[APP][Pro] Telegram


Diag: 9284009f-1721-4523-b5f3-66c958c4c2be
Version: V1.10

Looks like you’re using @Jorden version of Telegram. Please take a look here.

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Sorry for this mistake, glad you helped me.

No problem, it’s good to know we are using the right, working, version / app :wink:

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I had some time to work on something that I had wanted to make for a long time.

Do you like this type of grind design based on column configuration?

best regards :v:


Looks great! When we can have hands on? :slight_smile:

Latest test version :grin:

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Is there a way to make Text thick or cursive with an flow ?

You can curse what you like :rofl:

But seriously, you could try the html/markdown code as described here: Styled text with message entities

So Italic would be *Italic*
And bold would be **bold**

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Already tried that then I get this

And did you also try the HTML version?
<b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i>

You need the latest test version and enable markdown via the settings

Ahhh no I didn’t enable it but when I do that, after hit the save button it still loading

Try again. Its waiting for your homey

I also never managed to turn on the markdown feature. After hitting the save button the loader keeps spinning forever, just like @Mark1541 is showing above.

Strange. I tried it on my phone and web browser, and it just worked fine.

If you’re on the web browser, check your console view if there is any error.

After Saving Settings:

Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Missing required  parameter: value

Okay. let me check for this. Do you use a password?

No, I don’t

Working on a fix.