[APP][Pro] Telegram

@Twan_Veugelers and @Seinuh please use the latest test version.

I changed some stuff. maybe this helps. Also you any of you use BLL?

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yes it works again not use it

Thanks for the rollback version. works for me!!!

I’m currently working with my fellow developer on a possible fix @Arie_J_Godschalk

If you had this isReady issue, please try the test version 2.4.0 or higher and report back if this issue persists.


Yes, 2.4.0 works fully as expected. The update itself fixed it, no other action needed.

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: you are the :100: best.


I’ll release this version once more people confirm this working.

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Google services also works corrct without BLL installed (just tested it on hp2023 where i currently do not have BLL installed to test it)
So, count me as one more confirm :wink:


This version works perfect !


Does anyone speak French fluently and could help translate this app?



that looks different

Test Version 2.5.0 is live


  • New Settings Page. It may contain bugs.


Missing stuff

  • Delete Question
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All fine for me, all green - nice changes btw !

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Deleting is work in progress. 80% done.
Translation is still one thing I have to figure out.
I still have to figure out some style issues on mobile.

Edit: 12.04.23 - 19:40

Test Version 2.5.1 is live


  • Now with delete function included

Test Version 2.6.0 is live :tada:


  • New Settings Page (2.5.0)
  • Delete Question function added (2.5.1)
  • Multiple Style improvements for Handheld devices (2.5.2)
  • Added “I Fucked up menu” in the Debug section (2.5.2)
  • Added filter options to the logs sections (2.5.2)
  • Translations! :tada: (2.5.3)
  • Topics support! (2.6.0)

1 Like

Version 2.6.2 is live :tada:


  • New Settings Page (2.5.0)
  • Delete Question function added (2.5.1)
  • Multiple Style improvements for Handheld devices (2.5.2)
  • Added “I Fucked up menu” in the Debug section (2.5.2)
  • Added filter options to the logs sections (2.5.2)
  • Translations! :tada: (2.5.3)
  • Topics support! (2.6.0)

  • Bug fixes (2.6.1)
  • Translations updated (2.6.2)

Would you like to buy me a coffee :coffee: or a beer? :beer:

Feel free to donate to me for my work :slight_smile: It’s highly appreciated!
FYI; This update took 25 hours. :slight_smile:



I have a problem at the token stage.

I put the token in the Telegram settings of the Homey app.

And from there it loads continuously.

Where is my mistake?

Hey Johan,

I found the possible error.
Please try the latest test version.

Thank you it works. :slight_smile:

I am trying to get this to work but when using a securitycam snapshot (installed as Homey device) I get this error. I can get a snapshot from this camera in other apps and getting a snapshot from eg my Doorbird does work in the Telegram app.

So is this perhaps bug in the Telegram app in combination with my security camera or do I need to configure it an other way?