[APP][Pro] Telegram

I have the same

Same here:
Screenshot 2023-04-03 08.01.47

I got the same, but somehow re-registered the Bot and it starts working againā€¦ what was interesting, it keep sending the messages but the ā€œtestā€ flow was not working like in your examples.
Unfortunately canā€™t share diag as I rebooted while agoā€¦

Hello can you share how you re-registered the bot? Thnx

I Get exactly the same error.
The last message I received was yesterday around 10 in the morning. CET
I should have received at least 1 message after that, and a whole bunch this morning.
This is the exact error.

As the Telegram Homey app was updated yesterday at 15:41 CET (for me). I guess it is related to version 2.3.1.

@spkesDE, do you want me to test something particular?

Chat with @BotFather in Telegram and try via /mybots ā€¦ yesterday it was not working, today I had to type /start in the given Bot channelā€¦ I also re-saved settings of Telegram etc. - it was more actions required.

Strangely, itā€™s working fine for me. Iā€™ll do some investigating. Diagnostics report would be helpful.

Edit: Since I didnā€™t change anything on the Telegram part of the app, Iā€™m quite confused as to why this is happening. I only updated dependencies and added an error-catching method, witch shouldnā€™t interfere with the bot.


You still get this error?

The only error in the logs are

2023-04-03T08:04:18.661Z [err] [Homey:6405cb211f19900b82ed430e] Image source is invalid for flow card send-a-image-with-tag!

This needs more debuggingā€¦ but shouldnā€™t cause the isReady error

Btw can you test, if this occurs also in mobile app using standard flow ?


It looks completely fine. You still have this isReady error or itā€™s gone?

Same here

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I tried to get it to you this way:
Chome tab 1, show test flow, pressed Play Button. Error showing
Chrome tab 2, get application settings, create diagnostic report


I see this happening.
Advanced flow, error shows in timeline when started from Chrome flow editor.
Advanced flow, error does NOT show in timeline when flow started from Flows in Homey Andriod App
Simple flow, not sure how to get the error to show up in timeline

None of them send a message to Telegram

Oh, oh. I know why this is happening now. Itā€™s BLL again. Iā€™ll contact @Arie_J_Godschalk on this topic (FYI: 0.9.0 working fine, 0.9.17 had this issue.)

Fix is out and live. It should be updated very soon on your devices. Please report back if this issue is resolved for you.

Also you can download the latest version over the app store.


V2.3.3 still having problemsā€¦ canā€™t send report from my mobile unfortunately

With the new version still the same error

Please try this version

@Seinuh @Mark1541
Is a rollback to 2.3.0

2.3.4 unfortunately still problems

Unfortunately, 2.3.4 also shows the error.