I am on v1.18.2 and have trouble with these cards: error 400
Same results after creating a new API key and repairing the Homey devices with the new key.
Perhaps they are/have become premium?
@OH2TH Thanks for keeping this working.
That hurts. I have used 15s for 8 Sensibo Skyâs for years.
I will try to work with 90 sec but I foresee trouble. When an airco is turned on (API sends an update to Homey) and Homey does not know about it for 90s it may lead to Homey sending a new turn on command or get confused when testing if AC is on and then set FAN level for example.
The only thing to be careful with was not to send a command to two Sensiboâs at the same time.
(example: I have an auto-off schedule for each AC in the Sensibo phone app:
18:01:00 AC1 off
18:02:00 AC2 off
Great that you added the gzipped results, so that would give you a higher rate limit, no? How much?
Since I have 8 of them, I am happy to test out some scenarioâs for you. Lmk.
The 15 second polling interval doesnât make much sense as the Sensibo devices call home only every 90 seconds according to the support. Will need to do some testing on this, but polling all devices every 15 seconds will hit the API rate limits quite quickly.
So if there is an external update for example with the original remote. There could be an delay up to 90 seconds anyway.
Could you describe your use case for 15 second interval?
Found it, this relates to having to change the http client library to support gzip results.
Will look into this. Somehow HTTP PUT doesnât act correctly.
Hard to think of now. I used to have tons of flows with Sensiboâs, but scaled that back.
I see remote control actions very quickly reflected in Homey (after 2-3 sec).
Will set each one to 90 sec and then see. When it comes up I will let you know.
New update (Test: 1.18.6)
Changes include
- FIX: Failing flow action cards that use HTTP PUT.
- FIX: Cleanup Axios methods for Sensibo API calls.
- FIX: Improved API error reporting to the user
- FIX: isTimerEnabled after switch to Axios broke it.
To test this version, please install from above test version link.
If you do not want to test this version anymore, you can return to the live version by installing it from the app store.
@Rrrr , please test the test version for the flow cards. I donât have the Sensibo Plus features so canât verify.
Many thanks!
Test version:
Climate react on - is passing but effects no change to the climate react
Set timer - failing with error 400
Happy to share with you my API key to test.
(I am not sure what my premium status is within Sensibo. As one of their test users I received some goodies, but I am not paying for Premium). I have contact with their CEO/founder from time to time so I could ask when really needed.
Please test with 1.18.5.
- Climate React looks like now changing
- Pure Boost gives error 403, meaning you donât have that available
- Timer can be created and deleted.
On the timer:
This feature (delete/create timer) does not work nicely with the 90 sec delay in de API: updates are shown 60-90 sec later (in de Sensibo mobile app) which is very late and can be confusing.
Even when I set the Sensibo device in Homey back to 15s polling, it does not seem to help. So I guess it confirms the 90s polling in the Sensibo API
Another issue with this timer card, when there is no timer, gives âResponse not definedâ for both tests:
Fixed in 1.18.6, please test.
Perfect, thanks!
Is there a way you can push this faster?
The update is immediate to Sensibo API when you change the timer by a flow card. So this is a limitation by the Sensibo mobile app, and itâs internal updating interval.
Would be nice, if there was in the Sensibo API an option to register a webhook for updates coming from Sensibo API to the client application. This would remove the need for polling.
@OH2TH I sent a message to Sensibo support on both points (with a link to this thread) and received an answer within 10 minutesâŚ
Thank you for reaching out and providing valuable feedback regarding your experience with the Sensibo API. We understand that the delay in reflecting changes in the mobile app can be concerning, and we appreciate you bringing this to our attention.
Regarding the suggestion for a webhook feature in the Sensibo API, weâre always looking for ways to enhance our services and make them more efficient for our users. Feedback like yours is crucial for our ongoing product development. I will ensure your suggestion is passed along to our product development team for consideration.
We cannot guarantee if or when this feature might be implemented, but your input is incredibly valuable as we plan future updates and improvements.
If you have any more suggestions or need further assistance, please donât hesitate to reach out.
Hi @OH2TH and the Homey community,
I just recently purchased the Homey Pro (early 2023) and installed the Sensibo app to control my two Sensibo Sky devices with external room sensors. I noticed, just like a few others have pointed out in this thread, that room sensors are not yet supported for controlling my AC/heat pumps (i.e. using them as primary sensors like you do in the Sensibo iOS app), only for showing sensor data.
Are there any plans to add support for setting room sensors as primary sensor in the Sensibo Homey app? I couldnât find an open feature request in GitHub. The external sensors are the very reason I purchased my Sensibo devices in the first place, so Iâve currently removed my Sensibos from the Homey app, controlling them via Sensiboâs app instead (which prevents me from controlling them based on spot price, for example).
Thank you in advance!
Hello, what communication standard is used by the Sensibo app?
- Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth
- Matter
- Z-Wave
- Zigbee
- Thread
This Sensibo app uses the Sensibo Cloud API. Sensibo does not have local API.
@OH2TH Are there any plans to add support for setting room sensors as primary sensor in the Sensibo Homey app?
Not at this time, the pairing of room sensor and to an A/C can be done in the Seonsibo Mobile app. And you can still use the room sensor for flows with Homey.
How come there are no such plans? Just to be clear, in the Sensibo app, I have set the room sensor as primary sensor for Sensibo. However, after connecting my Sensibo setup to Homey, I decided to disconnect it again after a fre days, because the heat/AC controls stopped working satisfactory when connected to Homey (since the Sky device became the primary sensor as opposed to the Air/room sensor). Earlier, when controlling the Sensibos either via the Sensibo app or Tibber (which integrated with Homey), controlling heating and AC worked perfectly; currently, I find myself in need to control the Sensibos manually using the Sensibo app, which was not my imagined target state when purchasing the Homey Pro.
Again, this is supported in Home Assistant - perhaps that code base can be used for inspiration?