[APP][Pro] Telegram

Yeah, grammy is already in use. 300kb is the disk size. 1-5MB more ram usage is expected

Telegram will be bumped to v3 once it’s stable and the roadmap is done.

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Since last night (I guess after an automatic update to version 2.8.0) I can’t send pictures from virtual camera image tokens anymore.

It errors…

Could you send me a diagnostic report?

Edit: Never mind got it fixed.

Test Version 2.8.2 is now testing…

  • Added more translations by ChatGTP
  • Fixed an issue with sendPhoto
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Thanks @spkesDE! :pray:

Confirmed working again!

Currently on vacation, but will test it when I get home again. Thanks for adding the HTML & Markdown! :+1:

Dutch “nl” is correct!

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Hello @spkesDE,
I would like to know if there is a way to use a homey variable in a telegram message?

Ofcouse. I don’t know what you want to archive

in a simple flow like this

I would like to add the value set to true of this variables

In this example I use the homey variables, but it is the same if you can tell me how to use BLL :slight_smile:

Some plugin in your browser hides the button for it.

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OPS… thank you for the fast and positive answare :slight_smile:

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after the last update of Homey (10.0.1) today the telegram app no longer works. Both the regular and the test version

Working fine for me. Please send me a diagnostics report.

I’d also encounterd an issue couple days ago when Telegram just stopped sending messages.
Tried a lot. Solution was to use the password option in the bot-token settings. After i used that, it started to work again.

No issues here as well…

Password or no password makes no difference

With the last update on HP23?

Yep, on RC2

I have a strange problem.

When I send an image to Telegram, it is an old image from my IP camera.

If I send it to e-mail, push or google cast in the same flow, I will get the correct image from my IP camera.

So the problem is really in telegram.

I deleted the bot and created a new one, but the problem persists.

PTP etc all tried but had no effect

It used to be fixed and is still working fine for me.

What version are you running? Also, a diagnostic report would be helpful.