My S5maxV is working fine so I don’t think the statement “app no longer works” statement is quite accurate.
The developer has responded last time in march this year so might not be abandoned app yet.
Didn’t find the source code on the github, but maybe you can contact the developer if you are interested in taking over the development of the app or ask for the source to be available openly?
Interesting given myself and several others haven’t been able to get the current app to work using the methods outlined - all with the same error and similar issue.
Perhaps your Roborock is old or not updated with current firmware - or are we all failing to use the correct token and IP address? There is really not much else to it !?!?!?
But yes, with access to the source code I could run the app locally and see the log output that would potentially help me understand what’s failing
Yeah, my roborock is about 3-4 years old but is holding the latest software. Hard to say what’s the problem with adding the device, haven’t tried to add the device again myself. And too afraid to try given the problems there might be.
Sorry I can’t stand this ‘princess’ attitude, or approach if you will. It’s just rude.
This is why devs quit. Exactly this.
MG, what a load of assumptions here, you’re dramaqueening, without any respect to the developer, who is just a person like you and I.
Latest update by Justin was April 1st:
Have you DM-ed Justin, to see if he’s okay?
Why do you consider an app abandoned, when the developer’s last update was just 3.5 months ago ?
How do you know the dev can’t be bothered? Did he contact you in person? You master telepathy?
Why should he ack the app isn’t maintained. You make things up.
Why do you think you have the authority to tell him to push the app open source?
Pretty arrogant, sorry.
So you requested to transfer the app and Justin said no? What happened with ‘ask first, complain later’?
Community app devs have no obligation to do anything, even you can’t change that. That’s just how this system works.
I’m a dev with several apps under my belt. I wouldn’t quit or get upset because of that. Sounds like the “princess” attitude would be someone who gets afraid of a few words said, but hey, you call it how you see it I guess.
Because after many posts to say it ain’t working, he hasn’t responded to a single post. Last app update was 11 Dec 2023 and so that’s now 6 months since any refresh of code. You make your own mind up, but that looks pretty abandonded to me. If you don’t agree, then feel free (as you have) to post what you think looks alive and well supported.
Well, its a community offered app with no warranty or support, and my guess the app itself uses plenty of code from the open source community. Making it open source would a) allow other people to fix any bugs, test and re-release code that works and b) avoid this problem where the app is no longer potentially working and requires effort to either replace completely or becomes a stale app that is potentially frustrating new users to the Homey ecosystem thinking there is good and healthy support for Roborock vaccums (when there isn’t).
What’s wrong with releasing the source code in the first place on GitHub? What’s the motivation in keeping it closed? Why even do that? What is possibly hoped to be achieved by keeping the code closed and unavailable when its published in a community like this?
I’m not calling out anyone as rude, arrogant, a princess, a dramaqueen, or a telepathic - but hey, I’m also not making personal attacks like others do
What method did you follow to get the token? perhaps there are idiosyncrasies about the method you use and/or the iOS / Android app you use that makes the token retrieval method flawed.
What method did you follow to get the token? perhaps there are idiosyncrasies about the method you use and/or the iOS / Android app you use that makes the token retrieval method flawed.
I initially installed and operated the Roborock using the Roborock app (iOS). Then I realized that I needed to switch to the Xiaomi app to obtain the token. So, I registered the vacuum cleaner in the Xiaomi app (iOS). Now, I can only control it through that app, but thankfully, the room plan was preserved.
Following this guide ([HOW TO] Get started with Roborock vacuums in Homey), I downloaded and started this application (Releases · Maxmudjon/Get_MiHome_devices_token · GitHub), and entered my login details from the Xiaomi app. I selected Germany as the server since I live in Germany. I got my tokens on the first try, both for the Roborock and my Mi Hub, which is also registered in this account. I then entered the fixed IP and the token into the Homey app, and the connection worked immediately… Just as described. I had concerns that this would be a huge hassle, but it was quite the opposite. It went very smoothly.
Since HA has proved that the authentication can be simplified and automated, even for Roborock App users, can we get it working on Homey? All you have to do is enter your email and then the confirmation code you get.
I would be happy to donate to cover the development costs to get this app updated
I’ve successfully added my Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra to Homey, and can start cleaning etc.
However, I can’t get the flow “When Rooms have changed” to send a push with the room-numbers. When I test the flow, I get a push with three simulated numbers - but when I change a room, it doesn’t work. I haver tried restarting the app.
Anybody else had this problem, and have a solution?
Dumb question: Did you save the flow? It happenes sometimes to me that I’m creating and testing a flow and I’m wondering why it doesn’t work until I realize that I did not save the flow…
I also just bought the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra that also supports remote camera viewing which is only supported via the Roborock app. I hope that native support (so not via HA) will be coming for the Roborock app since this is the only way going forward with the newer Roborock devices and the only app suggested when installing the new devices. @Justin I have read all the threads and do understand that you say it is a matter of choices, but I hope you can reconsider that and create native support for the Roborock app for this Homey app?
First of all, to all of the people above that would like to piss on the app itself and me maintaining it; like somebody else mentioned, this is exactly why I do not come here and maintain it
I own a pro 2023 and two bridges, my whole house is automated and both my S7 (lower floor) as my S8 (upper floor) work perfectly with the app since the last update.
If you wish to complain about compatibility and ease of use, go complain to Athom. They’re the one that sold you a product that does not has the options that they scream they have, or half there. I’m not a Athom developer and I do certainly not get paid for building anything. Last update gave me 20 euros (thanks for the donaters though).
Further I will no longer reply to any of this crap. If you’re all developers; develop your own app and use it privately. Problem solved. The app is currently in use on 10.000 Homeys (source: Homey Developer tools), apparently it works fine.
Good, that said… There is a bug in changing fan speed. It makes the “PLING” but the speed does not change.
For all the people with newer models than the app says it supports; the entrance to Xiaomi is always the same. Soo, better said, using “S7” for your Q will work just fine. The only thing changing with choosing the “right device” are some options such as water useage. The flows are changed accordingly to the devices options.
I will make updates in the future adding the other devices as well, for the “beauty” of the app, but it’s not a showstopper for now.
I registered a while ago. Still need some content for that. If there’s somebody that has spare time for writing a manual that we can upload to this website; yes please. Feel free to.
@Jamie I am not a developer myself and just learned that you can’t use the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra with the Roborock app. Did you finally got your S8 Ultra and did you started to develop a Homey app that support the IOS Roborock app?
I own the S8, not the MaxV, and it works just fine. As mentioned above; have you tries choosing S8 in the models list and just add it with the token? This should work just fine.
I just got of the line with Roborock support, and they say that the Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra can only be added to the Roborock app, and that there are no plans yet to add support for this newer device to the Mi Home app. I don’t want to loose all the maps and configuration just trying to switch to the Mi Home app, so unfortunately I am stuck to the Roborock app for now and unable to connect it to Homey then.
I also ended up with the S8 (not MaxV), which you can use the MI app for, I am very certain that there is no way to create a community app for the Roborock app and new devices. Sorry. I would suggest putting in a request with Athom to build an offical app, they have had some luck with aqara etc.
An offical Roborock app would be a good addition. @Doekse