[APP][Pro] SONOFF Zigbee

The “repair” functionality is what you are looking for, it’s under maintenance in the mobile app or right click on a device in the web gui.

Hi Johan, thanks for the good work on this app.
Just wanted to point out that since a while my ZBMINI’s (01MINIZB) are not responding anymore. They are giving a timeout. I cannot figure out why this has happened, as nothing was changed. Any idea? Any input you would need?

Hi @Bert_Wissink.
Please send a diagnostic report from the app and post the report code here or add your name to the report when you send it.

Hi Johan, here is the link


Hope it gives you some clarity.

Hi @Bert_Wissink, sorry for the late answer.
This is the only error:
Error: Apparaat is niet te bereiken.

Looks like your device does not communicate with Homey, check:

  • jamming WiFi signals / channels
  • bad position for the unit (unable to reach)
  • enough Zigbee routers
  • Homey power adapter

If nothing helps, try removing and pair again.

Hi, sorry I can not find the repair function anywhere?

Web App:

Mobile App:

  • long-press on the device
  • click on the gear in in upper right corner
  • click on maintenance
  • click on “try to repair”

Its not there?

Hi Tommy,

Have you been able to fix your problem with the ZBMINIL2S? I have exactly the same problem as you.


Hello Christoph,
Sorry to hear about your problem.
For me I would say the hangings I had seem to be related to poor coverage. I had a routing device I thought, that was right next to zb .in that would hung the most, but when I checked it was added as an end device. Removing and re-adding this tuya smart switch and adding one relatively near the other zbminil2 seem to allbut totally remove the problems for me.
Think I’ve had only one hanging since then.

Good luck!

Skickat från min Galaxy

-------- Originalmeddelande --------

Clear! Thanks. I have added a few routing devices, let’s see if this helps.

One thing I noticed though is that my devices become unresponsive if I have turned on the switch using the actual hardware switch. The moment I turn off the switch, they become responsive again in Homey. Making me believe the electrician has made a mistake installing them.

Hi all!

Will the new button from sonoff be added in the future the SNZB-01p (which seams like a very good button!




Thanks for looking into this, Johan. Solved it by reconnecting the device.

Dear Johan,

Sonoff has this dongle with antenna that can be flashed to a zigbee repeater. Is there any possibility to incorporate this dongle in the app? That would be great!

Love your work,
Thanks in advance,

No need, just add it as a generic Zigbee device.

Hi Robbert,
Sure? The servicedesk of the seller [Robbshop] told me that the dongle is incompatible with the Homey.
If it is not recognized as device and ends up to be a generic device that can not be turned on or off, will it relay the zigbee data?
Thanks, Frans

Yes. Although I don’t understand why you would want to use this dongle as a repeater, there are cheaper solutions available that don’t require flashing a custom firmware.

I do have a stbility problem with the zigbee in my shed at the back of my garden. This is due to the HR++ glass and isolation in my house. With this dongle I hope to use the antenna outside with the dongle inside, hope to pick-up the signal and create a better range and stability.
However if I flash the dongle I can not return it if it won’t work…

As long as it has a specific router firmware, it should work as a generic device.

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Thanks Robert, I’ll give it a try!