[APP][Pro] Telegram

Please close this topic, solved the problem using other apps.

Version 2.12.0 is now live!

Changelog :tada:

  • Updated dependencies
  • Added russian translations thanks to @oleg
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@spkesDE A feature request (at least I think it is not possible to do now); would like to have a AND-card to check if an answer is (not) received.
use-case: somebody presses a button which results in a message on telegram. This messages contains a confirmation back. But same somebody wants to cancel the action before there was a reaction on the message. Which would results in a new-message saying that request has been cancelled.

That’s not possible. I can’t wait for a user response on my (app) side. You would have to create it by your self using adv. flows.

Something like that. It’s just a mockup, but it should work like this

I was afraid for that answer :blush: :grin: I will do it in the flows :+1: And thank you for your fast respons.

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Hi @spkesDE,

Could you also add a silent message for the “send image” card:

Just like this one:

everyday at 24hr I’m sending a graph to myself. It is just some daily not important info which I would like to be delivered in silence. (But not all messages need to be silent in that group, and I do not want to add another (muted) group to silence messages :sweat_smile:)

That’s nice indeed

Test Version 2.13.0 is now in testing!

Changelog :tada:

  • Added disable notification field to send image flow cards. This field allows users to disable notifications when sending an image.

Here you go @Mark1541 and @Satoer


Wow, that is a fast implementation! Thanks :grinning:. Bought you a couple of beers :beers:

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Oh quickly and great

You’re welcome! Thank you for the beer! :beer:


Been reading all multiple times, but can’t seem to find how you get the popup message with the various buttons to click. have the telegram app working and can send text that I can convert to a number and use, but how do I make pre defined buttons:

@Hielke_de_Jong answered in different chat (incorrectly placed in a different chat)

(Push Confirmation doesn't work anymore - #38 by Hielke_de_Jong)

You have to go to the settings of the app. Then enter the question and possible answers. With the cards you then can use the questions and deal with the answer in a flow.

Added the questions in the app, however its not popping up in the telegram app. Only the question, without the buttons

Can you make a screenprint from question in the settings and the result??

Should look something like this:

 my stupid mistake. used the wrong tag. send message iso send question

:+1: means your human :grin:

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Oke, so the asking of questions works. however picking them up in homey does not.

Does not lead to the answer coming in the text variable.

This below does work, however then I need to make a flow for every possible answer

The issue is because the question/answer interaction is not categorized as a chat message but as a different message type. Previously, there was a “Question has been answered” card to handle such scenarios, but it was removed due to some issues. As a result, you’ll currently need to create a separate flow for each possible answer.

aaaah, that’s unfortunate. Then I’ll just have to create extra flows

Version 2.14.1 is now live!

Changelog :tada:


  • Added a send location flow card.


  • Added the ability to send location as a single string input.
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