[APP][Pro] Telegram

Check out 2.8.9

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Yes with the fix I can save it !!! GREAT

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Thanks! Itā€™s working now. :smile:


What means this messages ?

That it fails to send an Image. If you scroll to the left you can see the reason

Is this okay so. ?

So yes, then I receive nothingā€¦

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Send me a diagnostic report or try to understand the error message

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Thank you for helping

Before the update it working fine !

Bad Request: canā€™t parse entities: Character ā€˜(ā€™ is reserved and must be escaped with the preceding ā€˜\ā€™"

Please read the error. Make sure youā€˜re escape non markdown characters.

It looks like your variables have special characters in it. Ether switch to html or use BLL to escape

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So in the flow above what must I do then ?


Yeah oke but why does it not work in this flow ?

If I make a normal flow and worry bold then Iā€™m
Sending a message

Because youā€™re using variables that use SPECIAL characters. e.g . , * / & % $
And Telegram canā€™t differ from a Markdown SPECIAL character.
So these non-Markdown Characters have to be escaped using a / e.g., /( or /* or /, since you canā€™t do this, because youā€™re using variables, you have two ways to fix this. Either use HTML Markdown or use Better Logic Library and add a custom function for escaping

Like this one and use it like this: {[escapeRegex(variable)]}

function escapeRegex(string) {
    return string.replace(/[/\-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
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Is it possible to call the inline menu by a /command command like

If telegram was received

And it contains /lights

Show inline menu ā€œlightsā€

sure, via the GotFather bot you can add the commend to your bot

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Iā€™ve been using the other Telegram Homey app for many years. Itā€™s a live ā€˜logbookā€™ on what is happening in my house. Almost every action/motion etc. is reflected there.

However, Iā€™m missing important capabilities that I do find here. So Iā€™m going to slowly move over my integrations to this app. First of all, thanks for the efforts so far!!

A simple integration, but important to my security system is sending images to my Telegram bot.
Iā€™ve tried a direct URL, an Image tag from the security camera and Image Grabber, but all are failing to get the image in my telegram using the ā€œSend Image with messageā€ card.
Any ideas? Normal messages are send ok.

This error below from the logs is when I directly use the snapshot tag in my flow.

GrammyError: Call to ā€˜sendPhotoā€™ failed! (400: Bad Request: IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED)
at toGrammyError (/app/node_modules/grammy/out/core/error.js:35:12)
at ApiClient.callApi (/app/node_modules/grammy/out/core/client.js:86:48)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async /app/flow/actions/sendTagImageWithMessage.js:23:17


Could you send me a diagnostics report right after this error is happening?

Hi all,
Has anyone been able to get the URL/Hyperlink markdown to work?
I would like to send a Google Maps link over Telegram, but donā€™t want to include the full url.
Iā€™ve been reading that [text](http://example.com) should work, but it doesnā€™t.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this!

it should work. Did you enable MarkdownV2 in the settings?

*Hi\!* _Welcome_ to [Telegram](https://telegram.org)\.

This worked for me.