[APP][Pro] SpotifyConnect widget (beta - homey cli required!)

Disclaimer: this app is currently in beta and to get it up and running you need to be familiar with Homey cli. You also need to create your own Spotify OAuth2 application to have the app’s rate limit scope to just your own usage.

What does this app get you?

This app adds the driver and device for Spotify Connect speakers. While it looks the same as the official Spotify app there’s a few benefits to using this one: it supports speaker capabilities. This means you can fully control the speaker from your devices tab or from a dashboard speaker widget :partying_face:

Current features

  • Setup access to your Spotify account using OAuth2
  • Connect your Spotify Connect devices (they need to be online!)
  • Sync player state (track info & art, volume, repeat, shuffle and playing) every 15 seconds
  • Skip tracks (previous & next)
  • Control volume (increase, decrease, slide and mute)
  • Cycle repeat modes (off, track, placklist)
  • Set shuffle mode (on or off)

Besides syncing the player state every 15 seconds, it’s also synced when skipping tracks. This makes it snappy when using the controls but prevents unnessecary API calls if you are not actively using the device/widget.

How to install?

As the beta is for people comfortable with using the cli, instructions can be found on Github where the source code is available.

Wishlist and planning

Testing and improving is priority number 1. But as soon as it feels stable I’m going to look into making the app publishable. This basically means that you still need to create your own Spotify app (which is easy - requires Spotify Premium), but the app settings (client_id and client_secret) can be setup within the Homey app making the Homey cli build steps needless and therefor this app more available to regular Homey Pro users.

  • Get OAuth app data as settings and publish the app for broader audience
  • Add flow actions (would duplicate the official plug-in… useful?)

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