[APP][Pro] Spacey Plan

Spacey Plan

Interactive Flor Plan Widget for Homey Dashboard

Where to get it

What is Space Plan?

Space Plan is an app that allows you to create a floor plan of your home and use it to interact with devices.


  1. Create Floor under Settings (Dashboard or Device)

  2. Add your devices and position them on the floor

  3. Create rules to style and set behaviors

  4. Go to Dashboard and add widget

  5. Select your floor

  6. Have fun

Supported device capabilities

  • On/Off

  • Dim

  • Alarm Motion

  • Alarm Contact

Known Issues

  • Not really working on Widget outside Dashboard
  • Upload images in settings on desktop is problematic (try on mobile)

Coming Soon

  • More Supported Device Capabilities

  • Support for Widget on Home Screen

  • More capabilities rules

  • Support for sizing icons


I would love a contribution to help with AI and time:


Love it! Have tried a lot of different versions with 3D, rotated view to make it larger, black and white and inverted. Still haven’t found the optimal solution.

I struggle with a couple of details.

  1. Placing icons, the page tends to move at the same time making it a bit troublesome. It was better to have the icons start at the top.

  2. Another thing I noticed is that there is an offset of where I placed the icons in the settings and where it is showed on an iPhone. Even more on an iPad.

  3. would it be possible to add more than one light/sensor at the time. A bit slow have to go back and forth adding all the time

  4. Idea for improvement: if the name of the floor plan coincides with a zone (floor/room) you could be asked to place all units on the map. Does not matter if they are on top of each other as you drag them into place anyway.

  5. Also being able to add a zone name would be great.

  6. Swapping the map would be the best solution as one tries different versions of the maps and it takes a lot of time adding units. All you would do then is just adjusting the placement of units.

  7. A standard color setting for all for color markers.

Anyways, keep up the good work! We love it!

Gahh. Getting stuff thru Athom App review is really a reason to not develop apps for this at all. Only running them locally and not care about the community.

Like what the heck (these are just some):

  1. Your App’s ID contains the name Athom/Homey, this is not allowed. Please adjust your App ID.
  2. Your app’s name contains the company/brand name Athom/Homey, please change your app’s name. An app’s name should be easy to remember and hint to what your app does.
  3. Your Widget preview seems to be a screenshot of the Widget. This is not allowed. Please check out our App Store Guidelines for more information: Guidelines | Homey Apps SDK

I really hope they mean that number 1 and 2 is the same that it cant be named Space “Homey”. But I really hope i can have an ID starting “com.svipler.athom”.appname. that is just common sense to have a namespace that tells us what this is. I have other apps that start like that so i hope that is good at least. Then sure they can have stuipd rool about naming. I guess I have to come up with another name.

Already now sorry to everyone that have to redo everything they have done this far.

  1. So now I have to learn Figma to create a “widget preview” they like. I guess they really dont like people creating apps for them. What the F…

So we will se where this is going here.
EXTREMLY Annoying to say the least.

Thanks for your testing.

  1. Did you try with your mouse on a computer? Its not working but works better.
  2. Yes this is extremely hard fixing sadly. I have spent a lot of time fixing this but there are so many factors to placements. images scale different on different views making the positions scew. Right now the best is to place the icons. Check you main device say Ipad and see how they move then adjust this a bit if you want them perfect.
  3. Mm that I will probably do later yes.
  4. Understand what you are coming for. Personally I would never do this. In a room i usually have many devices and sensors. If I would add all these for a room that would be unreadable on small scale. So I do not see the issue. This kind of the same for 3. For its not that many devices and then it works.
  5. Same here. Do many devices I do not really see happning.
  6. No really following this one
  7. There is a standar color for all but you mean setting it on all of them. Yes have though about some generic rules like icon size. Then I guess this could be the same.
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6 @Paal_Aamaas means: you load the map (jpg), you add all your devices. Changed the colour settings of all the devices. Until you are satisfied.

