[APP][Pro] Telegram

:dart: :wink:

Me to same problem the last version. and after close and reopen app I see online token but no have user or group in group page

Hi why not showing my user pickup telegram? diagnostic report f3d3b4f4-1485-42a0-b774-109a0d1bdd66

thanks someone help

I think I fix it. thanks

Hi there!

Started implementing the app in the advanced flows I have for 2 locations. All ok except the [delete message with ID] option, which is in fact very handy.

Assume I sent a system message stating the solar panels yield is below the power required by batteries to properly charge and the grid power is to expensive. After rechecking this with a delay of max. 10min, I want to delete this message and resubmit the remark with updated info. If the delay runs out of time, a new status update is send and the old message is just old, occupying the timeline in the chat.

How to delete the message senT by the bot, in other words how do I determine the message ID?



Well, itā€™s complicated.

You have to use the ā€œWhen a Message is Receivedā€ card to get the message ID as a token. Save it or use a timer to delete it.

There is no nice way for me to save the message data inside Telegram.

Also keep in mind after 48h(or72h, i canā€™t remember) you canā€™t delete the message anymore

Many thanks!

So as I read it, the message ID is in fact data from the received message by the app itself, not the sent message ID. Obvious the same. I will do some testing with this and report back to the comm.

It is not that difficult to store the ID as variable and the timeslot of 48h is much longer than needed in this case.

Yeah, the message id will be given by telegram itself. so itā€™s not possible to attach a custom id or so.

There is a problem with this or more, a limitation. The [when message is received] or even [when message is received from chat], simply the last message is taken from the bot chat. This chat is used for many messages so if within the timeframe of my delay a message is sent by the bot, THAT message ID is taken in the dialog, and most probably wrongly deleted.

Is there any change to send an extra parameter with the telegram messages, like f.i. flow ID or another and even better option, send message to [user] with [custom id] this is not available. The delete message with [custom ID] is already available.

Thank you for your input, appreciate your work!

Sadly not. only with the question system possible

Last question. Is the app suitable for using 2 bots with the huge advantage of having 2 sets of vars to play with. I sent the messages to a group, stored in [type] as a name. Any chance with this?

If both are NO, I need to consider to split the messages based on prio or relevance , e.g. timeline, push and telegramā€¦ Sadly ā€¦

Two bots no.

But you can filter the messages using when a message is received card.
Also you can use topics to split messages into ā€œsub groupsā€

Settings topics did broke the group membership of 2 bot locations. Didnā€™t know that. Just restored all.
I see no other options to play with, I will try to send the message as question and delete with response to that with a certain delay. Far from ideal, but it is something.

Thank you for the support!

Version 2.7.0 is now in testing :tada:


  • Added ā€œA message from Topic is receivedā€.
    • Thanks to enyineer / Nico for programming this!
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Big news!

Enyineer, aka @NicoEk, is currently actively contributing to this app! This means faster updates, new features, and maybe a better and more feature-rich app for you guys!

In the near future, we will show you changes and features that will improve your smart home experience via Telegram.

Also, for people who donā€™t like support on this forum, we created a community telegram group!
Feel free to join there and ask for support. Join us here, weā€™re exited to see you there!



Will text styling (bold, italic, ā€¦) become available? I still use the other Telegram app for that, but would like to transfer completely to yours.
Thanks in advance.

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Itā€™s on our agenda for v3.0.0.


Test Version 2.8.0 is now testingā€¦

There are big changes with this version, but these are only under the hood.
This is the first version of v3 of the Telegraf app.

  • Changed from Telegraf to Grammy.dev for better programming experience
    • Itā€™s about 300kb bigger than Telegraf. RAM usage in our test was about 1MB more. Please give us feedback.
  • Added Markdown support (HTML and MarkdownV2). Enable it in the settings.
    • It supports escaping characters using the backslash \ to display special characters or prevent them from being interpreted as formatting.
  • Added about page on the settings menu
  • Fixed an issue with URL validation when the redirects had a 30X code. (by @andreasvikke)

Test Version 2.8.1 is now testingā€¦

  • Nearly everything can be found in translation (EN, DE, IT, NL).
  • Custom commands will no longer be overwritten.

Iā€™m working on supporting all languages that are supported by Homey Pro (except RU).

If you speak one of these languages, please give me feedback.

Language Link Help needed?
:uk: English Here :ballot_box_with_check: Done by @Twan_Veugelers and me
:de: German Here :ballot_box_with_check: Done by me
:netherlands: Dutch Here :ballot_box_with_check: Done by @Twan_Veugelers and @LRvdLinden
:it: Italian Here :ballot_box_with_check: Done by @ilpaolino and @pippo73
:poland: Polish Here :sos: Yes
:es: Spanish Here :sos: Yes
:denmark: Danish Here :construction: In Progress
:sweden: Swedish Here :sos: Yes
:norway: Norwegian Here :sos: Yes
:fr: French Here :sos: Yes

You can also find the translations :arrow_right: here :arrow_left:
For reference, the :uk::/:us: translation can be found :arrow_right: here :arrow_left:

Current status of this can be found here.


Nice to see some people already participating :slight_smile:

As for version 3 - we are now on 2.8.1 - it is already the one we shall keep eye on re memory utilisation? Itā€™s not much, 300kB difference but do you expect some issues?

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