[APP][Pro] SONOFF Zigbee

0.0.29 works great. Thanks.
Both my ZBMINIL2 weren’t working anymore, my SNZB-02D kept on working. Even better, I now get an update on my SNZB-02D when the temp changes 0,1° instead of 1.0°
I can’t change the Switch type on my ZBMINIL2 . Is that correct?

SNZB-02D now it’s correctly seen as senzor.
Battery report working fine.

One request, it is possible to add Sonoff TRVZB to this app?

Thank you for this app and your efforts.

Yeah, working on that one. Looks like it’s just a read value so I might change it to a value instead of a setting, easy to change switch type on the physical device so not going to put a lot of work into it.

Good to hear! :slight_smile:
Sonoff TRVZB is on the todo list - request are best made on Github.

Hi Johan,

Is t also possible to add an “always on” function or the possibility to choose an other class then lights? If it’s possible, i can use the “turn all lights off” again, without powering off specific sonoff devices without lights connected. I’m using the ZBMINI-L.

Thanks in advance!

It seems that with .29 version, again the batt is not showing. I repaired it, took batt out and put it back but still no go.
Is something changed in .29 compared with .27 beta?

Hey Johan,

I use a sonoff zigbee SNZB-02 Temperature/Humidity sensor to control my bathroom fan with. It relies on a script that checks temperature and/or humidity readings over a 1.5 minute timespan by taking readings every 30 sec. It seems however the sensor interval reading has increased a lot with 0.0.27 or so. Is there are reason for that?

Hi @Joost_Else, no default values for reporting has changed in the driver but I have made the code more aware of the unit as many reported the device timing out/not reporting, this might trigger a more frequent report behavior than before. Have you tried changing reporting settings?

@dragosj, No changes made to this device since v.0.0.26.

Hmm, I can change to “socket”, this will only affect devices that are paired after such a change.

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Thanks. Yes, I did try to change the parameters, but the sensor seems not to respond anymore at all. Here’s a typical response of the system on the 29th. Spike in temperature and an increasing RV when the shower is switched on. The fan switches on after which the temperature and RV go down to almost normal levels. I replaced the battery yesterday morning. Sensor was slow on the 30th (temperature rise is slow and did not reach its normal top). And than the sensor slowly died, flatlining from somewhere halfway yesterday.

At first, I suspected the battery to have died, so replaced it with a fresh one but the old one tested out fine. So, I checked the developer console. It looks like the sensor is now disconnected from the network. Yet the other sonoff zigbee sensors (I have another 2 of the same type and a PIR) still work.

I’ll pop in another fresh battery tomorrow. It might be either a bad battery or a hardware failure from what I know now. Pure coincidence with the changes in the software? Might be, but it still smells.

That can be a solution.
No problem for adding the device again :wink:

Hey, I wanted to ask if support for the presence sensor SNZB-06 may be supported? Appreciate your app and the work you do as well. TIA

Rumour says that the SNZB-06P is supported in the test version of this app, but I can’t find it. Is there no test version? :slight_smile:

Post #19 [APP][Pro] SONOFF Zigbee - #19 by johan_bendz

Is the new Sonoff SNZB-06P supported ?

Geez, just look two posts up


The device is in the Github code for Alpha testing, when it works it will be in next Test release. And eventually in the Live version. This is the way…


Wonderful! I couldn’t figure out from comments in other threads and this whether it was already in the test version - that I couldn’t find, /test URL always sent me to the main app page - or if it was in a request on GitHub. Thanks, you’re wonderfully awesome as always Johan.

I have 4 or 5 Temperature devices (TH01) and from time to time, all between a few weeks and never, they lose connection. I need to remove and add them again, then they work.
Is there anyway of reconnect, without removing them and lose all historical data? To wake them up or make them continue to send data?