynamic tariffs and managed load balancing to be included (bought charger without load balancing as I could manage with Homey and P1 data). In fact, it was the main reason to purchase my Homey and P1 device…
Same time, for managing charging, controlling Tesla is not really required. I wondered why only a few charger brands can be controlled form Homey. My Ratio 6 charger can’t (unfortunately). But same time, they all use the same protocol (OCPP) to control their chargers. So, somehow it should be possible to control charging by the charger instead of the Tesla. A challenge could be that the charger can only be connected to one CPO and in my case it’s connected to one to enable paid charging (as my wife has a company car and charging costs should be paid by her employer). I think co-operating with this CPO’s is a bit easier than with (arrogant) Tesla.
Nevertheless, other functions to control our Tesla’s, like climate and location, were also a (very) nice to have. I created some awesome flows to make live more comfortable (like pre heating the car), which we will really miss.
I really hope Homey can manage a suitable API-access again. Same time, it’s disappointing users get mailings about all the good Homey news only and are not pro-actively informed about this kind of (significant) changes. In my case I had to notice the app was no longer working today (no information in advance), while I was still working on the flows last week. That’s subject to improvement for Homey. If I had knows a couple of weeks ago, I could have saved a lot of money and even more hours I now lost.

This is a community app. And the forum is the only channel I can talk to users. :man_shrugging:

Tesla announced the price change in December, than gave a second month free access. Abe tried to get in contact since december.
Currently we have no partnership and just the incredible high API price. That makes it impossible to continue the app atm.

You are welcome to address complaints to Tesla.

Perhaps better Tesla should get user feedback.
Perhaps something changes if many users are addressing there needs for an ecological energy saving using such apps.


Hi Ronny,
I don’t think there is any reason to blame you. If there is one main ‘victim’ in this case, I think it’s you after spending so much time and effort in developing this great app.
I understand you can only post here, but Homey can contact (and inform) everyone that purchased a Homey, for example by e-mail (mailings). They didn’t and many users will be ‘surprised’ today by notifying the app stopped working.
I don’t think complaining individually will impress Tesla (also considering the CEO’s attitude). Even when it’s initiated from ‘Homey’ (for example invite all Homey user to sign a petition), the success ratio will be limited (a relative is working there and I know even the (Dutch) staff has ‘near 0’ influence), but at least a collective will impress more.
I just checked the Tesla API information, but I’m not a developer and don’t understand most. However, I noticed they offer Fleet Telemetry as an alternative (but I assume you had chosen that option already if it was really a feasible solution).

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Which charger do you have? If it’s Alfen you can also check out this topic: Alfen Eve Single Pro support - #92 by HScholing. Maybe for other chargers there are also apps that behave differently then managing it through a CPO.