[APP][Pro] Telegram

A kind of solution:
Give your question an ID.

When answered: do an action from answer.
When not answered in a specific time: removed te question with the set ID

I use this for my vacuumcleaner. Homey asks if it may start when we are all gone. When someone comes home and the question isn’t answered, the question will be removed to prevent answering later.

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Version 2.15.0 is now in testing!

Hello everyone,

I just added a /privacy command to all Telegram bots that uses the latest test version.

:warning: To access the /privacy command, please ensure you have enabled it in the app settings. :warning:

What is the /privacy Command?

The /privacy command is a simple way for you to access the app’s Privacy Policy directly from within telegram. By typing /privacy, you can see exactly what data we collect, how we use it, and why we need it.

Why is This Necessary?

To comply with privacy laws and regulations from platforms like Google, Apple, and Telegram, we need to make sure that you, our users, have easy access to our Privacy Policy. This transparency helps protect your data and keeps the app in line with legal standards.

For more detailed information on these requirements, please visit the Telegram Bot Developer Terms of Service Section 4.

What Happens If We Don’t Have This?

Operating without a separate Privacy Policy can lead to the suspension or termination of your bot on Telegram. This means that if we don’t provide this information clearly and accessibly, our telegram bot could be taken down, disrupting your experience.

Current Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This bot is a private bot and does not store any data from other users.

Data Saved:

ChatId, ChatName, and Type are stored of registered chats.
TopicId and TopicName are stored of registered topics.
User data is stored for the purpose of sending messages and images.
All data is stored locally on the host machine. (Homey Pro)
No data is shared with third parties.
For more information, please contact the app developer’s.

You’re a lawyer?

I’m seeking advice, especially from any lawyers or legal experts in the community. PM me if there needs to be adjustments for the Privacy Policy

Future of Telegram for Homey Pro

Additionally, I will be making passwords a requirement and enabling the /privacy command by default once this privacy policy is fully implemented.

Best regards

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Not a lawyer but probably a reference to the GDPR will be a good idea. Maybe also that you comply with the privacy policy of Telegram

Dear all, is it possible to use a card to answer the user who asked the question? Currently I have to set the user/chatname with every answer, but if I want to design the same chatbot for every user without using a group I need to set the user in the “send message to…” card as a variable.
Do I miss something?

Currently I am using a group with my wife and the bot but it would me more useful if every user would have his/her own chat.

In other words: I am missing the “use variable” button here:

Thank you in advance

btw: This is a damn great app - bought you a few beers!!

First of all, thank you for the tip!

Currently this is not possible, I’ll think of a way to add this feature

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Test Version 2.15.1 is now in testing!

Changelog :tada:

  • Added Send a message by chat ID

:bulb: Additional information

Only supports chats/groups currently. Topics is something i have to figure out.
Also i would need to create a flow card for each type of message (Picture, PictureTags, Locations, Picture with and without text… tl;dr; alot of work.). This whole topic is annoying. I wish there would be dynamic flow cards

:bulb: Contribute to My Development:

If you appreciate my work, consider buying me an energy drink :zap: or a beer :beer:.
Your donation is highly appreciated and keeps the motivation high!

:woman_technologist: Developers, Get Involved!

If you’re a developer and want to contribute, feel free to add a pull request to GitHub. Your collaboration is welcomed and valued in making this project even better! :rocket:



Can you maybe watch with me

There’s something crazy about image

They don’t load and I don’t get an example on my phone when it’s sent

This once worked

See here a diagnostic report 374a13f6-e8d2-4c12-bc76-df3076b737b7

No error in the logs.
Did u use Image Tags or Image Url?

Image Tags are sometimes sketchy

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Have the same issue with tags and URL’s