[APP][Pro] Telegram

Tip: You can add a Virtual Camera device and add a random image url (like the ones from here: https://picsum.photos) to test it.

Here is my diagnostics report:


Thank you for the hint :slight_smile: I tried using the Image Grabber app but that is not working.

Looks like an issue with the HP2023 v10 software. I reported it to the slack topic :slight_smile:

  cloudUrl: undefined,
  localUrl: undefined
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Greetings, @basvanderploeg

The newest version, 2.2.3, provides a workaround until the issue with the Homey Pro V10 software is resolved.


Works like a charm! :star_struck:

Thank you!

You can also use the FTP Client app to test a image token or retrieve a Image from URL.
It works on HP2023 (with a fix).

Update 2.2.5 is live!


  • Added Send a Question with Optionales Card (Custom ID, Text and Image with URL)
  • BLL Support is now back!

Any idea what has happened after the automatic update to 2.2.9?

ā€œApp is onverwachts gestoptā€


Looks like there is a error with BLL on Athom side. @Arie_J_Godschalk and I are already on it. A temporary fix would be to install BLL


Yeah, im working on it and testing new versions i updated yesterday on my hp2019.
Will work on it monday en next week also till its fix (as far as is in my abilities ofc).


Update 2.3.0 is live!


  • BLL support disabled by default. To enable BLL use the settings page toggle.

Installed version 2.3.0.
Started manual a flow and I did receive directly an answer on Telegram.

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Hey @Mike1233 , what kind/version of Homey do you have? 2016?

@Arie_J_Godschalk It is the Homey Pro (early) 2019.

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Hi, I have the new HP2023, but canā€™t get snapshots any more when my doorbell is ringing. @spkesDE

Get this message: Invalid App Event: getImageBuffer homey

As push notification in Homey itself it works fine. But I want them in Telegram.



i just tested for me and itā€™s working fine. Do you have the latest version installed?


saw there are two appsā€¦ sorry. will check yours :slight_smile:

Please install the latest Version.

Also, I bet you have installed the Telegram bot from Jorden Chamid.


Sorry mate! Didnā€™t know there were two, now I installed yours and it worked directly.

Great work. Thanks!

You welcome :slight_smile: Feel free to leave a review on the store page!

hi, yesterday i installed the new version of Telegram but now I canā€™t send any messages anymore. Errormessage ā€˜cannot read property of undefinedā€™.

any clue?