Now if you decide to change the map a little bit you have to add a new map and re-add all the devices again (and set the colours).

Can you make a ‘replace map (jpg)’ option? By doing that all the devices stay where they are.

And please @Ludvig keep doing what you are doing. Best app so far. Soon there is lots of coffee coming your way.


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  1. Understand. Replace absolutely. That should be no problem.

Thanks for the support. Just annoyed here :frowning:


I agree @Ludvig ,One of the best dashboard apps so far. Works great for me.

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So I took a big chill and how now rebranded it to Spacey Plan. Have submitted a new version of it. I will publish the URL once I get approved. I cant delete the old version so I guess you can stick with that until I get the new one approved here.


I hope you didn’t invest too much time here. A few grayscale squares with a dot will do apparently:

Nope, you’d remove/replace the word athom from your App ID as I understand:

  1. It is to add a text to the map to show the name of the room. Now you have to draw it and it does not always scale well. The easiest would just to click on the zone and get a text that you move into location.


I’m trying your app right now. Its really awesome!

Couple of thing I like to suggest;

  1. Option to make icons transparant, so actually, no visible. That way you can just click on the item to turn it on/off.

Edit: I figured out that this is allready possible! :smiley:

  1. As long as not every capability is supported, I like the idea to just get to the device page of the device as long as you press on the device or by example when you long press on the device.
  2. I think someone said it earlier allready, but I’m not sure if it’s the same thing. But like you can see in the images, the buttons are a bit offset compared to how the buttons are configured.
  3. Really like to see the image on large screen after you press somewhere on the image where no icons are.
  4. Im only able to set the height of the widget in steps of 50. Is this something you are able to fix? This way we can reduce the black bars a bit more an make the images a bit bigger.

Thanks for your hard work!

  1. Longpress. Since we cant access any default behaviour we could have that you can add every device but id will just en empty Modal maybe showing the name but nothing more.
  2. Yes. This is almost impossible to fix since all devices, widget etc scale different a slight diff is something we have to live with. looking at your pictures it looks great
  3. Zoom function: There is no way to get the image to span outside the widget box. Have tried all types of hack. Homey have made that impossible
  4. This i Dont understand. I just write whatever height i want on mine? so i can so single pixel size. have you tried just typing?
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We could probably in the future add some type of Name Icon or something where you can add custom stuff to your mapp. We could even add that you could paint your mapp in the browser instead of uploading one. But that will be future future. At the moment Im struggling geting it approved even.

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1/3. Allright. Too bad. Hopefully Athom will give you more flexibility in the future to add more stuff.

  1. I understand. Will try to finetune it a bit more. What will be nice too is an option to make the icons (or places you can click on as you make the icons invisible), a bit bigger. It’s now hit and miss sometimes.

  2. Yeah I can type 200, 250, 300,etc. But as soon as I type 201, or 298 by example, I’m getting an error. But the error disappears to soon to make a screenshot of it. But it says something like, you can only make steps of 50 pixels.

  1. Yes Sizing feels like a smart thing so will think about that
  2. Yes see it on android now. Not on iphone.
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Or Space Homie🤣

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I have now been approved that if i conform to the stupid ID rules with no athom in that I will get approval.

So please remove old version and continue with this one. I cant delete them (soooo strange again) so you 100+ people that is already testing sorry for that.

Please check the new version out which will any day now be approved:


Hi Ludvig,

It is what it is. Thanks for your efforts.
Just FYI, one detail, this version doesn’t install on both my Pro 19’s. No errors either.
Normally the LED ring turns blue when installing apps, now it doesn’t change.
I first uninstalled the initial app version.

Hmm that is so strange. Maybe a classic restart? Dont think I have changed anything except the name?

Maybe you can send a debug error? Or you dont get to that point at all?

It seems nothing changes at all, no logs I can send or reach. I’ll reboot one of them and be back later.

Update: reboot makes no difference.