[APP][Pro] Tesla Power Connect

Hi all,

Version 1.6.0 is released with tigger and condition for charger state, “Charger state changed” and “Is charging”


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Hi Josef,

The version 1.6.0 should now have the feature you requested, sorry it took some time for me to get around to implement it.

I’m experiencing a significant deviation between the chargers power reported through Tesla official app and Homey. See attached screenshots.
Am I missing something here? I’m charging at 25A 220V. I’m using Homey Pro 2023.

Hi @MHanaes,

Can you list voltage and power for A,B and C when you see that issue ? I probably need to adjust some values.


Voltage A: 218,4 V
Voltage B: 95,9 V
Voltage C: 0 V
(Voltage grid: 219 V)

Power A: 24,6A
Power B: 0,5 A
Power C: 0,4 A
Power N: 0 A

Results in Vehicle session power 9250,02 W. (Should be around 5400 W (?) )

Hi @MHanaes ,
Thanks for the numbers, the value for vehicle session power is calculated in the app. I see from the numbers that in your case the calculation fail. I need to create a new function to calculate session power, hope I get it done soon.


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Hi all,

Updated to v1.7.0:
Changed how the “Vehicle Session Power” is calculated.

Hope it solves your issue @MHanaes


Works perfectly now.

Just installed the app and connected it to the wall charger.

Most of the values seem to work fine except for Vehicle Session Power, Charging Status and “contactor”. These haven’t updated once since installing and configuring the app.

Currently a car is charging on 1-phase power, see image below.

Any tips I can try myself?


The app uses the TWC Apis to fetch the data so hard to tell why you experience issues like that. Could be that your TWC is on a older firmware, check against the known firmwares at https://wallmonitor.app/app/firmware and compare with the one listed under “Advanced settings”


Thanks for an excellent app! Could you please add the standard property “Power” to the app to enable PBTH (Power By The Hour) to read the wall connectors power consumption.
Either by changing the name of Vehicle session power or by duplicating it.

Many Thanks!


I will, probably takes me a month as life is busy at the moment.


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Great news! Thanks a lot! :star_struck:

Hi all,

Test version 1.8.0 is out with support for “Energy”

Please test and give me feedback if I need to make any changes.



v1.8.0 is live with support for energi.


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Flawless setup with PBTH now, should work fine.
Thank a lot!

Would it be possible to start and stop charging from this app in the future? Or is it only possible from the car?

There is currently no way to control the TWC, we just have to wait/hope that Tesla exposes a control API in the future.

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I control my Teslas charging with Ronny Winklers Tesla app: Tesla App for Homey | Homey


Hi cool, does this wake up the car everytime you send a new command or the app ask for % battery?

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